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Pages: 15 of 16 
─ Videos: 145-154 of 159 Totaling 6 hours 24 minutes

Nackenverspannungen - Entspannungstipps für den Büroalltag

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Stiff necks and sore backs - many office workers know all about them! In this clip, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine in Dortmund provides some helpful tips for relaxing during one's daily routine. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Unter fremden Fittichen - Uhu-Mama zieht Hühnerküken auf

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


“Floh”, a female eagle owl, is a proud mother. Oddly enough, however not of baby eagle owls, but rather of baby chickens! She sat on the chicken eggs for 21 days in her hutch in Saarburg’s Greifvogel Park [birds of prey]. When the little ones hatched, she accepted them as her own. Viel Spaß!
Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Papst Franziskus - Der neue Papst hat viel zu tun

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Pope Fransiscus: The New Pope Has a Lot to Do. That's putting it lightly! Here's a brief overview of the new pope's first weeks in office as the new church leader. In this informative report from Rome, you'll see that a very busy schedule awaits the Catholic Church's 266th pontiff. Copyright dpa

Papst Benedikt - Suche nach einem neuen Kirchoberhaupt View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Following the sudden resignation of Benedict XVI, the search for a new pope is dominating the conversation in the corridors of the Vatican. Precisely how a new pope is selected is explained in this informative video.
"Copyright DPA"

Winterreifen - Wenn der erste Schnee naht

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


The rush is on at the nearest tire service station as soon as the first snow falls! Besides being able to avoid those long waiting lines, there are other important reasons for having those winter tires mounted early. Check it out for your own safety! Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Rheinmain im Blick - Occupy Frankfurt View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany Hessian

The worldwide Occupy Movement doesn't halt in Frankfurt either. Angry citizens take to the streets to protest against short selling, derivative and options trading.

Frauenfußball-WM - Der Bundespräsident am Ball

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


It is the sporting event of the year: five years after the summer fairytale, Germany is again hosting a soccer world championship tournament — this time the women's. The anticipation is rising, with fans and Federal President Christian Wulff full of expectations.
Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Christina Aguilera - geht auf Talentsuche

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Singer Christina Aguilera has joined the judging panel of America’s next TV talent show The Voice. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Atomkraft - Streit um AKW-Laufzeiten

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


Just before the Bundestag vote over longer running times of nuclear power plants, Greenpeace activists have occupied the roof of the CDU headquarters in Berlin. They hung up a ten-meter-long banner. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Finanzkrise - Die Lehman-Pleite

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


On the second anniversary of the Lehman crash, the people are taking to the streets again to claim their lost money.

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