Scores are updated daily at midnight America/New York time.
Fill in the Blank Masters
Play the Yabla fill-in-the-blank game to make the list
1 bigdave3124 1,600 points
2 ed397 1,366 points
3 Misu2009 946 points
4 Rutger211 596 points
5 mjkoziol 570 points
6 Raibeart 476 points
7 oli1973 432 points
8 Charles Peterson 390 points
9 Gianluca 388 points
10 Magda75 377 points
1 bigdave3124 7,800 points
2 ed397 5,361 points
3 Misu2009 3,108 points
4 Raibeart 2,504 points
5 Charles Peterson 1,850 points
6 oli1973 1,496 points
7 Rutger211 1,362 points
8 bobbyp 1,116 points
9 mjkoziol 1,040 points
10 Gianluca 770 points
1 bigdave3124 23,300 points
2 ed397 14,973 points
3 larsonec 10,780 points
4 Raibeart 7,335 points
5 Misu2009 5,618 points
6 Charles Peterson 5,336 points
7 oli1973 4,068 points
8 Rutger211 3,798 points
9 bobbyp 3,330 points
10 betsyadams 2,690 points
1 wyfrank 2,235,873 points
2 bigdave3124 1,401,092 points
3 aroamal5 797,273 points
4 Charles Peterson 745,647 points
5 weaver89 693,591 points
6 Gianluca 471,139 points
7 edmcrun 332,837 points
8 lbaete 304,034 points
9 Rutger211 288,126 points
10 jrkibby 196,761 points
Top Scribes
Earn stars in the Scribe game and make the list
1 ed397 351 stars
2 bigdave3124 282 stars
3 mjkoziol 155 stars
4 bodeguita 113 stars
5 chuckchin 108 stars
6 wyfrank 63 stars
7 flippy12 48 stars
8 kalmapuudeli 48 stars
9 NigelUnwin 46 stars
10 Xavier.g 44 stars
1 ed397 1,613 stars
2 bigdave3124 1,276 stars
3 kalmapuudeli 868 stars
4 chuckchin 559 stars
5 Caner 352 stars
6 mjkoziol 335 stars
7 wyfrank 249 stars
8 larabee 237 stars
9 NigelUnwin 219 stars
10 Raibeart 203 stars
1 ed397 3,657 stars
2 bigdave3124 3,453 stars
3 kalmapuudeli 3,232 stars
4 chuckchin 2,087 stars
5 larsonec 1,182 stars
6 Caner 820 stars
7 NigelUnwin 613 stars
8 wyfrank 607 stars
9 Bobwaterhouse56 532 stars
10 betsyadams 416 stars
1 bigdave3124 97,419 stars
2 edmcrun 80,270 stars
3 wyfrank 42,563 stars
4 jrkibby 35,059 stars
5 bodeguita 15,866 stars
6 roysm 14,111 stars
7 mikescottthomson 12,033 stars
8 alerick 10,702 stars
9 matt67549 10,419 stars
10 AoinD 9,768 stars
Multiple Choice Pros
Play the Yabla multiple choice game.
1 ed397 335 points
2 Charles Peterson 200 points
3 mjkoziol 119 points
4 Gianluca 119 points
5 Lambert1 100 points
6 edmcrun 78 points
7 Luisella65 55 points
8 Raibeart 40 points
9 bobbyp 40 points
10 Boillat 39 points
1 ed397 1,751 points
2 Charles Peterson 894 points
3 roysm 268 points
4 Raibeart 254 points
5 bobbyp 239 points
6 mjkoziol 238 points
7 Gianluca 238 points
8 Misu2009 225 points
9 Reverend Ruth 195 points
10 Soreya 179 points
1 ed397 4,274 points
2 Charles Peterson 2,426 points
3 larsonec 2,378 points
4 Gianluca 914 points
5 oli1973 865 points
6 Raibeart 747 points
7 bobbyp 706 points
8 Reverend Ruth 703 points
9 Misu2009 431 points
10 EduardoLanderos_1973 411 points
1 Charles Peterson 83,418 points
2 Gianluca 54,378 points
3 JohanRoa4 43,341 points
4 jrkibby 34,081 points
5 oli1973 30,113 points
6 phein 27,121 points
7 roysm 24,368 points
8 deepgreen 20,252 points
9 tradand 17,508 points
10 eska1982 16,468 points
Vocabulary Champs
Complete the vocabulary reviews and see your name below
1 bigdave3124 240 words
2 Starfire 136 words
3 ed397 124 words
4 Misu2009 110 words
5 GAitken 96 words
6 tomfxf 87 words
7 turekg 68 words
8 Rutger211 58 words
9 mjkoziol 57 words
10 Charles Peterson 47 words
1 ed397 807 words
2 bigdave3124 670 words
3 GAitken 503 words
4 Misu2009 450 words
5 Charles Peterson 217 words
6 KatKlm 188 words
7 pjwatson 145 words
8 majidjoon 144 words
9 Starfire 136 words
10 Rutger211 132 words
1 bigdave3124 2,080 words
2 ed397 1,999 words
3 larsonec 1,156 words
4 GAitken 864 words
5 Misu2009 850 words
6 betsyadams 662 words
7 Charles Peterson 615 words
8 Toreman123 450 words
9 pjwatson 391 words
10 Rutger211 353 words
1 gafengla 70,955 words
2 bigdave3124 52,343 words
3 dar9906 47,712 words
4 Gianluca 34,412 words
5 JohanRoa4 32,170 words
6 edmcrun 23,397 words
7 Charles Peterson 22,559 words
8 Rutger211 20,932 words
9 akulkarni1234 18,627 words
10 pjwatson 16,644 words
Comprehension Champions
Test your comprehension and make the list
1 ed397 490 Points
2 mjkoziol 210 Points
3 Rutger211 150 Points
4 Xavier.g 80 Points
5 Misu2009 80 Points
6 karlbaker 80 Points
7 Raibeart 50 Points
8 bodeguita 50 Points
9 mikescottthomson 40 Points
10 Charles Peterson 40 Points
1 ed397 1,890 Points
2 kalmapuudeli 1,120 Points
3 mjkoziol 500 Points
4 Rutger211 410 Points
5 Xavier.g 380 Points
6 Charles Peterson 280 Points
7 Raibeart 280 Points
8 Misu2009 220 Points
9 karlbaker 210 Points
10 Josemanza 150 Points
1 kalmapuudeli 5,200 Points
2 ed397 4,380 Points
3 larsonec 1,430 Points
4 Rutger211 1,140 Points
5 Xavier.g 990 Points
6 karlbaker 950 Points
7 Charles Peterson 630 Points
8 Misu2009 530 Points
9 mjkoziol 500 Points
10 Raibeart 490 Points
1 Xavier.g 43,300 Points
2 jrkibby 24,450 Points
3 karlbaker 15,440 Points
4 mikescottthomson 12,160 Points
5 ghaemmaghami19 11,870 Points
6 bodeguita 11,460 Points
7 Hoareau 10,050 Points
8 kalmapuudeli 9,980 Points
9 matt67549 9,440 Points
10 ricardo_s.a. 8,020 Points
Recall Top Scorers
Play Recall and make the list
1 ed397 478 Points
2 bigdave3124 148 Points
3 chuckchin 99 Points
4 Raibeart 44 Points
5 NigelUnwin 38 Points
6 flippy12 29 Points
7 Bobwaterhouse56 23 Points
8 shivanipatel 18 Points
9 alister 13 Points
10 Gracchus 9 Points
1 ed397 1,603 Points
2 kalmapuudeli 568 Points
3 bodeguita 533 Points
4 bigdave3124 495 Points
5 chuckchin 408 Points
6 NigelUnwin 195 Points
7 Raibeart 157 Points
8 mikescottthomson 144 Points
9 flippy12 106 Points
10 Bobwaterhouse56 92 Points
1 kalmapuudeli 4,965 Points
2 ed397 3,270 Points
3 bigdave3124 1,510 Points
4 chuckchin 1,458 Points
5 bodeguita 1,184 Points
6 larsonec 1,083 Points
7 NigelUnwin 542 Points
8 Bobwaterhouse56 414 Points
9 mikescottthomson 325 Points
10 shivanipatel 290 Points
1 bodeguita 13,942 Points
2 bigdave3124 11,172 Points
3 kalmapuudeli 8,101 Points
4 ed397 7,295 Points
5 mikescottthomson 6,629 Points
6 Gianluca 5,415 Points
7 matt67549 5,313 Points
8 Beberle 2,958 Points
9 chuckchin 1,972 Points
10 roysm 1,657 Points
Speak Top Scorers (Beta)
Play Speak and make the list
1 bigdave3124 216 Stars
2 shivanipatel 63 Stars
3 chuckchin 51 Stars
4 KatKlm 42 Stars
5 ed397 39 Stars
6 NigelUnwin 36 Stars
7 Raibeart 30 Stars
8 Misu2009 20 Stars
9 roysm 9 Stars
10 valhs 6 Stars
1 bigdave3124 1,020 Stars
2 chuckchin 476 Stars
3 ed397 300 Stars
4 KatKlm 219 Stars
5 NigelUnwin 189 Stars
6 shivanipatel 138 Stars
7 Raibeart 108 Stars
8 Josemanza 75 Stars
9 kikijenny 51 Stars
10 roysm 42 Stars
1 bigdave3124 2,442 Stars
2 chuckchin 1,158 Stars
3 NigelUnwin 522 Stars
4 ed397 363 Stars
5 shivanipatel 304 Stars
6 Raibeart 297 Stars
7 KatKlm 222 Stars
8 KateSunrise 177 Stars
9 pfahrni 171 Stars
10 kamiros09 122 Stars
1 bigdave3124 9,832 Stars
2 NigelUnwin 1,560 Stars
3 chuckchin 1,441 Stars
4 TriciaLynn 1,016 Stars
5 pedernielsen 798 Stars
6 kamiros09 745 Stars
7 bodeguita 537 Stars
8 ting_jiang 446 Stars
9 Josemanza 410 Stars
10 ed397 366 Stars
Best All-Around
Experience Points (XP) awarded for all activities. (details)
General Score System
Fill in the Blank Point
1 XP
Multiple Choice Point
2 XP
Vocabulary Word
15 XP
Scribe Star
50 XP
Recall Star
25 XP
Speak Star
50 XP
15 XP
Longest Streak Day
150 XP
Your Score Details
Fill in the Blank Point
Multiple Choice Point
Vocabulary Word
Scribe Star
Recall Star
Speak Star
Longest Streak Day
Total Points
1 ed397 43,746 XP
2 bigdave3124 34,850 XP
3 mjkoziol 13,163 XP
4 chuckchin 10,425 XP
5 Raibeart 7,576 XP
6 bodeguita 7,355 XP
7 Misu2009 6,018 XP
8 NigelUnwin 5,050 XP
9 shivanipatel 4,950 XP
10 Xavier.g 4,450 XP
1 ed397 189,543 XP
2 bigdave3124 150,275 XP
3 kalmapuudeli 74,400 XP
4 chuckchin 62,550 XP
5 Raibeart 32,702 XP
6 mjkoziol 27,951 XP
7 NigelUnwin 25,275 XP
8 bodeguita 21,333 XP
9 Misu2009 19,308 XP
10 Caner 17,600 XP
1 ed397 415,456 XP
2 bigdave3124 393,900 XP
3 kalmapuudeli 363,725 XP
4 chuckchin 200,432 XP
5 larsonec 140,501 XP
6 NigelUnwin 70,300 XP
7 Raibeart 61,074 XP
8 shivanipatel 44,047 XP
9 Caner 41,000 XP
10 Xavier.g 39,650 XP
1 bigdave3124 7,928,877 XP
2 edmcrun 4,713,012 XP
3 wyfrank 4,399,704 XP
4 jrkibby 2,641,843 XP
5 Gianluca 1,797,900 XP
6 bodeguita 1,483,139 XP
7 mikescottthomson 1,402,986 XP
8 Charles Peterson 1,346,243 XP
9 aroamal5 1,092,799 XP
10 roysm 1,079,805 XP
Don't break the chain current streak
Watch a video every day!
1 mikescottthomson 2,071 days
2 ed397 222 days
3 oli1973 185 days
4 Xavier.g 61 days
5 bigdave3124 41 days
6 Raibeart 30 days
7 gibs4 7 days
8 kedz 7 days
9 alister 6 days
10 bodeguita 5 days
Don't break the chain all time
Seinfeld's recipe for success.
1 mikescottthomson 2,071 days
2 Gianluca 1,338 days
3 michael d. riley 644 days
4 eagle 628 days
5 jrkibby 568 days
6 oli1973 522 days
7 lbaete 407 days
8 bigdave3124 381 days
9 Xavier.g 349 days
10 Leslaz 284 days
* Scores are updated daily at midnight America/New York time.