It has truly been a year of ups and downs, to the extent that it takes a pretty advanced vocabulary to describe what we're feeling sometimes. This week, we'd like to provide a list of some adjectives that are used to express both positive and negative emotions.
The adjective aufgeregt in German describes a mixture of "excited" and "nervous," like before you do a presentation or go on a roller coaster. On the other hand, gespannt is used to describe a type of excitement more linked to curiosity or looking forward to something. Besorgt could be translated as "worried" or "concerned."
Gleich geht's los, ein bisschen aufgeregt bin ich schon.
It will start momentarily, I am certainly a little bit nervous.
Caption 3, Deutsche Welle - Hin und weg - Best of Europa-Park!
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Ich bin mal gespannt, wie es klappt. Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch.
I am excited to see how it will go. I hope you like it.
Caption 41, Eva Croissant - Interview
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Ich bin ein bisschen besorgt, ob ich es zu der Wohnung von den beiden schaffe.
I'm a little bit worried as to whether I'll be able to make it to their apartment.
Caption 21, Die Wohngemeinschaft - Besuch
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When something turns out well, your reaction may range from zufrieden ("pleased," "satisfied") to erstaunt ("astonished"), depending on whether the outcome was expected or not.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Für diese gute Leistung geb ich dir eine Eins.
I'm very satisfied. I'll give you a "one" for this good performance.
Caption 51, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte - Bayern
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Eine Freundin von mir war schon einmal in der Hauptstadt Oslo und sie war begeistert.
A friend of mine was already in the capital, Oslo, once and she was thrilled.
Caption 11, Jenny - Reiseziele
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Die Menschen waren erstaunt über das, was sie sahen.
The people were astonished at what they saw.
Caption 63, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Des Kaisers neue Kleider
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Of course, many of us have had our share of difficult experiences this year and had to face their corresponding emotions:
Ich war total gestresst, weil mein Chef im Büro mich so genervt hat.
I was totally stressed out because my boss was really getting on my nerves at the office.
Caption 19, Konjugation - Das Verb „brauchen“
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Müde und erschöpft stand er schließlich vor ihrer Tür.
Tired and exhausted, he finally stood in front of their door.
Caption 20, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Büchse der Pandora
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Die Leute wären genauso enttäuscht und genauso deprimiert.
People would be just as disappointed and depressed.
Caption 55, Böhmermann - Wie geht man als Satiriker mit Rechtspopulismus um?
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Na ja, also, der Junge ist einfach schlichtweg überfordert mit dem Projekt.
Well... well, the boy is just completely overwhelmed by the project.
Caption 8, Mama arbeitet wieder - Die Trennung
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Völlig überwältigt stellt sie sich den vielen Fernsehkameras.
Completely overwhelmed, she faced the many television cameras.
Caption 41, Miss Germany 2011 - Auf High Heels zur Krone
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The hope is, of course, that we can generally find a balance and remain optimistic as the year comes to an end.
Ich versuche, optimistisch zu bleiben,
I am trying to stay optimistic,
aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich die Stelle nicht bekommen habe.
but I have the feeling that I didn't get the job.
Captions 4-5, Berufsleben - das Vorstellungsgespräch
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Wart ihr sehr aufgeregt oder wart ihr ganz entspannt?
Were you very nervous or were you totally relaxed?
Caption 37, Modedesignerin Nina Hollein - Floria Prinzessin von Hessen
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Further Learning
There are many more adjectives you can look up on Yabla German, of course. You can start with erleichtert, froh, verärgert, verzweifelt, wütend, verängstigt, and zuversichtlich. Since adjectives and adverbs can often be identical in German, do not be surprised if you encounter these words being used as adverbs as well — it's a 2 for 1 deal!
There are several ways to express "anyway" in German, depending on the function that the word is supposed to have. There are four main words to know, but you'd be surprised at which words can take on a similar meaning.
Let's start with examples in which "anyway" has a confirming function, which can be expressed with eh, sowieso, or ohnehin. In the following sentences, there is a match in what is going on, or something may already be the case.
Ist das aber kalt! und schwimmen kann ich sowieso nicht.
Is that ever cold! and I can't swim anyway.
Captions 35-36, Piggeldy und Frederick - Der Himmel
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Ich hab ja auch eh nichts mehr zu verlieren.
I have nothing left to lose anyway.
Caption 11, Das Lügenbüro - Die Bewerbung
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...aber da ich ohnehin lieber ein Marmeladenbrot essen möchte,
...but since I'd rather have a slice of bread with marmalade anyway,
werd' ich jetzt rübergehen zum Brot und mir eine Scheibe Brot schneiden.
I am going go over to the bread and cut myself a slice of bread.
Captions 5-6, Jenny beim Frühstück - Teil 2
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However, eh and sowieso can't always be used. For sentences in which "anyway" has a contradictory meaning (and could potentially be replaced with "despite that" or "nevertheless"), trotzdem is the word you're looking for.
Die Hühner legten aber trotzdem weiter Eier
But the chickens kept laying eggs anyway,
und sogar mehr als sonst.
and even more than usual.
Captions 17-18, Cettina und Sabine - Ostern
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Hätte ich voll Angst vor, aber würde ich trotzdem machen.
I would be totally afraid of it, but I would do it anyway.
Caption 51, Free Birds - Interview mit Nora Tschirner & Rick Kavanian
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There is then also a conversational "anyway," which various words in German provide in particular contexts. As you will notice right away, these words are not always or even usually translated as "anyway," but the equivalent phrase uses it to express the intended meaning.
Gut. Und wo befindet sich Bayern überhaupt?
Good. And where is Bavaria located anyway?
Caption 10, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte - Bayern
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Wer braucht schon Hollywood?
Who needs Hollywood anyway?
Caption 1, Berlinale - Schauspieler Jürgen Vogel
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Wie alt ist er denn?
How old is he anyway?
Caption 8, Ein Herz für Tiere - Tierschutzhof und Border Collie
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Na, jedenfalls, arbeiten wir mit sechs Kameras.
Well, anyway, we'll be working with six cameras.
Caption 34, Otto Waalkes - Hier kommt Otto!
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Na ja, wie auch immer, also, wie Sie das mit der Kerze hingekriegt haben, das war... fantastisch.
Well, anyway, so, however you did that with the candle, that was... fantastic.
Caption 13, Weihnachtsmann gesucht - Bist du verliebt?
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Further Learning
You can find many examples of sowieso, eh, ohnehin, and trotzdem being used on Yabla German. When you see one, consider why the chosen word is being used. When you find yourself using the word "anyway," you can consider which German word would fit the particular meaning you are conveying.