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Give Your Students The Authentic Edge

Your Students will Love Yabla. Don’t take our word for it! See what the students at The Connecticut International Baccalaureate Academy (CIBA), a 5-year subscriber, have to say about Yabla.

Yabla uses authentic content and a unique video player to improve students' listening comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling.

Every student has their own login, and teachers can assign activities, set goals, and monitor student performance.

Videos from the world's best commercial, public, and independent broadcasters.

Yabla brings your students compelling authentic programming.

Yabla partners with the world's best commercial, public, and independent broadcasters. Music videos coming from the likes of Sony Latino, Sony France, Universal Latino and Universal Europe drive student interest in the living language through contemporary, meaningful culture.

Documentaries and news from passionate independent producers and networks such as Tv Peru, Gallovision and France2 draw students into the greater world of science, technology, ecology, economy, and history. Exclusive interviews and travel videos will bring them into contact with musicians, chefs, scientists, students, doctors, and other real people representing a great variety of accents, regions, and social classes.

Try a Yabla Video

Easily add students and colleagues at any time.

Give your students access to Yabla, quickly and easily.

With a school account, your students can quickly and easily sign themselves up, choosing their own username and password, at their (or your) convenience. You can also directly add and/or delete users at any time, using your allocated slots as needed. For example, you are welcome to give access to one set of students one semester and switch to another set of students the following semester. Students will be able to log in and access Yabla video language immersion at any time from any location.

Assign videos to your students as homework or lab assignments.

Assign activities to your classes.

You can assign videos based activities to your students as homework or lab assignments. Students complete assignments by playing the games and earning points. As students complete the assignments, you can monitor their progress in a gradebook and a detailed activity report. This helps to ensure that students are actively engaged in the videos.

Watch a video and use the "games" button to try the available activities.

Yabla is perfect for learners at all levels

Beginner or advanced, middle school or Ivy League, learners at all levels benefit from actively listening to native speakers. Current subscribers include top academic institutions such as the University of Michigan and Brown University, as well as public and preparatory schools at the secondary and middle-school levels.

Yabla for Schools: Free for 90 days

For any accredited school, district, or organization.

Since 2005, Yabla has served schools and districts throughout the world. We are ready to help you during this challenging time.

Submit your email above and we will get you started with a very easy setup, today.

Try These Sample Videos

  • Carl Benz - Visionär und Erfinder


    Level Intermediate


    Carl Benz was a brilliant inventor and visionary in the automotive industry. His patent for his "gas-powered vehicle" is widely regarded as the birth certificate of the automobile.

  • Kochrezepte - Mini Doughnuts


    Level Beginner


    Do you know about mini doughnuts? They are much smaller than regular doughnuts, but just as delicious. Alina shows us her recipe for doughnuts with chocolate and lemon icing.

  • Wilde Schweiz - Winter


    Level Intermediate


    Switzerland is more than just a haven for nature and wildlife; it's also Europe's water reservoir. This visually captivating documentary showcases the aquatic ecosystems and diverse fauna of Valais.

  • Nespresso - Wie ein Star


    Level Beginner


    Our German George Clooney enjoys star treatment in the form of a Ristretto. Viel Spaß!

  • Tatortreiniger - Currywurst


    Level Intermediate


    Heiko Schotte turns up at an art gallery for his next assignment. There, he meets the gallery owner, who at first assumes that he is an artist with a similar name, whose works she would like to...

  • Die Schmerzspezialisten - Effektive Rückenübungen gegen Schmerzen im unteren Rücken


    Level Intermediate


    In this video, pain specialist Roland Liebscher-Bracht demonstrates three effective exercises for lower back pain.