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More verbs with stehen

Following last week's lesson about non-separable verbs that contain stehen as a root, we'll now look at separable verbs. 


Whether you're getting out of bed in the morning, or getting up from the couch, aufstehen is an essential verb you'll need. 


Früh aufstehen oder spät ins Bett gehen?

Getting up early or going to bed late?

Caption 2, 1Live: Nina Chuba im 1LIVE Fragenhagel

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The separable verb anstehen has two meanings: "to stand in line" or "to queue," and "to be pending." 


Beim Trampolin gibt es eine ganz schön lange Schlange zum Anstehen.

At the trampoline there is quite a long line that you have to stand in.

Caption 16, Das Fest: Open-Air in Karlsruhe

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Dann steht in der Ballsporthalle die Revanche gegen Ulm an.

Then revenge against Ulm is on the agenda in the sports hall.

Caption 60, Deutsche Bank Skyliners: Basketball-Bundesliga

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The verb dahinterstehen means "to stand behind" and can also be used in a non-physical sense. 


Wirken soll es wie der pure Zufall, dahinter steht allerdings ein ausgeklügelter Plan.

It's supposed to seem like pure coincidence, but behind it is a cleverly thought-out plan.

Captions 11-12, O du fröhliche: Flashmob in der Straßenbahn

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The verb feststehen means "to be certain."


Mein Entschluss steht fest: Ich kündige.

My decision is clear: I'm quitting.

Caption 41, Deutsch mit Eylin: Verben und Nomen mit demselben Wortstamm

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The verb stehenbleiben is a bit irregular because it is composed of two verbs. It generally translates to "stop," "stand still," or "remain standing."


Also, möchtest du das Video anhalten, drücke „Pause“, und das Video bleibt stehen.

So, if you would like to stop the video, press "Pause" and the video will stop.

Caption 13, German: Intro Cettina

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Halt, stehenbleiben! -Polizei!

Stop, freeze! -Police!

Caption 24, Die Pfefferkörner: Das Wunderkind

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Further Learning
Write out a few sentences to practice conjugating these verbs. You can find them on Yabla German.

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