The usual German words for "flag" are die Fahne or die Flagge, and they're used in a number of idiomatic expressions, some of which parallel those in English.
Wir mussten die Flagge streichen.
We had to strike the flag.
The phrase die Flagge streichen can be used in the literal sense of striking or taking down a flag, but is more often used figuratively to mean "to give up," as in "We had to give up." Note that the verb streichen also means "to paint," but that won't be the case here!
Lass uns doch lieber von der Fahne gehen.
But let's rather go from the flag.
That is a literal translation, but von der Fahne gehen is usually used figuratively to mean "to give up" in the sense of leaving a project, or cause, or organization.
Sie stemmten das eiserne Stadttor auf und schwenkten eine weiße Flagge.
They pried open the iron city gate and waved a white flag.
Caption 48, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Weiber von Weinsberg
Play Caption
This too is a literal translation, as the story is about an army surrendering, but as in English, "to wave a white flag" is also often used figuratively to mean "to give up."
Wir haben unsere Fahnen nach dem Wind gedreht.
We have changed according to the circumstances.
Literally translated, this would read "We've turned our flags to the wind," but is used figuratively to mean that one has followed popular opinion or adapted according to the circumstances. It's similar to the English expression "whichever way the wind blows" or "to see which way the wind is blowing." As in English, the phrase can also be used as a negative critique of somebody being opportunistic.
One of the more common idiomatic uses of die Fahne can sound very strange to English speakers:
Buah, hat er 'ne Fahne [Umgangssprache]? -Und wie! Cognac? -Feine Thunfischstückchen.
Ew, does he have a flag [slang, bad breath]? -And how! Cognac? -Fine little pieces of tuna fish.
Captions 52-53, Küss mich, Frosch - Frosch oder Mensch?
Play Caption
Du hast ja eine tierische Fahne [umgangssprachlich].
You have a beastly flag [slang, stench of alcohol].
Ich fress' doch schon die ganze Zeit Pfefferminz.
I've been devouring peppermints the whole time.
Captions 14-15, Pastewka - Cantz fährt betrunken Auto
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You've probably gathered that they aren't literally talking about "having a flag." The phrase eine Fahne haben means "to have bad breath" and is usually associated with the smell of alcohol. The question Hast du eine Fahne? is a way of asking somebody if they've been drinking alcohol.
Further Learning
Look up the words die Flagge and die Fahne on Yabla German to see them used both literally and figuratively in a real-world context.
There are several words in German that convey the essential meaning of "however," even if they are not always translated as such. The primary words to look out for are allerdings, jedoch, and hingegen.
Dirk Nowitzki weiß allerdings, wo seine Wurzeln liegen.
Dirk Nowitzki knows, however, where his roots lie.
Caption 24, Basketball-Superstar - Dirk Nowitzki im Kino
Play Caption
Allerdings scheiterte sein Fluchtversuch.
However, his attempt to flee failed.
Caption 7, 25 Jahre Mauerfall - Radtour durch die Geschichte
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Das Wahrzeichen ist jedoch das mit feuervergoldeten Kupferschindeln gedeckte Goldene Dachl.
The landmark, however, is the Goldenes Dachl [Golden Roof] covered with fire-gilded copper tiles.
Caption 31, 48 h in Innsbruck - Sehenswürdigkeiten & Tipps
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Der Eintrittspreis ist jedoch der alte geblieben.
The entry fee, however, stayed the same.
Caption 17, Autokino - Gravenbruch
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An anderen Orten und in anderen Ländern wird hingegen das Vieh geehrt.
In other places and countries, however, the cattle are honored.
Caption 21, Cettina erklärt - Pfingsten
Play Caption
Der Bilderrahmen hingegen ist quadratisch, weil alle vier Seiten gleich lang sind.
The picture frame, however, is square, because all four sides are equally long.
Captions 40-41, Eva zeigt uns - Formen
Play Caption
You may also see any of the words above translated as "at the same time," "on the other hand," or simply as "but." Similarly, aber and doch are occasionally translated as "however." Dennoch (translated as "nonetheless," "nevertheless," "however") and wiederum ("in turn," "on the other hand," "however") are two more words that have a similar function.
Further Learning
Pay attention to the various ways in which these words are translated on Yabla German and especially to the position of the word in the English sentence in comparison with the original German, as it may not be the same.
It's quite easy to get the similar-looking werden, wurden and würden confused, so we're taking a look today at the differences between them and the different contexts in which they are used.
To start with, wurden and würden are different grammatical moods of the verb werden.
Heute in unserer ersten Lektion werden wir die Buchstaben des deutschen Alphabets lernen.
Today in our first lesson, we will learn the letters of the German alphabet.
Caption 2, Deutsch mit Donna Blitz - Das Alphabet
Play Caption
Es soll bis über zwanzig Grad warm werden.
It should get warm, up to more than twenty degrees.
Caption 16, München - 180. Oktoberfest eröffnet
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Schön, du musst mich nur küssen und dann werde ich eine wunderschöne Prinzessin.
Fine, you only have to kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful princess.
Caption 11, CHoE Rocker - Hunde-Prinzessin
Play Caption
Die Tage werden immer kürzer und immer kälter.
The days steadily become shorter and colder.
Caption 9, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten
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Oh, es wird sehr schwierig werden, meinen Titel zu verteidigen.
Oh, it is going to be very difficult to defend my title.
Caption 23, Wintersport - 7. Austrian Freeski Open
Play Caption
As you can see, werden can be used in a wide variety of contexts and can be translated variously as "will," "get," "will turn into," and "become." The last example uses the future tense of the verb, wird werden, which is translated as "going to be."
In contrast, wurden is the Indikativ mood (similar to the indicative or realis mood in English) of werden. This just means that the verb is used to express a known state of affairs.
Sie flohen aus dem Königreich und wurden nie wieder gesehen.
They fled from the kingdom and were never seen again.
Caption 85, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Das tapfere Schneiderlein
Play Caption
Here, wurden gesehen is the passive voice of the German Präteritum, as is common with the combination of werden and a past participle.
Wahrscheinlich wurden sie im hohen Norden auf dem Eis für die Jagd verwendet.
They were probably used for hunting on the ice in the far north.
Caption 17, Unterwegs mit Cettina - Schlittschuhlaufen
Play Caption
Thus, wurden is usually translated as "were," but it is also sometimes used in the same sense that the present tense werden is sometimes translated as "become." The sentence Aus Bauern wurden Arbeiter could be translated as "Farmers became workers," which has a very different verb structure but a similar meaning in the end.
Ähm, was würden Sie denn als ihre Stärken und Schwächen, ähm, beschreiben?
Um, what would you then, um, describe as your strengths and weaknesses?
Caption 34, Eva erklärt - Bewerbungen
Play Caption
Genau. -Würden Sie uns vielleicht 'n bisschen Ihren Stand vorstellen?
Exactly. -Would you maybe present your stand to us a little bit?
Caption 47, Unterwegs mit Cettina - auf dem Bruchsaler Weihnachtsmarkt
Play Caption
Thus, würden is in most contexts translated to English as "would."
Further Learning
Watch the Yabla video about the verb werden, which goes into detail about the verb's conjugation, moods, and tenses, and go to Yabla German and see many other examples of werden, wurden, and würden used in a wide variety of contexts.
This lesson is the second part of a series about the noun der Kopf used in idiomatic contexts. Be sure and read Part I if you missed it, but to reiterate the title topic:
Er war von Kopf bis Fuß grün angezogen und klopfte gerade seine Schuhe aus.
He was dressed in green from head to foot [idiom: completely] and was just knocking out his shoes.
Caption 23, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Ein Topf voll Gold
Play Caption
Sah er stattlich und wohlhabend aus und von Kopf bis Fuß wie ein echter Marquis.
Then he appeared stately and wealthy and from head to foot [idiom: head to toe] like a real Marquis.
Captions 62-63, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Der gestiefelte Kater
Play Caption
Es schüttet [Umgangssprache, regnet] wie aus Eimern Klitschnass von Kopf bis Fuß
It's raining buckets Drenched from head to foot [head to toe]
Captions 16-17, Die Toten Hosen - Unter den Wolken
Play Caption
The standard translation of von Kopf bis Fuß is thus the English idiom "from head to toe," meaning "completely." But what does it mean if somebody is said to have some kind of substance in their head other than brains?
Also, man muss auch einen Pfeil im Kopf haben, um so was zu essen.
Well, you must also have an arrow [rocks] in your head to eat something like that.
Captions 52-54, Currywurst - Berlins schärfstes Stück
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Einen Pfeil im Kopf haben is similar to the English expression "to have rocks in your head," meaning you are either stupid or there is something seriously wrong with you. Similar meaning is found in the expressions Sägemehl im Kopf haben, Stroh im Kopf haben, and Sülze im Kopf haben, meaning respectively to have sawdust, straw, or jellied meat in your head.
However, the phrase Motten im Kopf haben ("to have moths in your head") means to have crazy or unconventional (but not necessarily just stupid) ideas, and Rosinen im Kopf haben ("to have raisins in your head") means to be thinking overly idealistically, something like "seeing the world through rose-colored glasses."
Ich hab einen dicken Kopf, ich muss einen Saft haben
I have a thick head, I have to drink some juice
Caption 32, Peter Fox - Schwarz zu Blau
Play Caption
Einen dicken Kopf haben means to be congested, or to have a headache or a hangover. Either way it's not very nice, so let's go out today with an easy one!
„Stadtgeflüster“ trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf.
"City Whisperings" hits the nail on the head.
Caption 26, Frankfurt - Der Friedberger Platz
Play Caption
Nice to know that some idioms are the same in English and German!
Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and see many other examples of der Kopf used in a wide variety of contexts.
One thing you may have quickly noticed when you began learning German is that all German nouns are capitalized. In English, it is only proper nouns that begin with a capital letter, with the exception of common nouns that are the very first word in a sentence. In German, nouns are always capitalized, regardless of gender, case, or position in the sentence.
Let’s take a look. In the following sentence, notice how the first word of each sentence and the proper noun "Munich" are capitalized in both languages. In German, however, the nouns die Bahn, die Stunden, and eine Verbindung also begin with a capital letter.
Aber auch die Bahn bietet alle zwei Stunden eine Verbindung von München an.
But also the train offers a connection from Munich every two hours.
Caption 22, 48 h in Innsbruck - Sehenswürdigkeiten & Tipps
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Capitalization can be especially helpful with verbs that often moonlight as nouns, such as das Schwimmen, das Tanzen, das Gehen, or das Schreiben. They are easy to identify as such because they then begin with a capital letter.
„Hm, das soll Wandern sein?“, wunderte sich Piggeldy. „So laufen wir doch jeden Tag umher.“
"Hm, this is supposed to be hiking?" Piggeldy asked. "We walk around like this every day, after all."
Captions 11-12, Piggeldy und Frederick - Das Wandern
Play Caption
Note in this next sentence that jemanden and der are not capitalized. Unlike nouns, pronouns do not begin with a capital letter (das is capitalized, of course, because it is the first word in the sentence). Both nouns in eine Tasse Kaffee are capitalized, however, as is die Lobby.
Das ist wirklich genauso, äh, für jemand [jemanden], der vielleicht nur mal auf eine Tasse Kaffee bei uns in der schönen Lobby sitzen möchte...
It's really precisely the same, uh, for each person who, perhaps, would just like to sit for a cup of coffee with us in the beautiful lobby...
Captions 16-17, Berlin - Hotel Adlon feiert 15 Jahre Neueröffnung
Play Caption
Die Lobby brings us to another point. In the next sentence, even though das Team is a noun adopted from English, it is capitalized in German.
Das Team bereitet sich auf den gemeinsamen Tauchgang vor.
The team prepares for the joint dive.
Caption 50, Abenteuer Nordsee - Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
Play Caption
Further Learning
So when did die Großschreibung develop? As early as the 14th century, capitalized nouns can be found in religious texts, but it wasn't officially implemented until the 17th century. For advanced learners, here is a text about it in German. Otherwise, you can choose any video on Yabla German and pay special attention to the nouns and their capitalization while you watch it.
In the classic 1930 film Der blaue Engel (The Blue Angel) by director Josef von Sternberg, the young actress Marlene Dietrich sings a song by Friedrich Hollaender with the lyrics:
Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt
Denn das ist meine Welt und sonst gar nichts
This is a good example of the noun der Kopf used in an idiomatic context. Many of the idioms using der Kopf in German are identical — or nearly so — to similar sayings in English.
Die Königin gab sich größte Mühe, ihn zu trösten: „Kopf hoch!“
The Queen did her best to comfort him: "Head up [Chin up]!"
Captions 33-34, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse
Play Caption
In English it's common to say "hold your head up" to help comfort somebody, a British English equivalent being "chin up."
Hiroshi Kajimoto hat den traditionellen Aufbau des Schirms nun auf den Kopf gestellt.
Hiroshi Kajimoto has now turned the traditional construction of the umbrella on its head.
Captions 6-7, Erfindung aus Japan - Der verkehrte Regenschirm
Play Caption
Thus the figurative meaning of "turning something on its head" is similar in German.
Ich habe doch Augen im Kopf!
I have indeed got eyes in my head!
Caption 60, Alexander Hauff - Showreel
Play Caption
Most of us, of course, have eyes in our head, but the figurative meaning here is the same as in English: "I can see that" or "I'm not blind."
But there are some idioms using der Kopf that would sound very odd indeed if translated literally to English:
Ach, mach dir keinen Kopf [Umgangssprache], Lothar.
Oh, don't make yourself a head [slang, don't worry], Lothar.
Caption 36, Großstadtrevier - Neben der Spur
Play Caption
This is similar to the predominantly British English expression "don't bother your head."
... weil da jeder Spieler schon seinen eigenen Kopf hat.
...because there every player already has their own ideas [literally: head].
Caption 31, Eishockey - Erich Kühnhackl
Play Caption
While it's obvious that — short of some terrible disaster — everyone "has their own head," it's used here in a context similar to "headstrong" or "willful."
Further Learning
Watch Marlene sing the song "Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt" in this video clip from the original 1930 film, then see if you can accurately translate the lyrics quoted at the start of this lesson. You can also go to Yabla German and find some more examples of der Kopf used in other contexts.
Since we devoted one lesson to expressions of frustration, let's look at how enthusiasm is expressed in German as well and take a look at some positive adjectives.
„Ich muss sagen: überwältigend!“ -„Ausgezeichnet! Ausgezeichnet, finde ich!“
"I must say, overwhelming!" -"Brilliant! Brilliant, I think!"
Caption 54, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Des Kaisers neue Kleider
Play Caption
Ausgezeichnet is also the participle of the verb auszeichnen, which means to award or distinguish.
Mit dem Architekturpreis Green Building wurden in Frankfurt kürzlich acht Gebäude ausgezeichnet.
Eight buildings in Frankfurt were recently awarded the Green Building architecture prize.
Caption 1, Umweltbewusstes Wohnen - Architekturpreis Green Building
Play Caption
Many of these adjectives don't have a fixed translation ("outstanding," "awesome"), but are instead best translated with the positive adjective that fits in the context.
Es ist wirklich großartig, von Ihnen zu hören.
It is really great to hear from you.
Caption 20, Berufsleben - das Vorstellungsgespräch
Play Caption
Das ist natürlich auch toll, wenn man 'ne gemeinsame Sache hat.
Of course, it's also great when you have something in common.
Caption 8, 2raumwohnung - Liebe mit Musik am Laufen halten
Play Caption
Das klingt hervorragend.
That sounds amazing.
Caption 42, Berufsleben - Probleme mit Mitarbeitern
Play Caption
Of course, the adjectives super, fantastisch, and exzellent will sound quite familiar to anyone who speaks English. Also easy to recognize is the adjective wunderbar:
Und da ist dann der Balkon. -Ah, mit Balkon, wunderbar.
And there then is the balcony. -Ah, with a balcony, wonderful.
Caption 43, Fine - sucht eine Wohnung
Play Caption
Another adjective you may come across, especially with younger Germans, is geil. Yes, this does indeed also have a meaning that is not appropriate in most conversations! But it is a common, albeit slang, term for "awesome" or "fantastic" as well.
Und wie war's? -Geil, wie immer. -Was speziell?
And how was it? -Awesome, as always. -What especially?
Caption 10, Abenteuer und Sport - Fallschirmspringen
Play Caption
Further Learning
All of these adjectives and more can be found on Yabla German. Pay attention to adjective declension any time they precede a noun.
In a previous Yabla lesson, we discussed the differences between the verbs anheben and aufheben. These separable verbs also look very similar and have meanings related to the base verb heben, which is usually translated as "to lift," or "to raise," and is the Germanic root of the English verb "to heave."
The verb abheben is usually heard in the context of taking out money from a bank machine or bank account:
Dann erhält man so eine Geldkarte beziehungsweise eine Bankkarte.
Then you receive a debit card or respectively a bank card.
Mit dieser kann man Geld abheben.
With this, you can withdraw money.
Captions 25-26, Eva erklärt - Bankkonten
Play Caption
Na, wahrscheinlich haben Sie Ihren Kreditrahmen überzogen.
Well, you have probably exceeded your credit limit.
-Ja, zu viel abgehoben.
-Yes, withdrew too much.
Captions 32-33, Weihnachtsfilm - Ein Sack voll Geld
Play Caption
But abheben is also sometimes heard in the context of an airplane taking off or a rocket launching:
Und dann heben wir schon ab.
And then we take off already.
Caption 43, Ultraleicht-Flieger - Der Gyrocopter
Play Caption
Völlig abgehoben, keine Schwerkraft mehr
Completely lifted off, no more gravity
Caption 17, Helene Fischer - Achterbahn
Play Caption
On the other hand, hochheben is used in quite different contexts:
Wenn jeder den Deckel hochhebt, dann verdampft doch alles.
If every person lifts the lid, then everything will evaporate, after all.
Caption 33, Marga Engel schlägt zurück - Die neue Köchin
Play Caption
Die Frau hob das schwere Paket mit einer Hand hoch.
The woman lifted up the heavy package with one hand.
Friedrich hob die Arme hoch.
Friedrich raised up his arms.
Both meanings of abheben are very common, as abheben is both a transitive verb (etwas abheben, which requires an object, usually meaning "to withdraw money") and an intransitive verb ("to take off," which does not allow for an object). Then there is the transitive verb hochheben, which means "to lift or raise something up."
Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and see the two verbs used in different contexts, and go to the Duden dictionary to read the full definitions of abheben and hochheben, noting the ways that the verbs can be conjugated.
Let's make sure we are all on the same page! If you are taking a German class in addition to your work on Yabla, these are some very important vocabulary words for referring to your textbook, or books and texts in general.
First of all, you need the German word for "the page":
Wir öffnen unser Buch, Seite vierzig.
We'll open our book, page forty.
Caption 1, Deutschkurs in Tübingen - Verben der 2. Kategorie
Play Caption
You will often want to refer to a particular paragraph, which can also be done using ordinal numbers rather than cardinal numbers.
Gemäß Artikel dreiundsechzig Absatz zwei des Grundgesetzes für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
According to article sixty-three, paragraph two of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany,
habe ich heute Frau Abgeordnete Doktor Angela Merkel zur Bundeskanzlerin ernannt.
today I have named parliamentarian Dr. Angela Merkel as Federal Chancellor.
Captions 6-7, Bundesregierung - Vereidigung der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel
Play Caption
The word der Satz in German is a little tricky because it can mean either "sentence" or "clause" depending on the context. Take a look:
„Scribe“ ist das schwierigste Spiel, denn du musst den ganzen Satz selbst schreiben.
"Scribe" is the most difficult game, because you have to write the whole sentence yourself.
Caption 41, German Intro - Cettina
Play Caption
Zweiter Satz: „Sie ist größer als Stefanie."
Second clause: "She is taller than Stefanie."
Caption 19, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Der Relativsatz
Play Caption
The word for a letter of the alphabet is der Buchstabe, hence the verb buchstabieren ("to spell"). Ein Zeichen is a character, which could be a letter, number, or even a space (das Leerzeichen). You may recognize this word as it also means "a sign" or "a symbol."
Das scharfe S oder Eszett ist ein Buchstabe, der ausschließlich in der deutschen Sprache vorkommt.
The sharp S or eszett is a letter that occurs exclusively in the German language.
Caption 22, Deutsch mit Donna Blitz - Das Alphabet
Play Caption
Further Learning
Make sure you are also familiar with die Zeile ("the line"), das Kapitel ("the chapter"), der Band ("the volume"), die Strophe ("the stanza"), and der Abschnitt ("the section", "the paragraph").
Ordinal numbers ("first," "second," "third") differ from cardinal numbers ("one," "two," "three") in that they establish order or rank. Forming the ordinal numbers is luckily relatively easy in German. Generally, you will either add -te or -ste on the end, and make sure you have the correct declension.
For numbers below twenty, you simply add -te (zwei — zweite) with the exception of the following ordinal numbers: eins, drei, sieben, and acht.
Die erste Station seines Besuches im September ist Berlin.
The first stop of his visit in September is Berlin.
Caption 2, Der Papst - Hier wohnt der Papst
Play Caption
Die Nashville-LP „Could Have Been Mine“ [sic, „Could've Been Mine“] ist die dritte Platte der Band.
The Nashville LP "Could Have Been Mine" [sic, "Could've Been Mine"] is the band's third disc.
Caption 43, Ann Doka & Band - New Country aus dem Rhein-Main-Gebiet
Play Caption
Beim Bauern gibt es noch eine weitere Sonderregel,
With pawns there is yet another special rule,
und zwar: Wenn der Bauer von der siebten auf die achte Linie vorrückt.
and that is: if the pawn advances from the seventh to the eighth line.
Captions 56-57, Schach - mit Jenny - Part 1
Play Caption
In this last example, you can see the declension based on grammatical case (dative — note the "n"— and then accusative) at work. It follows the same patterns that adjectives do. Note that you may also see "seventh" translated as siebente (in this case it would be siebenten) rather than siebte.
Starting with the cardinal number zwanzig ("twenty"), -ste is added to create the ordinal number.
Man sagt zum Beispiel:
We say, for example:
„der erste Januar“ oder „der vierundzwanzigste Dezember“
"the first of January" or the "twenty-fourth of December"
oder „der dreißigste Februar“, den es nicht gibt.
or "the thirtieth of February," which doesn't exist.
Captions 12-15, Zahlen mit Diane - Ordinalzahlen, Vielfache und Bruchzahlen
Play Caption
Zu seinem einhundertfünfundneunzigsten Geburtstag
For his one hundred ninety-fifth birthday,
hat der Philosoph seine Geburtsstadt Trier erobert.
the philosopher has conquered his birth city of Trier.
Captions 3-4, „Mini-Marxe“ - In Trier
Play Caption
It is important to note that, just as "first," "thirteenth," and "twenty-third" would often be abbreviated as "1st," "13th," and "23rd" in English, a period may be used in German to denote ordinal numbers, particularly with dates. The example above would read:
Man sagt zum Beispiel: „der 1. Januar“ oder „der 24. Dezember“ oder „der 30. Februar“, den es nicht gibt.
Further Learning
Take a look at this chart and watch Diane's video in its entirety to get a great overview of this topic. For more on adjective declension, refer to this page.
In the English language, many people confuse the words "jealous" and "envious." This occurs in German as well, which can make it even harder to distinguish between the words eifersüchtig and neidisch and know when to use which one.
"Jealousy" occurs when the underlying emotion is a fear that someone will take away something that you have. This means that die Eifersucht often occurs in situations involving three people, like in the sentence below:
Was? Nee, nee, das war nur mein Kollege.
What? No, no, that was just my colleaugue.
Nein, das ist kein Grund, eifersüchtig zu sein.
No, it's no reason to be jealous.
Captions 49-50, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern
Play Caption
Zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben verspürte sie Stiche von Wut und Eifersucht.
For the first time in her life, she felt stings of anger and jealousy.
Caption 61, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Büchse der Pandora
Play Caption
"Envious" is simply wanting what someone else has or gets to do. In German, there is the noun der Neid, the adjective neidisch, and also the verb jemanden beneiden.
Wütend und neidisch zugleich
Angry and envious at the same time,
stampfte er auf dem Berg der Götter umher.
he stomped around on the Mountain of the Gods.
Caption 14, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Büchse der Pandora
Play Caption
Reinhold Leinberger, den ich heiß darum beneide,
Reinhold Leinberger, whom I envy very much because of it,
der durfte nämlich mit Ihnen fliegen.
was actually permitted to fly with you.
Caption 20, Ultraleicht-Flieger - Der Gyrocopter
Play Caption
Further Learning
Can you find a video on Yabla German in which eifersüchtig is used, but the speaker actually means neidisch?
The separable verbs anheben and aufheben look very similar and have meanings related to the base verb heben, which is usually translated as "to lift," or "to raise," and is the Germanic root of the English verb "to heave."
Let's first take a look at anheben:
Heb einfach den Riegel an und komm herein!
Simply lift the latch and come inside!Caption 48, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Rotkäppchen und der Wolf
Play Caption
Die Hüfte hebt der Springer an,
The jumper lifts his hips
indem er die Hacken Richtung eigenes Kreuz drückt.
by pressing his heels toward his own lower back.
Captions 29-30, Olympische Spiele - Hochsprung
Play Caption
Dazu hebst du ein Ski-Ende an und versetzt es auf die Seite.
For this, you'll lift the back of the ski and shift it to the side.Caption 14, Skifahren lernen - Erste Vorübungen im flachen Gelände
Play Caption
Dieses Bein anheben. Ah, ja, genau.
Lift that leg. Oh, yes, exactly.Caption 17, TEDx - Lebenslange Fitness
Play Caption
Anheben is used when you want something to be lifted just a little or for a short amount of time, such as asking somebody to lift up the sofa so you can vacuum under it.
Let's contrast that now with aufheben:
Oma, kann ich die Münze aufheben?
Grandma, can I pick up the coin?Caption 4, Ivana erzählt Witze - Fritzle und die Oma
Play Caption
Fritzle, heb mich auf.
Little Fritz, pick me up.Caption 14, Ivana erzählt Witze - Fritzle und die Oma
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Aufheben is usually translated as "to pick up" but can also mean "to save" in the sense of aufbewahren. It is also used in an idiomatic expression that can be useful:
Ich hebe es mir für einen anderen Tag auf.
I'll save it for another day.Caption 12, Hausputz - mit Eva
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Further Learning
In a forthcoming lesson we'll explore the differences between abheben and hochheben, yet more variations of the root verb heben. Das hebe ich mir aber für einen späteren Newsletter auf!
This week, let's look at ways that disbelief and frustration are expressed in German. Some of the expressions below are similar to English expressions, while others have a much harsher meaning than their literal translations. Take a look!
Das kann nicht sein (literally "that cannot be") can be used to express disbelief. More accurate translations in this case would be "No way!" or "That's not possible."
Aber das kann nicht sein. Wo ist Yara?
But that's not possible. Where is Yara?
Caption 14, Nicos Weg - Folge 44: Vorm Fahrradladen
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In English, we also express disbelief with "You can't be serious." This has a few different translations in German that we have covered in a previous newsletter.
Das meinst du nicht im Ernst.
You can't be serious.
Caption 17, Mama arbeitet wieder - Kapitel 2: Kompromisse zu finden ist nicht einfach
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The phrase Das gibt's doch gar nicht may literally translate as "that doesn't exist," but it has a similar meaning to Das kann nicht sein. Germans may use this and the expressions above when something both surprises and upsets them.
Was ist das denn? Das gibt's doch gar nicht.
What is that then? That just can't be.
Caption 27, Fußball - Prominente beim Benefizspiel
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The phrase Was soll das? is an expression that has a meaning similar to "What's the meaning of this?"
Was soll das? Du störst uns, Pettersson.
What's the meaning of this? You are bothering us, Pettersson.
Caption 15, Pettersson und Findus - Eine Geburtstagstorte für die Katze - Part 1
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Now on to expressions of annoyance. Jemanden ärgern can be translated as "to annoy someone," as can jemanden nerven. In the sentence below with the adjectives ärgerlich and bescheuert, the words ja and doch are used for emphasis.
Allerdings nervt es mich auch, dass ich die Einzige bin, die für das Essen bezahlt.
However, it also annoys me that I'm the only one who pays for the food.
Caption 34, Die Wohngemeinschaft - Probleme
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Das ist ja wirklich ärgerlich!
This is really aggravating!
Caption 6, Pettersson und Findus - Eine Geburtstagstorte für die Katze - Part 3
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Ach, ist doch bescheuert.
Oh, that's stupid.
Caption 63, Die Pfefferkörner - Eigentor
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Further Learning
Search for more examples of these phrases on Yabla German so that you can hear the right intonation.
This past week, temperatures in Germany rose to 102° F / 39° C, even in Berlin and the northern Bundesländer. For a place where air conditioning is the exception rather than the norm, this is extreme!
In German, the noun for "heat" or "hot temperatures" is die Hitze.
Ich mag zwar Wärme, aber keine Hitze.
I like the warmth indeed, but not the heat.
Caption 38, Jenny - Reiseziele
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Die Hitze war so groß,
The heat was so great
dass schon bald die Farben seiner Soldatenuniform verblassten.
that the colors of his soldier's uniform soon faded.
Captions 79-80, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Der standhafte Zinnsoldat
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Die Mischung aus Staub und Sonnenstrahlen
The mixture of dust and sunbeams
ließ das gleißende Licht entstehen,
gave rise to the glistening light,
das die tödliche Hitze im Film so glaubhaft macht.
that makes the deadly heat in the film so believable.
Captions 28-30, Hell - Science-Fiction-Kinotipp
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Just as we say "heat wave" in English, Germany combines die Hitze and die Welle into a compound noun:
Eine Hitzewelle rollt an.
A heatwave is coming through.
Caption 6, Unterwegs mit Cettina - Sommer am Baggersee
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Sometimes when a heat wave is too intense and no air conditioning is available (which is the case in many offices and classrooms), cancellations may even occur. There is a special phrase in German for getting the day off due to a heat wave: hitzefrei haben.
Die Müllmänner ham [haben] hitzefrei
The garbage men have time off due to the heat
Caption 4, Culcha Candela - Sommer im Kiez
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Further Learning
Search for more examples of the word die Hitze on Yabla German and see our past newsletter on summer living. You can also read a short text in German about the Berlin government's stance on school cancellations here.
The German verbs zwingen and erzwingen look very similar (especially in the past tense as gezwungen and erzwungen) and have similar meanings, but there are some fine points in distinguishing their proper usage. Let's take a look first at some examples of zwingen:
Na ja, es wird sicher kein Problem sein,
Well, it will certainly not be a problem
den Internetbetreiber zu zwingen, den Film zu löschen.
to compel the internet provider to delete the movie.
Captions 6-7, Die Pfefferkörner - Gerüchteküche
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Und wir waren gezwungen, einige Kürzungen vorzunehmen.
And we were forced to make some cuts.
Caption 14, Berufsleben - Probleme mit Mitarbeitern
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Es ist aber auch keine Mutter jemals gezwungen worden
There, indeed, has never been a mother [who was] forced
im Fortuna-Kreißsaal zu entbinden.
to deliver in the Fortuna delivery room.
Captions 34-35, Fortuna Düsseldorf - Kreißsaal für Fußballfans
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Thus, the verb zwingen refers to the person or company etc. that is being forced or compelled to do something.
The verb erzwingen is also usually translated as "to force" or "to compel," as well as "to enforce," but with erzwingen it is not about who is being forced, but what is actually being enforced, be it a situation, arrangement, or law etc.
Er hat die Entscheidung erzwungen.
He forced the decision.
Sie erzwingt ein Versprechen.
She is forcing a promise to be made.
An easy way to remember the difference between the two verbs is that zwingen is always about who is being forced or compelled to do something, and erzwingen is always about what is being forced, compelled, or enforced upon somebody:
Die Regierung wurde gezwungen, die neuen Gesetze zu erzwingen.
The government was compelled to enforce the new laws.
Further Learning
Search for more examples of zwingen in its various conjugations on Yabla German and try writing some sentences on your own using both verbs.
Have you ever noticed that the adverb persönlich in German has three possible translations in English? Let's take a look.
As you would expect, it can mean "personally":
Mir ist es persönlich 'ne Herzensangelegenheit.
For me personally, it's a matter that's near and dear to my heart.
Caption 12, Berlin - Hotel Adlon feiert 15 Jahre Neueröffnung
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Sometimes it has more or less this meaning, but is better translated as "he himself" or "she herself":
Nein, er hat tatsächlich auf meinem, äh, Telefonapparat angerufen. -Persönlich?
No, he actually called me on my, uh, telephone. -Himself?
Caption 6, 3nach9 - Ehrlich Brothers - Show-Magier - Part 1
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Reisen, vielleicht sogar mit Niki Lauda persönlich als Piloten [sic, Pilot]
Traveling, perhaps even with Niki Lauda himself as pilot
– ab Frankfurt ist das möglich, dreimal täglich, morgens, mittags und abends.
— it's possible from Frankfurt three times a day, in the morning, at midday and in the evening.
Captions 58-59, Fluglinien - Niki Air
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You may also sometimes see the word höchstpersönlich, which can be used to emphasize that a task or appearance won't be delegated to another person.
However, persönlich can also mean "in person":
War ja... Wir haben... wir haben ihn zum ersten Mal auch persönlich kennenlernen dürfen.
It was indeed... We were... we were also allowed to meet him in person for the first time.
Caption 32, 3nach9 - Ehrlich Brothers - Show-Magier - Part 2
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Das kann man entweder persönlich tun in einer Filiale oder online.
You can do that either in person at a branch or online.
Caption 14, Eva erklärt - Bankkonten
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One thing to remember: persönlich does not mean "personable"! This would be sympathisch or freundlich.
Further Learning
Search for more examples on Yabla German and try out a few sentences of your own in which you use persönlich to talk about your personal experiences, preferences, and opinions, or to talk about something you will do yourself or in person.
There are a couple of different verbs that translate as "to open" in German, in particular the two above, which can cause some confusion. When do we use eröffnen and when do we use öffnen?
Consider this: The verb eröffnen can be translated not only as "to open," but also as "to institute,” "to establish," “to inaugurate,” or even "to commence" or "to disclose." You will see eröffnen used in connection with non-physical entities, or anything that could also be described using these other translations, such as a museum or a shop. The reading of a person's will in German is die Testamentseröffnung, and as you see in the third sentence below, the verb eröffnen is even used to describe congressional proceedings.
Zweitausendsechs hat das Museum eröffnet,
The museum opened in two thousand six,
inzwischen stehen hier mehr als hundertfünfzig Flipper.
meanwhile there are more than one hundred fifty pinball machines here.
Captions 6-7, Flipperautomaten - Kunstwerke für flinke Kugeln
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Hallo, ja, guten Tag. Ich möchte gern ein Bankkonto eröffnen.
Hello, yes, good day. I would like to open a bank account.
Caption 12, Eva erklärt - Bankkonten
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Sobald Sie Platz genommen haben, würde ich gerne die unterbrochene Sitzung wieder eröffnen.
As soon as you've taken your seats, I would like to re-open the suspended session.
Captions 1-2, Bundesregierung - Vereidigung der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel
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The verb öffnen, on the other hand, is used with objects, such as a door, a letter, a bottle, or an umbrella. In everyday spoken German, öffnen is often replaced with aufmachen.
Wann wurde die Mauer in Berlin für alle geöffnet?
When was the wall in Berlin opened for all?
Caption 36, Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Einbürgerungstest
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Die Polizei sagt, er solle seinen Kofferraum aufmachen.
The police [officer] says he should open his trunk.
Caption 4, Sabine erzählt Witze - Die Pinguine
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Further Learning
Browse through the many instances of eröffnen, öffnen, and aufmachen that can be found on Yabla German to get more clarity on which verb is used when. You can search not only for the infinitive, but also the conjugated verbs and the participles eröffnet, geöffnet, and aufgemacht.
The verb schätzen has two different meanings, and the only way to know which you are looking at is to examine the context.
In the lyrics of the first example below, the verb schätzen means "to value," or "to treasure." As you can see, in some cases the translation "to appreciate" is more appropriate. The noun der Schatz refers to a treasured object, and it can also be used as a term of endearment, similar to "dear," "darling," or "treasure" in English.
Ich schätze Wegbegleiter, auch wenn alles seine Zeit hat.
I treasure companions, even if everything happens in its own time.
Caption 22, Mark Forster - Sowieso
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Das wird vor allem von den jüngeren Gästen geschätzt.
This is especially appreciated by the younger guests.
Caption 41, Reiseland Deutschland - Vielfalt im Herzen Europas
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Als es Frühling wurde, erklärte der Bär, er müsse jetzt gehen, um seine Schätze zu hüten.
When it was spring, the Bear explained that he had to go now to tend to his treasures.
Caption 29, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
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Nacht, Papa. -Nacht, mein Schatz.
Night, Papa. -Night, my treasure.
Caption 43, Die Pfefferkörner - Gerüchteküche
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However, the other meaning of schätzen, which is equally common, is "to guess" or "to estimate."
Ich schätze mal, dass wir dann nächstes Jahr irgendwann ernsthaft anfangen.
I estimate then that we'll seriously start sometime next year.
Caption 67, Madsen - auf dem Hessentag
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Was schätzt du denn? -Ich schätze neununddreißig.
What do you guess then? -I guess thirty-nine.
Captions 10-11, rheinmain Szene - Unheilig - „Der Graf“
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Man schätzt, dass Schlittschuhe schon seit dreitausend Jahren verwendet werden.
It is estimated that ice skates have been used for over three thousand years.
Caption 15, Unterwegs mit Cettina - Schlittschuhlaufen
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Further Learning
There are many examples of this verb used in both contexts on Yabla German. See if you can use it one way or another (or both!) in the next conversation you have in German, or at your next German class.