Janoschs Traumstunde is a German animated children's television series based on the works of German artist and children's book author Janosch. Similar to the beloved characters of Winnie-the-Poo, the animals that inhabit Janosch's world learn from each other, go on adventures together, and demonstrate the meaning of friendship.
Difficulty: Beginner
The little tiger isn’t feeling well at all! Although it's unclear what his injuries are, the little bear bandages him from head to toe and then makes him something good to eat.
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
The little tiger is lovingly cared for by the little bear — but sometimes he feels better, and sometimes he feels worse! The next day, the little bear takes the little tiger to the hospital for animals. On the way there, many other animals join them.
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
Once at the hospital for animals, the little tiger is taken to Room Number 5, where he meets the boastful fox. Doctor Brausefrosch then X-rays the little tiger and finds out what’s been making him feel unwell!
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
The operation was a success, and the little tiger is ready to come home. The little bear is going to cook him his favorite dish – or rather, the dish he can cook best!
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