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Pronoun Agreement in Dative/Genitive Cases

The other day my partner, who like me is a non-native German speaker, asked me if eines der Gebiete ("one of the areas") is grammatically correct in German. Since I had to pause to consider it, it occurred to me that it would be a good time to brush up on the topic of indefinite pronoun genders when used in tandem with the dative and genitive cases. I had discussed the topic in a lesson several years ago, but thought it best (for myself and for Yabla newcomers!) to return to it in more depth.


Previously, I had discussed how when saying "one of..." in sentences such as "one of these days..."  or "one of the problems" etc. in German, the pronoun gender has to agree with the gender of the noun. In these two examples, the nouns are "days" and "problems." It is a bit counterintuitive, as the nouns are plural but the pronouns reflect a singular version of the nouns.


Thus with einer von diesen Tagen (dative) or einer dieser Tage (genitive), the noun der Tag is masculine, so the pronoun ein must reflect the masculine gender of the noun: einer. It follows then that a neuter noun in these situation becomes eines and a feminine noun eine. Let's start with some examples of indefinite pronouns paired with feminine nouns.


Das war eine von den Ausnahmen, die ich vorhin erwähnt habe.

That was one of the exceptions I mentioned earlier.

Caption 41, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Perfekt

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Das ist ja eine der beliebtesten Marken hier in Deutschland.

That is one of the most popular brands here in Germany.

Caption 41, Jenny und Alena: Autos und Motorräder

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Since die Ausnahme and die Marke are feminine nouns, the indefinite pronoun is eine.


Next comes indefinite pronouns paired with masculine nouns:


...weil das einer von den Arbeitsbereichen ist, wo noch sehr viele Menschen arbeiten.

...because that is one of the fields where a lot of people still work.

Captions 34-35, Gamification: Wie Spielen den Alltag interessanter macht

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Daniel Brühl gilt mittlerweile als einer der erfolgreichsten deutschen Schauspieler.

Daniel Brühl is now regarded as one of the most successful German actors.

Caption 9, Jahresrückblick: 2013 Deutsche Promis

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Again, der Schauspieler and der Arbeitsbereich are masculine, thus einer is used.


Lastly, the pronouns used with neuter nouns:


Matthias Henke bringt eines von schier unzähligen Beethovenbüchern auf den Markt.

Matthias Henke is bringing one of an almost countless number of Beethoven books onto the market.

Caption 29, Ludwig van Beethoven: 250. Geburtstag

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Das ist doch eines der ungelösten Rätsel.

That's one of the unsolved mysteries, after all.

Caption 78, Es war einmal: Archimedes

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Das Beethovenbuch — or easier, das Buch — and das Rätsel are neuter nouns, hence eines.


When one of the indefinite "one of" pronouns paired with a dative or genitive phrase is preceded by a preposition, however, it gets a bit tricky. The preposition also effects the pronoun:


Ich machte mich mit einer der Tassen vertraut.

I familiarized myself with one of the cups.

Caption 9, Abgedreht: Heinrich und der Tassendieb

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Thus eine der Tassen becomes mit einer der Tassen, because the dative preposition mit changes the feminine eine to einer. Using a preposition with a "one of..." phrase is a real double-whammy! Consider how the accusative preposition für changes the indefinite article for a masculine noun from ein to einen, but leaves the feminine article eine and the neuter article ein unchanged. So too with an accusative preposition and the three indefinite pronouns: the masculine changes from einer to einen, but the feminine eine and neuter eines remain unchanged:


für einen von den Männern or für einen der Männer

für eine von den Frauen or für eine der Frauen

für eines von den Kindern or für eines der Kinder


Further Learning
1. Pick ten or twenty favorite German nouns, being sure you write the genders correctly and you have a selection of feminine, masculine, and neuter nouns, as in the above example: der Mann, die Frau, and das Kind. 2. Now write all three as "one of..." phrases in dative and genitive: einer von den Männern / einer der Männer; eine von den Frauen / eine der Frauen; eines von den Kindern / eines der Kinder 3. Write them now together with a dative preposition: mit einem von den Männern / mit einem der Männer; mit einer von den Frauen / mit einer der Frauen; mit einem von den Kindern / mit einem der Kinder 4. Then try this with an accusative preposition such as für in the example above. Not so easy, is it?  Lastly, as a well-deserved break, go to Yabla German and search for some "one of..." phrases like those above. Tip: if you put a phrase like "einer der" in quotation marks, you can narrow your searches to exact hits!

The Literary and Performing Arts in German

A few lessons ago, we started learning about different kinds of Visual Art in German: architecture, ceramics, conceptual art, drawing, painting, and sculpture. Let's continue today with the Literary Arts (die Literatur) and the Performing Arts (die darstellende Kunst).


Literature (die Literatur) as a creative field does not usually include news journalism or technical writing, but usually includes poetry (die Dichtung or die Poesie), drama (die Dramatik or das Drama), and fictional and non-fictional prose (die Prosa). A person who creates literature is usually called an author (der Autor / die Autorin), a dramatist or playwright (der Dramatiker / die Dramatikerin), a poet (der Dichter, die Dichterin), or simply a writer (der Schriftsteller, die Schriftstellerin).


Man hat einen tollen Schauspieler gesehen, aber auch einen großen Freund der Literatur.

You have seen a great actor, but also a great friend of literature.

Captions 50-51, Rheinmain im Blick: Klaus Maria Brandauer liest Goethe

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Und ich habe gedacht, dem Autor fällt etwas Besseres ein.

And I thought the author would come up with something better.

Caption 9, Nicos Weg: Essen gehen

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The next category is the Performing Arts, which includes dance, drama, or music—all of which are performed in front of an audience.


Dance (der Tanz) as an art form, simply defined as "the art of dancing," is usually referring to contemporary dance (der zeitgenössische Tanz) and ballet (das Ballett), but may include figure skating (der Eiskunstlauf), synchronized swimming (das Synchronschwimmen or das Kunstschwimmen), and some forms of gymnastics (das Turnen or die Gymnastik). A person who designs a dance performance is called a choreographer (der Choreograf / die Choreografin).


Mit ihrem anderen Hobby, Ballett, hat sie deshalb aufgehört.

That's why she quit her other hobby, ballet.

Caption 25, Spiegel-TV-Magazin: Skaterin Lilly Stoephasius: Mit dem Skateboard nach Tokio

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Die Tänzer in den Videos brauchten bestimmt nicht so viel Zeit.

The dancers in the videos definitely didn't need that much time.

Caption 41, Konjugation: Das Verb „brauchen“

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A person who performs music (die Musik) is a musician (der Musikerdie Musikerin), or named after the instrument they play. A person who writes music is called a composer (der Komponist / die Komponistin) or songwriter (der Songwriter / die Songwriterin)—alternatively der Liedermacher or die Liedermacherin.


„Beethoven, dessen Musik weltbekannt ist, war am Ende seines Lebens taub.“

"Beethoven, whose music is world famous, was deaf at the end of his life."

Caption 38, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren: Der Relativsatz

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Ein bekannter Komponist aus dieser Stadt hat dort gelebt.

A famous composer from this city lived there.

Caption 20, Nicos Weg: Ein Bürger dieser Stadt

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The last form of the performing arts is theater (das Theater). Clearly this extends beyond works performed in theaters to all forms of acting (das Schauspiel), which may also include any of the other Performing Arts of dance and music. Although theater and film production encompass hundreds of types of jobs, the main performing artist is called an actor (der Schauspieler / die Schauspielerin).


Ich werde am St. Pauli Theater arbeiten als Assistent für Kostümdesign.

I'll work at the St. Pauli Theater as an assistant for costume design.

Caption 4, Drei Leute: beim Kofferpacken

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Daniel Brühl gilt mittlerweile als einer der erfolgreichsten deutschen Schauspieler.

Daniel Brühl is now regarded as one of the most successful German actors.

Caption 9, Jahresrückblick 2013: Deutsche Promis

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Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and watch the videos above relating to art forms and professions. Find a tandem partner in your class and make up some sentences in German using these art words, then compare what you both came up with.

The Verb lösen and its Prefix Versions

Even without a prefix, the verb lösen has quite a few different meanings. Compare the following sentences:


Schon geringste Bewegungen lösen Sediment von den Decken.

Even the slightest movements loosen sediment from the ceilings.

Caption 18, Alpenseen: Kühle Schönheiten

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Ich bin froh, dass die beiden einen Weg gefunden haben, ihre Probleme zu lösen.

I'm glad they found a way to solve their problems.

Caption 54, Die Wohngemeinschaft: Probleme

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...sodass ich mich von allem anderen lösen kann. that I can free myself from everything else.

Caption 48, Sons of Sounds: Open-Air in Karlsruhe

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Also, wir lösen die Bremse, geben Gas, der Schubpropeller schiebt uns.

So, we release the brake, give it gas, the thrust propeller pushes us.

Caption 44, Ultraleicht-Flieger: Der Gyrocopter

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Now let's take a look at the various prefix versions, starting with auslösen, which can mean "to trigger," "to spark," or "to provoke."


Eine wenig schmeichelhafte Stern-Titelstory über Bushido löste Debatten über kriminelle Clans aus.

A hardly flattering Stern cover story about Bushido sparked debates about criminal clans.

Captions 17-18, Jahresrückblick 2013: Deutsche Promis

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Wir haben die erste Stufe bereits ausgelöst.

We have already initiated the first level.

Caption 44, Die Stunde der Offiziere: Dokudrama über den 20. Juli 1944

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The verb auflösen, on the other hand, can mean "to dissolve," "to dissipate," "to disappear," or "to disperse."


Die muss aufgelöst werden im bisschen lauwarmen Wasser.

It has to be dissolved in a bit of lukewarm water.

Caption 16, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Bayern

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Matteo kann sich auch nich' in Luft auflösen.

Matteo can't just disappear into thin air.

Caption 14, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang

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The verb ablösen can mean "to detach," but also "to relieve," as in taking over from someone when doing shift work. In the following sentence, however, this is actually better translated as "we took turns."


Hier für das Wallnau-Projekt haben wir uns immer abgelöst mit'm Filmen.

For the Wallnau project here, we always took turns filming.

Caption 26, Die Insel Fehmarn: Wasservogelreservat Wallnau

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Lastly, the non-separable verb erlösen means "to release," "to redeem," or "to free."


Und dann kamst du und hast mich erlöst, mein Engel.

And then you came and released me, my angel.

Caption 1, Küss mich, Frosch Die Zeiten haben sich geändert - Part 2

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Further Learning
You will find many examples with lösen, auslösen, auflösen, ablösen, and erlösen on Yabla. Here is a longer list of related verbs that you can learn as well.