This animated series presents the history and evolution of humankind from the Stone Age to the present century, particularly looking at the major milestones and adventures humanity has gone through.
Austria High German
In this episode of our journey through time, we meet the Neanderthals, who roamed the European continent for around 65,000 years before disappearing almost without a trace. They lived as clans of hunter-gatherers, and knew how to make tools and fire.
Germany High German
The Neanderthals discover that tools can be made from stones, new hunting methods are discovered, and the many different clans try to resolve disputes through negotiation.
Germany High German
The banished hunter finds a mate and is accepted into his new family as an equal. But there is someone who does not like that at all...
Austria High German
The Neaderthals discover that fire makes meat taste better than ever! As time goes on, they also refine their hunting techniques and even work out how to lay rather sophisticated traps.
Germany High German
The climate is getting colder, the animals are disappearing, and the Neanderthals are gradually running out of food. Times are tough, and the Neanderthals are being forced to do whatever they can to survive.
Austria High German
The cold weather and a shortage of food eventually drove the Neanderthals to extinction, clearing the stage for Cro-Magnons, our direct ancestors. But you'll have to wait for the next episode to find out more about that!
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