Today we're going to take a look at some standard expressions and idioms relating to the noun der Fuß ("the foot").
Ich gehe lieber zu Fuß, statt mit dem Fahrrad zu fahren.
I prefer to walk instead of riding my bike.
Caption 32, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Wetter
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Dieses Naturreservoir ist zu Fuß in nur gut zwei Stunden zu erreichen.
This nature reserve can be reached by foot in just over two hours
Caption 6, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 1
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The phrase zu Fuß gehen means "to walk," but the more literal translation "to go by foot" also works interchangeably. I've occasionally hear German friends jokingly use the Latin term per pedes to mean zu Fuß, and the phrase is common enough that it appears in the Duden dictionary!
Es schüttet wie aus Eimern Klitschnass von Kopf bis Fuß.
It's raining buckets Drenched from head to toe.
Captions 16-17, Die Toten Hosen: Unter den Wolken
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The phrase von Kopf bis Fuß translates best to the English idiom "from head to toe." Normally one says the verb regnen for "to rain," but in the above caption, the slang usage of the verb schütten is used, which means "to pour." Incidentally, both klitschnass and pitschnass are slang words for "very wet."
Diese Pyramide ist zweihundertfünfzig Fuß hoch.
This pyramid is two hundred and fifty feet high.
Caption 18, Es war einmal: Entdecker und Erfinder Archimedes
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The noun der Fuß is also used for the English measurement "foot." Note that unlike the plural of the anatomical foot (die Füße), when used to mean measurement, die Fuß is the proper plural of the noun.
Auch das ist ein Vorurteil ohne Hand und Fuß.
Even this is a prejudice without rhyme or reason.
Caption 41, Flüchtlingskrise: 10 Vorurteile, die nicht stimmen
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Of course, the literal translation of the idiom ohne Hand und Fuß is "without head and foot," but it means "makes no sense" and translates best to the above English idiom.
... dass meine Kernaufgabe nicht die ist, im Fernsehen irgendwie Fuß zu fassen.
... that it is not my main task to somehow gain a foothold in television.
Caption 5, Peyman Amin: Der Modelmacher
Play Caption
The phrase Fuß zu fassen is a practical one to learn. It can also be alternately translated into English as "to find a foothold" or "to establish a foothold."
Further Learning
I think it's fair to say that we've established a foothold in our understanding of some uses of the noun der Fuß! Read some of our other lessons relating to feet: Get off on the right foot and Von Kopf bis Fuß Part I and Part II. You can also search for other examples of der Fuß on Yabla German.
Summer is the time to go swimming. Let's talk today about words related to swimming and swimming safety.
Man kann hier natürlich noch andere Sachen tun als nur schwimmen.
You can, of course, do other things here besides just swimming.
Caption 6, Berlin: Wannsee
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OK, und dann halt lieber hier in der freien Natur baden.
OK, and then just better to swim here in open nature.
Caption 77, Unterwegs mit Cettina: Sommer am Baggersee
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The verbs schwimmen and baden both mean "to swim," but baden can also mean "to play in the water" or even "to take a bath." I've often had Europeans ask if we should "go bathing" (or even "have a bath"), by which they mean "go swimming," of course!
Kommt Kinder, wir gehen zur Abkühlung erst mal eine Runde schwimmen!
Come on kids, let's go for a swim to cool off first!
Caption 72, Umwelt und Natur: Wo sind all die Bienen hin?
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Aber es ist perfekt, um ans Meer zu fahren und baden zu gehen.
But it's perfect for going to the sea and going for a swim.
Caption 39, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Wetter
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To say "to go swimming," you combine the verbs gehen and schwimmen, or gehen and baden. Note that the phrases consist of two verbs and are not single separable verbs!
Den größten Teil meiner Freizeit verbringe ich in Tel Aviv und am Strand.
I spend the largest portion of my free time in Tel Aviv and at the beach.
Caption 11, Grete: eine Freiwillige in Israel
Play Caption
Also, in Tübingen gibt's ein Schwimmbad.
Well, in Tübingen there is a swimming pool.
Caption 21, Deutschkurs in Tübingen: Über jemanden sprechen
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Two obvious places to go swimming are the beach (der Strand) or a swimming pool (das Schwimmbad), and you'll hopefully be able to find those someplace closer to home than Tel Aviv or Tübingen!
Mein Handtuch brauche ich nicht.
I don't need my towel.
Caption 19, Peppa Wutz: Sport
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Actually, unless you're going to a gym that supplies a towel, you will probably want to have one when you go swimming. Das Handtuch is the general word for "towel," but you may want to bring a bigger one to lie down on, such as a a beach towel (das Strandtuch).
Vorsicht: Die Sonne ist auch sehr heiß. Deswegen brauchen wir einen Hut, eine Sonnenbrille, und ganz wichtig... Sonnencreme.
Beware: The sun is also very hot. Therefore we need a hat, sunglasses, and very important... sun lotion.
Captions 18-21, Jahreszeiten: Der Sommer
Play Caption
Safety first! In addition to a hat (der Hut), sunglasses (die Sonnenbrille), and sun lotion (die Sonnencreme), it's important to bring lots of liquids to drink!
Further Learning
Watch the videos above on Yabla German and learn some other terms about summer fun. And then take a break and go swimming somewhere to cool off! And remember to be safe about swimming when you're out in the hot sun.
This week, we'll conclude our lessons on travel vocabulary. So, you've decided what kind of trip and mode of travel, and you've booked your accommodation. Now it's time to consider your itinerary and activities. The types of activities you plan on your trip will also depend on your destination, of course. Cities may offer the opportunity to visit museums or famous historical sites, go to markets, or go shopping:
...aber die kleine Stadttour würde ich gerne machen.
...but I would gladly do the small city tour.
Caption 47, Rollendes Vergnügen: Segway-Touren
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Jedes Jahr kommen an die 5.000 Besucher ins Museum.
Every year nearly 5000 visitors come to the museum.
Caption 25, Flipperautomaten: Kunstwerke für flinke Kugeln
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Das ist eine Sehenswürdigkeit in Köln: der Kölner Dom.
This is an attraction in Cologne: The Cologne Cathedral.
Caption 8, Nicos Weg: Ich war schon in Berlin
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Hier findet der Markt nämlich täglich statt.
Because here, the market takes place every day.
Caption 16, Reisen: Ein Tag in Freiburg
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Sie hat Bock auf Shopping, also in die Stadt.
She feels like shopping, so it's off to the city.
Caption 23, Cro: Bye Bye
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Being in nature, whether on the coast or in the mountains, offers its own program of sports or relaxation. In a recent newsletter, we already had the noun das Sonnenbad, but some people like to be a bit more active.
Dieses Naturreservoir ist zu Fuß in nur gut zwei Stunden zu erreichen.
This nature reserve can be reached by foot in just over two hours.
Caption 6, Die letzten Paradiese Die Schönheit der Alpen
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Ich soll wandern gehen, ich soll segeln oder surfen.
I should go hiking, I should go sailing or surfing.
Caption 15, Nicos Weg: Freizeitstress
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Aber es ist perfekt, um ans Meer zu fahren und baden zu gehen.
But it's perfect for going to the sea and going for a swim.
Caption 39, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Wetter
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Beach-Volleyball hört sich an wie ein Freizeitvergnügen, ist aber seit 1996 olympisch und ein knallharter Profisport.
Beach volleyball sounds like an enjoyable free-time activity, however, since 1996, it's an Olympic and a tough professional sport.
Captions 3-4, Olympische Spiele: Beachvolleyball
Play Caption
So many options! Now all that's left is to pack. If you're flying, you will need to check whether it's possible to check a bag, or whether you'll have to make do with Handgepäck. The noun das Gepäck is a general word for luggage or baggage, or you can say der Koffer to refer to a suitcase.
Wir packen jetzt unseren Koffer.
Now we'll pack our suitcase.
Caption 9, Deutschkurs in Tübingen: Reisevorbereitung
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And if you're flying, there's one more thing you'll need to do...
Um später Zeit zu sparen, checkt Olcay online ein.
To save time later, Olcay checks in online.
Caption 67, Galileo Zug vs. Flugzeug: Von München nach Berlin
Play Caption
Gute Reise!
Further Learning
Check out our travel videos on Yabla German. Do you have an upcoming trip or vacation? Consult all three lessons, and write down five sentences about how you will get to your destination, where you will stay, and what activities you would like to do.
While many people in Germany have just come back from their Osterferien, people in the United States and elsewhere may already be thinking about trips they might take during summer vacation (der Sommerurlaub or die Sommerferien). This month, we'll devote a few lessons to looking at essential travel vocabulary in German.
You may remember how much trouble Jenny had deciding what kind of vacation to take. In German, a trip to a city is called die Städtereise, but many people like to keep things a bit more low key:
Ah, klar, ich könnte eine Kreuzfahrt mit dem Schiff machen.
Ah, right, I could take a cruise with a ship.
Caption 32, Jenny: Reiseziele
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Strandurlaub bei Windstärke sechs...
Beach vacation with a wind velocity of six...
Caption 42, Traumberuf: Windsurfer
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Once decided, you'll have to plan your trip and make the necessary reservations:
Ich möchte gerne eine Reise zum Europapark buchen.
I would like to book a trip to Europapark.
Caption 4, Reiseplanung: Anruf bei einem Reisebüro
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In der Hauptsaison empfiehlt es sich zu reservieren.
In high season, it is recommended to make a reservation.
Caption 37, Reisebericht Luxemburg
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Part of the planning is figuring out how you are going to get to your destination.
Stattdessen mit Bus und Bahn zum Reiseziel fahren.
Instead, travel by bus and train to your destination.
Caption 44, WissensWerte: Tourismus und Nachhaltigkeit
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Also mit dem Auto würde ich heute nicht fahren.
So, I wouldn't go by car today.
Caption 45, Deutsch mit Eylin Das Wetter
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Von dort können Sie ein Auto mieten oder mit dem Bus fahren.
From there you can rent a car or travel by bus.
Caption 13, Reiseplanung: Anruf bei einem Reisebüro
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Damit höre ich manchmal Musik, wenn ich im Zug oder im Flugzeug sitze.
Sometimes I listen to music with them when I'm on the train or on a plane.
Captions 23-24, Deutsch mit Eylin: Denk schnell!
Play Caption
Auf dem Schiff haben fünfhundertsechzehn Gäste Platz, richtig viel Platz.
There is room on the ship for five hundred and sixteen guests, really a lot of space.
Caption 10, Kreuzfahrtschiff: An Bord der Europa 2
Play Caption
Hallo, liebe Yabla-Schüler, ich stehe heute hier auf einer Fähre.
Hello dear Yabla students, I am standing here today on a ferry.
Caption 1, Unterwegs mit Cettina: an der Rheinfähre
Play Caption
Further Learning
More travel vocabulary is coming! In the meantime, we have so many fun travel videos on Yabla German. Just do a quick search and you'll quickly find yourself in Heidelberg, Innsbruck, or the Alps! You may want to also check out this video on tourism and sustainability.
Like in English, there is more than one way to construct sentences about the future in German. This week, we’ll take a look at the two options for this.
Sometimes, you may notice that what at first glance looks like the present tense in German is translated with either the present continuous, a "going to" + infinitive construction, or the "will"-future in English. When you see this, it’s best to look at the whole sentence, where you will likely find clues that tell you that the action isn't actually occurring yet and will take place momentarily or in the near or distant future. Even though there are sentences that use the present tense with future meaning in English (an example would be "They arrive this evening"), it is much less common. Have a look at the following examples:
Und jetzt gehen wir in die Werbung.
And now we'll go to commercial.
Caption 22, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Bayern
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Wenn es so weitergeht, dann können wir bald Schlitten fahren.
If it continues like this, we'll soon be able to go sledding.
Caption 28, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Wetter
Play Caption
Im Zoo waren wir gestern, heute gehen wir ins Schwimmbad.
We were at the zoo yesterday. Today we're going to the swimming pool.
Caption 14, Sabine erzählt Witze: Die Pinguine
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Heute lernen wir die Zahlen von eins bis tausend.
Today we're going to learn the numbers from one to a thousand.
Caption 5, Deutsch mit Eylin: Zahlen und die Grundrechenarten
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You may be thinking, "What about the verb werden?" Indeed, the construction werden + infinitive is also used to express something that has yet to happen, especially to emphasize the fact that it will happen in the future or express that it's still not 100% certain.
Ich werde mir etwas zu essen und zu trinken aussuchen.
I'm going to choose something to eat and drink.
Caption 9, Abendessen: mit Marko
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Und keine Sorge, du wirst mich hier nie wieder sehen!
And don't worry, you'll never see me here again!
Caption 51, Heidi: Ladenverbot
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Sie wird sich Sorgen machen, wenn sie nichts von mir hört.
She will worry if she doesn't hear anything from me.
Caption 29, Die Wohngemeinschaft: Besuch
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Auf die Suppe werden wir jetzt noch die Croutons und die angebratenen Zwiebeln draufmachen.
Now we're going to add the croutons and the fried onions to the soup.
Caption 69, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Hessen
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Oh, ihr werdet in einer halben Stunde noch besser verstehen.
Oh, you will understand even better in half an hour.
Caption 19, Deutschkurs in Tübingen: Verben mit Akkusativ
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Hier werden sie Tieren begegnen, die sonst nirgendwo in der Deutschen Bucht leben.
Here they will encounter animals that live nowhere else in the German Bight.
Caption 20, Abenteuer Nordsee: Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
Play Caption
Further Learning
You will find many similar examples on Yabla to learn from. Be sure to also check out our past lesson on werden, and review how it's used in its meaning "to become" or as part of the passive voice.