The German present perfect tense is mostly used in cases where we would use the simple past tense in English, although sometimes it has the same meaning in both languages. You likely know that it is most often formed with the auxiliary verb haben and the past participle of the main verb:
Und wir haben über die Themen Iran und, äh, auch den Nahen Osten gesprochen.
And we spoke about the topic of Iran and, uh, also the Middle East.
Caption 58, Angela Merkel - Gemeinsame Pressekonferenz mit Barack Obama
Play Caption
However, with many verbs that either express movement or a change of state, a conjugation of sein is used as the auxiliary verb rather than haben.
Für zwei Wochen bin ich durchs Land gereist.
For two weeks, I traveled across the country.
Caption 20, Grete - eine Freiwillige in Israel
Play Caption
Ich bin nach Berlin gekommen, um ein Praktikum zu machen am Theater.
I came to Berlin to do an internship at the theater.
Caption 21, Fine - sucht eine Wohnung
Play Caption
Hier ist auch alles gut, aber da ist etwas Komisches passiert.
Everything is also good here, but something strange has happened.
Caption 44, Das Lügenbüro - Die Bewerbung
Play Caption
Um dreizehn Uhr dreißig:
At one-thirty p.m.,
Die Beatles sind aufgewacht, etwas früher als zu Hause.
the Beatles woke up, somewhat earlier than at home.
Caption 11, Die Beatles - in Deutschland
Play Caption
What is quite tricky is that some verbs can be used with either sein or haben depending on the context, and may take on different meanings. The second sentence below implies that the person didn't just fly in a plane as a passenger, but was at the controls themselves.
Wir sind zum Mond geflogen
We flew to the moon
Caption 2, Christina Stürmer - Seite an Seite
Play Caption
Hat vieles selber gebaut, was er geflogen hat.
He built a lot of that which he flew himself.
Caption 54, Lokalhelden - Mini-Airplane
Play Caption
Further Learning
Learn the definitions and past participles of the following verbs, which also take sein rather than haben in the present perfect: gehen, laufen, einschlafen, rennen, joggen, wandern, klettern, fallen, steigen, fahren, reiten, umziehen, fliehen, gleiten, springen, kriechen, aufstehen, sinken, schleichen, eintreten, schwimmen, rutschen. Once you learn the past participles, search for them on Yabla German to see them used with the auxiliary verb sein in context.
The German imperative mood, or command form, can be very difficult or very easy depending on whom you are addressing. This week, we'll look at some various examples from Yabla German to highlight what you'll need to keep in mind.
For a person or group of people that you would address as Sie, the command form is quite easy. You will simply say the root of the verb with -en added (in most cases this will be identical to the infinitive) followed by Sie:
Nehmen Sie bitte Platz, Frau Sonntag.
Please have a seat, Ms. Sonntag.
Caption 35, Das Lügenbüro - Die Bewerbung
Play Caption
Bitte, seien Sie jetzt ganz still.
Please, be completely silent now.
Caption 60, Magie - Die Zaubershow
Play Caption
For a group of people you would address as ihr, you will simply use the present tense conjugation. The subject ihr, however, is no longer included in the sentence.
Gebt mir die schönen Sätze. Jacob beginnt.
Give me the [your] nice sentences. Jacob will begin.
Caption 20, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Relativsätze mit Präpositionen
Play Caption
The most difficult imperative sentences to form are those for people you would refer to as du, because there are several different patterns they can follow depending on the characteristics of the verb. For weak verbs, the form will be the verb's stem, although an "e" is added to the end with certain consonants. For strong verbs, the imperative will take into account any changes to the root that occur. In any case, du does not usually appear in the sentence.
Atme ganz tief ein
Breathe in very deeply
Caption 43, Christina Stürmer - Wir leben den Moment
Play Caption
Aber schau mal hier.
But look here.
Caption 23, Bubble Beatz - Supertalente vom Schrottplatz
Play Caption
„Vergiss es! Das wird nicht passieren.“
"Forget it! It won't happen."
Caption 74, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Hans mein Igel
Play Caption
Sei ruhig, Findus, ich bin ja noch gar nicht aufgestanden.
Be quiet, Findus, I indeed haven't gotten up yet at all.
Komm, bleib kurz stehen, nimm meine Hand
Come, stand still for a brief moment, take my hand
Caption 5, Michelle - Paris
Play Caption
Further Learning
For more information on the du imperative, look at this website or this website. If you wish to make flashcards, use the second column of the table on this page, which shows the du imperative for a number of common strong verbs.
It has been a somewhat temperamental summer in Germany, but there have certainly already been a number of hot days. Germans flock to rivers, pools, and lakes to swim, not to mention the North Sea and the Baltic Sea! Let's look at the German words for various bodies of water.
Der See ist fast einhundertneunzig Meter tief.
The lake is almost one hundred ninety meters deep.
Caption 5, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten - Part 6
Play Caption
Achtung: Der See means "the lake," but die See means "the sea." Das Meer is also a common word for "the sea."
Fünf kleine Pinguine schwimmen durch das Meer.
Five little penguins are swimming through the sea.
Caption 22, Kinderlieder zum Mitsingen - Fünf Pinguine
Play Caption
Like in English, an ocean differs from a sea:
Mein Goldfisch, der heißt Friedolin und wohnt im Ozean.
My goldfish, he's called Friedolin and lives in the ocean.
Caption 25, Pänke - Friedolin
Play Caption
There are some rivers in Germany that are approved for swimming, but if not you can always go to a swimming pool. In the summer, outdoor pools (Freibäder) are particularly popular.
Der Neckar ist ein Fluss, der durch Tübingen fließt.
The Neckar is a river that flows through Tübingen.
Caption 16, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Der Relativsatz
Play Caption
Das ist quasi so ein offener Bereich mit einem Schwimmbad...
That is, so to speak, an open area with a swimming pool...
Caption 25, Reisen - Dalís Haus
Play Caption
Ponds and streams are not as popular for swimming, but we'll include them for the sake of vocabulary expansion!
Es war der Teich und am Rand stand die violette Blume.
It was the pond and at the edge stood the violet flower.
Caption 51, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Jorinde und Joringel
Play Caption
Bald ist der Bach überschwemmt mit Eiern.
Soon the stream is inundated with eggs.
Caption 25, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten - Part 2
Play Caption
Further Learning
Make sure you have memorized the gender of these vocabulary words. What do you think are the genders of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea? You can also start learning the German names for famous bodies of water. Can you guess what das Mittelmeer and das Rote Meer are? Look them up on Yabla German!
Ich fahr' heut' in Urlaub und zeig' euch, was ich alles mitnehmen werde.
I'm going on vacation today and I'll show you everything that I'm taking with me.
Caption 2, Christiane - fährt in den Urlaub
Play Caption
Did you know that the summer vacation for some federal states in Germany is only beginning now? In many states, it doesn't start until mid-July. This break is called die Sommerferien. This is an exciting time because many people plan their Urlaub. Der Urlaub also means vacation, but implies travel. Look at the last example of this newsletter for clarification on the difference between der Urlaub and die Ferien.
Of course, in order to take a vacation, you have to have time off work. In German, the expression for this is frei haben.
Timo Uetz hat frei und verdient schon sein eigenes Geld.
Timo Uetz is off work and is already earning his own money.
Caption 72, Deutsche Welle - Lieber Ausbildung als Studium
Play Caption
Sobald ich mal frei habe,
As soon as I have a free day
könnten wir vielleicht alle zusammen essen gehen. -OK.
we could all go out to eat together. -OK.
Captions 30-31, Eva erklärt - temporale Konnektoren
Play Caption
Some people don't get time off, and have to make do with taking short breaks at work. The phrase for this is eine Pause machen.
Na gut. Wir können ja 'ne kurze Pause machen.
Well, OK. We can indeed take a short break.
Caption 17, JoNaLu - Ein Tag am Meer
Play Caption
When the evenings are long and the weather is nice, der Feierabend is particularly enjoyable. This word has no direct equivalent in English, but it basically describes the leisure time after the work day is over.
Hast du wieder 'nen Zahnarzttermin?
Do you have another dentist appointment?
-Ich mach' Feierabend.
-I'm stopping work for the day.
Caption 21, Mama arbeitet wieder - Kapitel 3: Papa ist weg
Play Caption
Timo Uetz hat endlich Feierabend.
For Timo Uetz, it's finally the end of the work day.
Caption 60, Deutsche Welle - Lieber Ausbildung als Studium
Play Caption
Further Learning
Make sure you have memorized the gender of der Urlaub and die Ferien, and look for more implementations of the expressions frei haben, Pause machen, Feierabend machen and Feierabend haben on Yabla German.
Zu Beginn der Mahlzeit sagen wir „guten Appetit“.
At the beginning of the meal we say "Enjoy your meal."
Caption 19, Tisch decken - mit Eva
Play Caption
Die Mahlzeit is the German word for "meal." This week, we'll look at the details of the verbs and nouns used to indicate different meals, and a few relevant phrases.
You likely already know the nouns das Frühstück, das Mittagessen, and das Abendessen. Remember that frühstucken as a verb is not separable, whereas the verbs mittagessen and abendessen are.
Jetzt frühstücken wir erst mal.
Now, we'll eat breakfast first.
Und dann essen wir zusammen Mittag.
And then we'll eat lunch together.
Caption 21, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Relativsätze mit Präpositionen
Play Caption
Another important word to know is das Abendbrot, which is used quite often instead of das Abendessen, particularly when describing a light or cold supper:
Nach einer entspannten Fahrt steht das Abendessen an.
After a relaxing ride, dinner is next on the agenda.
Caption 26, Vollmondfahrt - Rhätische Bahn
Play Caption
Er machte ein heißes Feuer im Ofen für den guten Fisch zum Abendbrot.
He made a hot fire in the oven for the good fish for dinner.
Caption 36, Janoschs Traumstunde - Post für den Tiger
Play Caption
The phrase essen gehen is similar to ins Restaurant gehen.
Wird dann auch gemeinsam gekocht oder gehen Sie essen?
Do you then also cook together or go out to eat?
Caption 39, Weihnachtsinterviews - Diane in Karlsruhe
Play Caption
If you are lucky enough to hear the phrase Ich lade dich ein, be happy. It is not just an invitation to go out to eat together, it means that someone wants to pay for your meal!
Ich hab' ihr ja schon hundertmal gesagt,
I told her already a hundred times
sie soll ihn endlich mal zum Eisessen einladen.
she should just invite him to eat an ice cream.
Caption 53, Die Pfefferkörner - Eigentor
Play Caption
Further Learning
Scroll down on these webpages to take a look at these thorough lists of the conjugations of the verbs frühstücken, mittagessen, and abendessen from Duden.
Every language has certain words that are used often in everyday life, to the extent that they may seem to shape the language and the culture. One such word in German, with a myriad of implementations, would have to be the verb schaffen.
The verb schaffen can mean "to do," "to manage," "to achieve," "to cope with," or "to successfully complete something," to "make it" or "make it work."
Oh, aber das schaffst du doch auch alleine!
Oh, but you'll manage it alone after all!
Caption 64, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern
Play Caption
However, it can also mean "to create," "to make," or "to bring something into being."
Es ging eigentlich darum, Wohnraum zu schaffen in der Stadt.
It was actually about, creating living spaces in the city.
Caption 20, Umweltbewusstes Wohnen - Architekturpreis Green Building
Play Caption
There is one thing to watch out for with the verb schaffen, and this is that the two meanings are reflected with two different participles when it is used in the past tense. Here we see the past participle for the first definition:
Juhu, dann haben wir's geschafft!
Yahoo, then we've done it!
Caption 41, Deutschkurs in Tübingen - Weil oder obwohl?
Play Caption
Damit hat man also den ersten Schritt im Bewerbungsverfahren geschafft.
With that, you have succeeded with the first step in the application process.
Caption 42, Eva erklärt - Bewerbungen
Play Caption
Whereas geschafft would refer to something being successfully done or achieved, geschaffen refers to creation:
Hier, mitten im Zentrum von Berlin,
Here, in the center of Berlin,
[gefahren auf einem speziellen Kurs]
[driving on a special course]
haben sich BMX-Fahrer und Mountainbiker ihr Eldorado geschaffen.
BMX riders and mountain bikers have created their El Dorado.
Captions 4-5, Pumptrack - Rad fahren, ohne zu treten
Play Caption
Mit Höckern und Bänken
With stools and benches,
sollen Verschnaufmöglichkeiten für Senioren geschaffen werden.
possibilities [places] for seniors to rest and catch their breath will be created.
Captions 44-45, Bespielbare Stadt - Griesheim
Play Caption
Further Learning
Here is a list of the conjugations of schaffen, including the preterite schaffte and schuf. See which of these conjugations you can find in use on Yabla German!
In English, we talk about events or circumstances having "advantages" or "disadvantages," or the "pros and cons" of a situation. Let's take a look at the vocabulary used to express these qualities in German.
Der Vorteil can be translated as "the advantage" or "the benefit":
Vorteil: Schließt man den Schirm, ist die nasse Seite innen.
Advantage: If you close the umbrella, the wet side is on the inside.
Caption 9, Erfindung aus Japan - Der verkehrte Regenschirm
Play Caption
Der Nachteil can be translated as "the disadvantage" or "the drawback":
Die Musik ist manchmal 'n bisschen zu laut.
The music is sometimes a little too loud.
Das ist der Nachteil.
That's the drawback.
Captions 52-53, Rockfabrik-Open-Air - Love-Street-Interview
Play Caption
Here we can see the plural forms of both of these words:
Das hat viele Vorteile, aber auch Nachteile,
That has many advantages, but also disadvantages,
gesteht der Sänger im Interview.
the singer admits in the interview.
Caption 9, Andreas Bourani - Startet durch
Play Caption
To say that something is "advantageous" or "beneficial," we can use the German adjective vorteilhaft. The opposite of that would be nachteilig or unvorteilhaft. We can also create an adjective by including the word von before the noun:
Und es wär' dann schon von Vorteil zu sagen:
And it would then be advantageous to say:
OK, ich kann die Vorlesung halt eben auch daheim anschauen.
OK, I can also just watch the lecture at home.
Captions 25-26, KIT, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Umfrage: Was bedeutet barrierefrei?
Play Caption
Further Learning
After you've looked at these examples on Yabla German, try to figure out the meaning of these additional phrases and sentences:
beiderseitiger Vorteil
finanzieller Vorteil
erheblicher Nachteil
Es gibt sowohl Vor- als auch Nachteile.
Die Vorteile überwiegen die Nachteile.
When we describe events in the past, we often use temporal adverbs to give a more specific sense of what exact time period we are talking about. Are we talking about events of yesterday or something that happened thirty years ago? In the German language, both the present perfect and the preterite tenses indicate a finished action or state, but more information is often required for clarity's sake.
Generally, when we see in der Vergangenheit ("in the past") we know that it is not a matter of something that occurred in the recent past, but rather a long time ago.
Aus meiner Sicht: Ich fühle mich nicht schuldig für das, was in der Vergangenheit geschehen ist.
From my point of view, I don't feel guilty for that which happened in the past.
Caption 10, Konstantin - ein Freiwilliger in Israel
Play Caption
We can also use damals and früher to indicate that something happened in the past. Both of these temporal adverbs indicate an action or state that has been concluded for a while. They can be translated as "back then" or "previously."
Früher haben hier die amerikanischen Soldaten gewohnt.
Previously, the American soldiers lived here.
Caption 6, Berlin - der alte amerikanische Sektor
Play Caption
Damals schwor ich mir, dass mir das nicht wieder passieren sollte.
Back then I swore that something like that wouldn't happen to me again.
Caption 49, TEDx - Der Supermarkt der Zukunft
Play Caption
Internet? Was ist das? Das kannten wir damals gar nicht.
Internet? What is that? We didn't know that at all back then.
Caption 35, Mittelalterlicher Markt - Mäuseroulette
Play Caption
Sometimes, we want to emphasize that a state was constant or an action was repeated multiple times in the past. For this, we often use the phrase "used to" in English. Below, you can see how the word früher can function in a similar way in various contexts:
Weißt du noch, wie's früher war?
Do you still remember how it used to be?
Caption 8, Christina Stürmer - Wir leben den Moment
Play Caption
Und du tanzt nich' mehr wie früher
And you don't dance like you used to anymore
Caption 4, AnnenMayKantereit - 21, 22, 23
Play Caption
Ich ging früher im Urlaub immer reiten.
I used to always go horseback riding during vacation.
Caption 16, Konjugation - Das Verb „gehen“
Play Caption
Further Learning
You can search for more examples with früher and damals on Yabla German or take a look at this website for a more extensive list of different types of adverbs.
This week, we will look at words for indicating various types of romantic relationships.
First, let’s start off with marriage (die Ehe). Often, a person will refer to their husband simply as mein Mann or their wife as meine Frau. There are, however, more formal terms that you also might hear, in particular der Ehemann / die Ehefrau and der Gatte / die Gattin.
Und so lernte die Prinzessin ihren Ehemann kennen,
And this is how the Princess made her husband's acquaintance,
Caption 35, Märchen - Sagenhaft - König Drosselbart
Play Caption
Herr Blöhmann, helfen Sie Ihrer Gattin gelegentlich?
Mr. Blöhmann, do you occasionally help your spouse?
Caption 55, Loriot - Die Eheberatung
Play Caption
For long-term relationships where the marriage aspect is not necessarily relevant, there are a few words to know as well: der Lebensgefährte / die Lebensgefährtin and der Lebenspartner / die Lebenspartnerin.
Ich bin Corrys Geschäftspartner.
I am Corry's business partner.
-Aha. Und ich bin Corinnas Lebenspartner.
-Uh-huh. And I am Corinna's life partner.
Caption 49, Mama arbeitet wieder - Kapitel 2: Kompromisse zu finden ist nicht einfach
Play Caption
So far, most of the words have had an -in ending for the feminine versions. Note that this is different with der Verlobte ("the fiancé") and die Verlobte ("the fiancée"), as only the article changes. You may remember that this is similar for der Bekannte and die Bekannte ("the acquaintance").
As noted last week, der Freund / die Freundin can either refer to a friend or a girlfriend or boyfriend. It is necessary to notice the context in which the word is being used.
Ich würde mir wünschen, dass ich mit meinem Freund verheiratet wäre.
I hope that my boyfriend and I will be married.
Caption 56, Berufsleben - das Vorstellungsgespräch
Play Caption
Further Learning
If you missed last week's lesson on platonic relationships, you can look at it and other past lessons here. Memorize the vocabulary words from both lessons using flashcards, and practice constructing sentences with those that are most relevant for you.
For the next two lessons, we’ll look at vocabulary for expressing different types of relationships in German. This week, let’s take a look at platonic relationships.
In professional settings, we often hear der Kollege / die Kollegin. This means “the colleague” or “the co-worker.”
Das ist der Kollege,
That is the colleague
der zusammen mit Jannik Sternberg auf dem Gerüst gearbeitet hat.
who was working with Jannik Sternberg on the scaffolding.
Caption 41, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern
Play Caption
For young people who attend school together rather than work together, der Klassenkamerad / die Klassenkameradin is a term that means “classmate.” In university settings, der Kommilitone / die Kommilitonin is a common word for referring to one’s fellow students.
Ich hab' zusammen mit meiner ehemaligen Klassenkameradin
Together with a former classmate of mine, I
einen Abiturientenlehrgang besucht...
visited a high school graduate seminar...
Captions 8-9, Die Klasse - Berlin '61
Play Caption
You may already know that der Bekannte / die Bekannte indicates an acquaintance, whereas der Freund / die Freundin means “friend” or in some cases even “boyfriend”/“girlfriend.” In this case, the context becomes very important.
und dann laden wir viele Bekannte und Freunde ein
and then we invite a lot of acquaintances and friends
Caption 18, Mode - mit Niklas
Play Caption
To indicate a close relationship, enger Freund / enge Freundin (“close friend”) and guter Freund / gute Freundin (“good friend”) may be used. Men might also refer to a close friend as der Kumpel, which is more like “buddy” or “mate.”
Albrecht Mertz von Quirnheim,
Albrecht Mertz von Quirnheim,
ebenfalls Oberst im Bendlerblock,
also a colonel in the Bendlerblock,
ist enger Freund und Mitverschwörer.
is a close friend and co-conspirator.
Captions 4-6, Die Stunde der Offiziere - Dokudrama über den 20. Juli 1944
Play Caption
Dann hat mein Kumpel gesagt:
Then my buddy said:
„Na, vielleicht wollten wir doch abhauen.“
"Well, but perhaps we indeed wanted to take off."
Caption 9, 25 Jahre Mauerfall - Radtour durch die Geschichte
Play Caption
Further Learning
We’ll be back next week with vocabulary for various types of romantic relationships. In the meantime, you can learn the plural versions of these words (masculine and feminine), look for other examples on Yabla German, and practice any of the vocabulary above.
If you take a German class, you likely know the verb bedeuten from the question Was bedeutet X? This can be translated as "What does X mean?" The noun die Bedeutung, often translated as "the meaning," is used in two different contexts that you will come across on Yabla German.
Die Bedeutung often can be translated as "the meaning," as in "the definition."
Versteht ihr die Bedeutung?
Do you understand the meaning?
Caption 74, Deutschkurs in Tübingen - Weil oder obwohl?
Play Caption
Die richtige Bedeutung werde ich euch natürlich im Anschluss verraten.
I will, of course, reveal the correct meaning to you afterwards.
Caption 16, Eva erklärt - Sprichwörter
Play Caption
However, it also just as often can be translated as "the meaning," as in "the importance" or "the significance."
Von internationaler Bedeutung war und ist das Wiener Musikleben.
Viennese musical life was and is of international importance.
Caption 15, Reisebericht - Wien
Play Caption
Die Biodiversität ist etwas, was in ihrer [sic, seiner] Bedeutung unglaublich unterschätzt wird.
Biodiversity is something which is being unbelievably underestimated in its importance.
Caption 14, Angela Merkel - beim Nachhaltigkeitsrat
Play Caption
Hat der Tag eine besondere Bedeutung für Sie?
Does the day have a special meaning for you?
Caption 40, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe
Play Caption
Further Learning
Look at other examples of die Bedeutung used on Yabla German. Identify the context in which they are being used and notice how the word is structurally integrated into each sentence.
If you ever go shopping in a German-speaking country, you will likely be surprised at the extent to which the sales personnel will leave you alone. However, there is one question you will often hear, which is Kommen Sie zurecht? The words das Recht and recht are used in a variety of contexts in German, so let’s take a look at some of these with the help of examples from Yabla videos.
1. You may know the noun das Recht from legal or political contexts. It means not only "the law," but also "the legal right."
Hier in Deutschland zum Beispiel
Here in Germany, for example,
ist es vielleicht schon selbständig [selbstverständlich],
it may already be a given
dass, äh, jedes Kind, äh, Recht auf... auf Bildung hat,
that, uh, every child, uh, has a right to... to education,
Captions 62-63, Rat für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Mode gegen Armut
Play Caption
2. The phrase recht haben, however, simply means "to be right" in German.
„Du hast recht“, hustete Frederick,
"You're right," coughed Frederick,
„diesen Weg gehen wir nie wieder.“
"we will never go this way again."
Caption 19, Piggeldy und Frederick - Wanderdüne
Play Caption
3. The word recht is used as an adverb meaning "quite" or "rather" in order to add emphasis.
Aber im Vergleich zum gesamten Universum
But in comparison to the entire universe,
ist unser Sonnensystem noch recht jugendlich.
our Solar System is still quite youthful.
Captions 30-31, Zeit - Die Vergangenheit und Zukunft von allem
Play Caption
4. The phrase zu Recht means "rightly" or "deservedly."
Wahrscheinlich kommt sie vors Jugendgericht. -Zu Recht.
She will probably appear in juvenile court. -Deservedly.
Caption 33, Die Pfefferkörner - Cybermobbing
Play Caption
5. Finally, let's take a quick look at the verb mentioned at the top. Zurechtkommen is a separable verb that means “to get along,” “to get by,” or “to cope.” The verb zurechtfinden is similar, but is also used in terms of orientation, as in “to find one’s way.”
Die Ex von Fußball-Legende Lothar "Loddar" Matthäus
The ex of football legend Lothar "Loddar" Matthäus
kommt offenbar auch alleine ganz gut zurecht.
apparently is also getting along really well on her own.
Captions 2-3, Im Höhenflug - Ariadne (die Ex von Lothar Matthäus)
Play Caption
Asylbewerber sollen sich ja ganz schnell
Asylum seekers, indeed, need to very quickly
im Alltag zurechtfinden.
find their way in daily life.
Caption 16, Flüchtlingskrise - Deutschkurse für Flüchtlinge
Play Caption
Further Learning
Look at the examples provided from Yabla German and make sure you understand the different structures in terms of spaces and capitalization (Here is some help from Duden). Practice conjugating zurechtfinden and zurechtkommen in both main and subordinate clauses.
The German word während means "during" or "while." If you have learned this word, you likely also learned that it is a preposition used with the genitive case. In fact, this is not always the case. But there are two common structures for the implementation of this word, so let's look at some examples.
The genitive case is required when während is used with a noun that expresses a period of time.
Und wie ist das passiert? Während des Trainings?
And how did it happen? During the training?
Caption 33, Jenny und Alena - Handball
Play Caption
Während der vierzigtägigen Fastenzeit
During the forty day fasting period,
durften sie nur eingeschränkt essen.
hey were only allowed to eat limited amounts.
Caption 18, Deutsches Bier - 500 Jahre Reinheitsgebot
Play Caption
However, there are instances where it is correct to use the dative (See the link provided in "Further Learning"). Moreover, it is not uncommon to also hear the dative case used with während in colloquial spoken German. The dative case may be used with nominalized verbs, for example:
Und jetzt geb ich während dem [Umgangssprache] Rühren nach und nach die Eier mit dazu.
And now I'll gradually add the eggs while stirring.
Caption 14, Sallys Tortenwelt und Kochwelt - Apfelkuchen mit Marzipan und Mandelsplittern
Play Caption
Während is also implemented as a subordinating conjunction that connects a subordinate clause to a main clause. In this case, remember that the conjugated verb will be at the end of the subordinate clause.
„Während ich weg bin, musst du das Haus fegen,
"While I am away, you must sweep the house,
Feuerholz hacken und den Kessel mit Wasser füllen!“
cut firewood and fill the kettle with water!"
Captions 22-23, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Der Zauberlehrling
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So, während ich die Tafel putze,
So while I clean the blackboard,
überlegt euch mal Verben mit Präpositionen.
think about verbs with prepositions.
Caption 5, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Relativsätze mit Präpositionen
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Danach sterben sie,
Afterwards they die,
während überall sonst endgültig der Bergfrühling einzieht.
while everywhere else the mountain spring finally moves in for good.
Caption 14, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten
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Further Learning
To learn about instances in which the dative is used rather than the genitive, refer to the "Usage Notes" at the bottom of this page. You can review the declensions for the genitive and dative cases here. Then write your own sentences with the word während, or search for more examples on Yabla German.
For this week's lesson, we will look at the nouns das Erlebnis and die Erfahrung, and the related verbs erleben and erfahren.
Consider the three examples below:
Das ist einfach das beste Erlebnis, das man als Künstler haben kann.
That is simply the best experience that you can have as an artist.
Caption 17, Helge Schneider - Auf der Bühne geht's mir gut
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Also, das war eigentlich eine sehr tolle Erfahrung.
Well, that was actually a really great experience.
Caption 21, Eva Croissant - Interview
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Ich bin selbst Mutter von zwei wundervollen Kinder [sic, Kindern]
I myself am the mother of two wonderful children
und spreche aus eigener Erfahrung.
and speak from my own experience.
Captions 5-6, Cettina interviewt - Mütter
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In English, the word "experience" has a few definitions. In the first two sentences, the speaker is referring to a particular instance of encountering or undergoing something. In the third sentence, they are referring to the knowledge or practical wisdom gained from what they have observed, encountered, or undergone. In German, it is possible to use both das Erlebnis and die Erfahrung to describe this first kind of "experience." However, when we are talking about life experience, only die Erfahrung is appropriate in German.
The verbs erleben and erfahren similarly can both indicate the process of experiencing something:
Ein Ort lebendiger Demokratie soll es werden,
It should become a place of living democracy,
ein Haus für jeden,
a building for everyone
der Politik hautnah erleben will.
who wants to experience politics next to their skin [idiom, up close].
Captions 16-17, Berlin - Hauptstadt des vereinten Deutschland
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Ich denk', jeder muss für sich selber wissen,
I think everyone has to know for himself
wo er hinfährt und wie er da ist
where he's heading and how he is there
und welche Länder und was er dort erfahren will.
and which countries and what he wants to experience there.
Captions 41-42, Anna - Am Strand in Mexiko
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However, erfahren is also often used to express learning of or finding out about something new:
Wir haben nichts gefilmt. -Niemand wird davon erfahren.
We didn't film anything. -Nobody will find out about it.
Caption 30, Die Pfefferkörner - Gerüchteküche
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Further Learning
Conjugate erfahren and erleben and search for the various conjugations (erfahre, erfährst, etc.) on Yabla German to find more examples of the verbs used in context. Try to guess what the words das Erlebnisbad, das Erlebnisgeschenk, der Erlebnispark, erlebnisreich, and die Erlebniswelt mean now that you have an understanding of the word Erlebnis.
You may have noticed that there are two words used to talk about springtime in German: das Frühjahr and der Frühling. Sometimes these two words are used interchangeably, like "fall" and "autumn."
However, if we look at the Duden definition of each word, we see that der Frühling is specified as a season in which mild temperatures prevail and plants begin to grow, whereas das Frühjahr is more vaguely defined as the period of time between the end of winter and the end of spring. This may seem like a subtle difference, but means that we will be more likely to hear das Frühjahr used in contexts where we are more generally talking about the transitional months in the early part of the calendar year.
Also dann... [sic] wir sehen uns im Frühjahr zweitausendneun im Kino.
So, then... we'll see one another in the spring of two thousand nine at the movies.
Caption 29, Filmtrailer - Hexe Lilli
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Jedes Frühjahr wandern die großen Tintenfische durch das Wehr.
Every spring, the large coleoids travel through the dam.
Caption 8, Abenteuer Nordsee - Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
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Im Frühjahr zweitausendundelf
In the spring two thousand eleven,
sollen die ersten Fohlen geboren werden.
the first foals are expected to be born.
Caption 44, Für Tierfreunde - Przewalski-Wildpferde
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Unlike das Frühjahr, der Frühling clearly indicates the season (March through May in the Northern Hemisphere), along with its positive connotations of warm weather. If spring is named among other seasons, it will much more likely be referred to as der Frühling, and not das Frühjahr.
Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter,
Spring, summer, autumn and winter,
so heißen die Jahreszeiten auf Deutsch.
that's what the seasons are called in German.
Captions 3-4, Herbst - mit Eva
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Winter muss eben sein, nich'? Aber, ja, Frühling ist mir lieber.
Winter has to happen, right? But yes, I prefer spring.
Caption 7, Berlin - Im Winter
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Knallige Farben sind im kommenden Frühling und Sommer ein Muss...
Loud colors for the coming spring and summer are a must...
Caption 2, Das Beauty-Einmaleins - Fingernägel
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Further Learning
Check out this previous lesson on compound words featuring Frühling. Look up the meanings of additional compound words such as die Frühjahrsmüdigkeit, der Frühjahrsputz, das Frühjahrsquartal, die Frühjahrsmesse, or die Frühjahrsmode.
On Yabla German, you may have come across several different adjectives that are translated with the English adjective "responsible."
The word zuständig is commonly used to describe responsibility for a particular task, often in professional contexts.
Ich bin zuständig dort für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Abfallberatung.
I am responsible for public relations and garbage consultation there.
Caption 8, Mülltrennung - in Heidelberg
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Für die Klimatechnik in den Restaurants ist Handwerker Max zuständig.
The handyman Max is responsible for the air conditioning in the restaurants.
Caption 15, Frankfurter Flughafen - Ja zu FRA! Erklärfilm
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Verantwortlich is similar to zuständig in how it is used, but often describes a higher level of legal or political responsibility.
Diese Aktion ist Teil einer internationalen Kampagne,
This action is part of an international campaign,
die sich gegen Dänemark richtet,
that is directed against Denmark,
weil Dänemark, äh, politisch verantwortlich ist.
because Denmark, uh, is politically responsible.
Captions 11-12, PETA-Aktion - Gegen das Wal-Massaker
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Verantwortungsvoll and zuverlässig are used to describe a permanent personality trait. Zuverlässig, however, more specifically means "competent," "dependable," "trustworthy," or "reliable."
Der Präventionstag soll den Jugendlichen den Anstoß geben,
Prevention Day is meant to give young people a nudge
in für sie heiklen Situationen verantwortungsvoll zu handeln.
towards acting responsibly in delicate situations.
Captions 44-45, Gewaltprävention - Gewalt an Schulen
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Haben wir zuverlässige Leute in allen Wehrkreisen?
Do we have trustworthy people in all military districts?
Caption 39, Die Stunde der Offiziere - Dokudrama über den 20. Juli 1944
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Further Learning
Search for more instances of zuständig, verantwortlich, verantwortungsvoll, and zuverlässig on Yabla German and practice the declensions of these adjectives.
In English, the word "sharp" has a few different meanings. We can use it to describe the blade of a knife, but we can also say that someone is a "sharp dresser." The German word scharf also has a range of meanings beyond "sharp-edged."
One very common translation of scharf that you may already know is "spicy."
Wenn ihr es nicht ganz so scharf mögt,
If you don't like it quite so spicy,
dann könnt ihr diese kleinen Sch'... Chilischotenkerne entfernen.
then you can remove these little ch'... chili seeds.
Captions 52-53, Cannelloni - mit Jenny
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Das Gemisch, das auf Stufe zehn kommt,
The mixture that makes it to level ten
ist die schärfste Chilisoße der Welt.
is the hottest chili sauce in the world.
Caption 21, Currywurst - Berlins schärfstes Stück
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Scharf can also be used as an adjective or adverb to mean "sleek" or "attractive." In this sentence, it's used to describe the design of a car:
Von der Spitze bis zum Heckspoiler
From the front end to the rear spoiler,
ist er richtig schön scharf gezeichnet.
it's really sharply designed.
Caption 4, Auto-Bild-TV - Tops & Flops der IAA
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Finally, scharf is also used to describe images in terms of whether they are in focus or not:
Und dann... die Bilder, die scharf waren,
And then... the pictures that were in focus,
da war wieder der Ausdruck nicht so, wie ich's gerne hätte.
there again the expression wasn't how I'd like to have it.
Caption 34, Lokalhelden - Art House
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Further Learning
Watch the currywurst video above in its entirety on Yabla German for more examples of the word in use. Make sentences with the word scharf, integrating the correct endings based on gender (eine scharfe Suppe, ein scharfes Gewürz), and then try some sentences with the comparative and superlative form (schärfer, schärfste).
One of my favorite German words took me a long time to learn to pronounce and even longer to properly understand. The word beziehungsweise not only has a fairly complex meaning, but it is also so long that in most cases people abbreviate the written form as bzw.
Often beziehungsweise is translated simply as "or":
Einen Wohnwagen beziehungsweise eine Hütte bekommt man ab
You get a trailer or a hut from
fünfundfünfzig Euro.
fifty-five euros.
Caption 33, Berlin - Indoor-Camping im „Hüttenpalast“
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So why not simply say oder ("or") instead of the longer beziehungsweise? One reason is that the latter often goes more in-depth than just saying "or." You may want to rent either a trailer or a hut, or perhaps both a trailer and hut. Beziehungsweise is thus often translated as "respectively" too:
Sobald beziehungsweise
As soon as, or respectively,
erst wenn der Antrag gemäß Artikel fünfzig
only when the motion in accordance with Article Fifty
der EU-Verträge vorliegt.
of the EU Treaties is submitted.
Captions 17-18, Brexit-Votum - Merkel warnt vor Spaltung Europas
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Sometimes beziehungsweise is used to narrow down a meaning and in this case is translated as "more specifically":
Damit man dieses Geld auch bekommt,
In order to receive this money,
benötigt man ein Bankkonto beziehungsweise ein Girokonto.
you need a bank account, more specifically a checking account.
Captions 7-8, Eva erklärt - Bankkonten
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Further Learning
So whether you are learning German for fun or (beziehungsweise) for business — perhaps both, right? — this is a good word to have in your active vocabulary. Although it is not usually translated as such, for me it helped to think of the word as the "and/or" that you sometimes see in English. Take a look at examples of beziehungsweise in context on Yabla German.