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Go Green for the Planet!

Germany is one of the most advanced countries in world in terms of environmentally-friendly energy. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced in 2011 that all German nuclear power plants will be closed by 2022 as part of a plan to gain a competitive edge worldwide in renewable energy.


This week's new video, Green-Region-Konferenz zur Nachhaltigkeit, uses a number of energy-related terms (below in bold text) that can give you a good jump start in improving your environmental vocabulary.


Eine Energie-Effizienz-Revolution soll her.

An energy-efficiency revolution should happen.

Caption 6, Rhein-Main-TV - Green-Region-Konferenz zur Nachhaltigkeit

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Um die Klimaschutzziele in Deutschland zu erreichen...

In order to achieve the climate protection targets in Germany...

Caption 22, Rhein-Main-TV - Green-Region-Konferenz zur Nachhaltigkeit

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Rund um Darmstadt bedeutet das vor allem

Around Darmstadt, that means, above all,

den Ausbau der Windkraft

the expansion of wind power

sowie mehr Geothermie-Anlagen und Biomasse-Kraftwerke.

and more geothermal plants and biomass power plants.

Captions 25-26, Rhein-Main-TV - Green-Region-Konferenz zur Nachhaltigkeit

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Further Learning
Watch the complete video above and add any new German terms to your vocabulary learning list. The Urban Climate website of the University of Freiburg has created an extensive German-English glossary of environmental protection terms. See if you can find some of these words used in context in Yabla German videos.


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