0 of 10 words learned
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the correct answer is ZZZZ
Type the answer in pinyin. Use 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to type the tone. Type v for ü. (example: lánsè = lan2se4)
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Vocabulary Review
In this exercise you will review the following words:
- die Milch :: the milk
- etwas genießen :: to enjoy something
- die Variante :: the version
- etwas mischen :: to mix something / to blend something
- das Gramm :: the gram
- das Ei :: the egg
- die Prise :: the pinch (of salt, etc.)
- anschließend :: then / afterwards
- ursprünglich :: originally
- das Backpulver :: the baking powder
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- Multiple Choice: German » English
- Multiple Choice: English » German
- Type Answer: German