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Pages: 3 of 73 
─ Videos: 31-45 of 1083 Totaling 56 hours 27 minutes

ELIF - Unter meiner Haut View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Elif, a German-Turkish artist residing in Berlin, sees her music as a personal journal. Through her songs, she invites her audience into her world and shares her most intimate thoughts and feelings.

LGBTQ - Sexuelle Orientierungen View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Paula reviews terminology related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

Deutsch mit Paula - Veggie Messe View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Paula shows us around Stuttgart's Veggie-Messe (veggie fair) and discovers some delicious foods for vegetarians, vegans, and anyone looking for healthy alternatives.

Ratespiel - Fortbewegungsmittel View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Alina and Moritz are playing another guessing game, and this time, the topic is various means of transportation. How many can you name in German?

Deutsch für Anfänger - Sprachlerntipps View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

In this video, Paula offers some great tips for learning German that you can easily put into practice.


Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Elif's tragic song is about loving someone who only cares about money, fame, and drugs.

Ratespiel - Ballsportarten View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Join Alina and Moritz in a fun vocabulary building activity. Guess what ball sports they're describing and learn new words!

AnnenMayKantereit - Alle Fragen View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Coming home means realizing how much you've grown. And sometimes it means facing your past and the feelings that still linger.

Parallel - 100.000 Watt Lächeln

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

The band Parallel is a duo consisting of Francescos Carusos and Koray Cinar. This charming song and video are sure to put a smile on your face. Give it a listen and enjoy!

LEA, Herbert Grönemeyer - Für Dich da

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Established singer/producer Herbert Grönemeyer and newcomer LEA team up for a soulful ballad. The lyrics to this song are the kind of comforting words we could all do with hearing sometimes.

Zitronenkuchen - Alina backt Zitronenkuchen

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Ever tasted a moist, zesty lemon cake? It's easier to make than you think! Alina shows you how in this video.

LEA - Du tust es immer wieder View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Lea sings about the pain of loving someone whose heart still belongs to their ex. The lyrics oscillate between the raw anger and the crippling fear of losing them, capturing the emotional turmoil of the situation.

Deutsch mit Paula - Flüsse in Deutschland View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

Do you know the names and locations of Germany's most important rivers? In this video, Paula takes us through the list of those with the greatest number of kilometers within Germany.

AnnenMayKantereit - Vielleicht Vielleicht View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

This song is about the early stages of a relationship when everything is so wonderful and you hope it will last forever, but there's always this nagging feeling that it won't.

Deutsch für Anfänger - #7 Nach dem Weg fragen View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie

Germany High German

In this clip, Eylin teaches us some important expressions for navigating an unfamiliar town. It's a good idea to practice asking for directions now so that you'll know how to do it when the time comes!

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