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Stundenlang, tagelang, and Related Words 

The German terms stundenlangmonatelangtagelangwochenlang, and jahrelang are used to express durations of time in a descriptive manner. 


Stundenlang translates to "for hours" or even "for hours on end," indicating an extended period spent on an activity and often emphasizing the intensity or monotony of the experience. This word can either be used as an adverb or as an adjective, in which case it needs to be altered to reflect the noun that follows. 


Stundenlang ritt er umher, um den Weg nach Hause zu finden.

For hours, he rode around searching for the way home.

Caption 19, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Hans mein Igel

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Und ich hätte wirklich stundenlang dir zuhören können.

And I really could have listened to you for hours.

Caption 42, The Voice of Germany: Isabel Nolte singt „Als ich fortging“

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Zurzeit muss man entweder eine stundenlange Zugfahrt in Kauf nehmen oder man fliegt.

Currently, you either have to put up with an hours-long train ride, or you fly.

Captions 22-23, DW-Nachrichten: Der Traum vom Hyperloop

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The word tagelang highlights a continuous action or state over several days, and is also often used in narratives to depict persistence or exhaustion.


Tagelang fuhren sie bergauf, bergab über die holprigen Straßen.

For days, they rode uphill, downhill over the bumpy roads.

Caption 44, Märchen - Sagenhaft: König Drosselbart

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Ich könnte tagelang von dir erzählen.

I could talk about you for days.

Caption 16, Xavier Naidoo Ich kenne nichts (das so schön ist wie du)

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The word wochenlang is also used as an adverb of time or an adjective that describes something that lasts weeks.


Das "Face" ist wochenlang beobachtet und perfekt gecheckt worden.

The face has been studied and checked perfectly for weeks.

Caption 15, Wintersport: Engadin Snow 2009

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Man kann auch von Menschen, die wochenlang unterwegs waren, die Deutschland als ihr Ziel ausgeben, etwas Geduld erwarten.

You can also expect, from people who were traveling for weeks, who identify Germany as their goal, some patience.

Captions 10-11, rheinmaintv: De Maizière führt Gespräch über potenzielle Sicherheitsgefahr

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In these last two examples, you can see monatelang used as an adverb and jahrelang used as an adjective:


Du kannst ja jetzt auch nicht monatelang im Prinzip ständig am Limit trainieren, du brauchst auch wieder eine Regeneration und so.

You also can't—for months on end now—be pushing yourself to the limit when training, simply as a matter of principle. You also need a period of regeneration, and so on.

Captions 52-54, Angelique Kerber: Ihre tennisfreie Zeit

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Da ist Technik dabei und die jahrelange Erfahrung und Tricks.

Technical [assistance] is there and the long years of experience and tricks of the trade.

Caption 55, Selbst versucht: Gepäckabfertigung bei Fraport

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Further Learning
You can find more examples of these words used in context on Yabla German. Also, try writing your own sentences.

treffen and sich treffen

Today, we'll look at the distinction between treffen and sich treffen


You may know that the verb treffen means "to meet," but not in the sense of "to make the acquaintance of," which is (sich) kennenlernen. The reflexive verb sich treffen is used when the meet-up is planned, expected, or predictable.


Beim Engadin Snow treffen sich die Weltbesten. 

The world's best meet at the Engadin Snow. 

Caption 13, Wintersport: Engadin Snow 2009

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Anne hat sich mit ihrer Freundin im Café getroffen.

Anne met with her friend at the café.

Caption 15, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Perfekt

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Sie darf sich nicht mit mir treffen!

She's not allowed to meet up with me!

Caption 26, Nicos Weg: Meiner Meinung nach

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The non-reflexive verb treffen is used when the meeting was not planned or expected. It can even be translated as "to run into," or "to see."


Weißt du, wen ich gestern getroffen habe?

Do you know who I ran into yesterday?

Caption 9, Deutsch mit Eylin: Menschen beschreiben

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Ich hab dir grade erzählt, dass ich Tarik getroffen habe

I just told you that I saw Tarik.

Caption 60, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt

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Wir haben jetzt hier auch die Frau von dem Herrn Treiber getroffen.

We've met the wife of Mr. Treiber here now too.

Caption 22, Malerei Benno und Ira Treiber

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Further Learning
There are many more examples to be found on Yabla German, but why not see if you can form some sentences of your own? Think of the last 5 people you have seen and write a sentence that describes meeting them using either treffen or sich treffen.

Nuances of sich freuen

In the spirit of the season, today's newsletter is about expressing joy and happiness with the reflexive verb sich freuen. You may know that the related noun is die Freude, which is the German word for "joy."

For sich freuen, what can get confusing is whether to use the preposition auf or über, and sometimes you don't need either. First, let's take a look at sentences in which a subordinate clause with dass allows the expression of happiness, joy, or contentedness about something that is either happening or has already happened. 


Amy, wir freuen uns total, dass du bei uns bist.

Amy, we're really happy that you're with us.

Caption 68, Cats: Amy singt „Erinnerung“ bei The Voice Kids

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Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir die Eröffnung der Verhandlungen beschließen konnten,

I am very pleased that we were able to decide to begin the negotiations,

Caption 23, Angela Merkel: Gemeinsame Pressekonferenz mit Barack Obama

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This can also happen with the conditional and may involve the conjunction wenn:


Wir würden uns total freuen, wenn ihr beim nächsten Mal zu uns kommt.

We would be very happy if you joined us next time.

Caption 60, SingInKA-Chor: Interview

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Aber ich würde mich auf jeden Fall freuen, sie mal kennenzulernen.

But I would definitely be happy to meet her.

Caption 21, Cassandra Steen: Interview

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Often, however, there is no subordinate clause, and what is happening or has happened is expressed with a noun. In this case, you need the preposition über, which in this case translates to "about." 


Der Tierschutzverein Nied freut sich über jede ernstgemeinte Unterstützung.

The Nied Animal Protection Society is happy about any serious support.

Caption 58, Für Tierfreunde: Tierheim Nied

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Veranstalter Christian Müller freut sich über die hervorragenden Rahmenbedingungen.

Organizer Christian Müller is happy about the outstanding conditions.

Caption 31, Wintersport: Engadin Snow 2009

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With the preposition auf, the meaning of sich freuen changes slightly, because the future is referenced. Therefore, the most common translation of sich auf etwas freuen is "to look forward to something."


Sie freuen sich auf diesen Tag, genauso wie auch ich.

They're looking forward to this day, just like I am, too.

Caption 7, Allessa: Zu Weihnachten wünsch ich mir dich

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Ich freue mich auf deine Nachricht.

I'm looking forward to your message.

Caption 46, Deutsch mit Eylin: Ernährungsformen

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Further Learning
What are you happy about? What are you looking forward to? Construct a few sentences, looking for extra examples on Yabla German if you get stuck.