Festival season is upon us, and in Germany there are many music festivals happening both in the big cities and more remote locations. In addition, many musical artists are on tour, filling stadiums and smaller venues alike.
Due to the international nature of the topic, a lot of the vocabulary in this lesson is adopted from or similar to English, but not all! And even when a word derived from English is used, you still need to know the appropriate gender in German.
Mit seiner Konzertagentur erhielt er den LEA in gleich drei Kategorien: für die beste Stadion-Tour des Jahres, das beste Festival und die beste Show.
With his concert agency he received the LEA in as many as three categories: for the best stadium tour of the year, the best festival, and the best show.
Captions 54-55, Live-Entertainment-Award: Glamouröse Preisverleihung
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Das Konzert war großartig, denn die Band war fantastisch.
The concert was great because the band was fantastic.
Caption 14, Deutsch mit Eylin: Konjunktionen
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Der letzte Auftritt der Band war im Februar auf einer Hochzeit.
The band's last gig was at a wedding in February.
Caption 11, Coronavirus: Drei Musiker geben Ballonkonzert über Cloppenburg
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Vor kurzem hatten wir ein kurzes, aber knackiges Revival, haben gespielt bei einem Open Air.
Recently, we had a short but sweet revival, played at an open air festival.
Caption 21, Deutsche Bands: Cabanossi
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The more formal word for "the ticket" is die Eintrittskarte, but it's very normal to use the English word, which is neuter: das Ticket.
Ich denke, die Tickets sind ausverkauft.
I think the tickets are sold out.
Caption 9, Nicos Weg: Theater und Konzerte
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Festivals generally have a number of stages, each with their own lineup.
Bist du lieber auf der Bühne oder vor der Kamera?
Do you prefer to be on stage or in front of the camera?
Caption 86, 1Live: Nina Chuba im 1LIVE Fragenhagel
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Ja, wir haben in diesem Sommer ein erstklassiges Programm in der Musik-Arena .
Yes, this summer we have a first-class lineup in the music arena.
Caption 7, Das Tollwood-Festival: BAP und Clueso in der Musik-Arena
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Certain festivals may involve camping, and in Germany this can mean dealing with rain and mud. But not always, of course!
Was auf diesem Campingplatz wohl schon für Freundschaften entstanden sind?
What kinds of friendships might have started at this campground?
Caption 40, Golden Oldies in Wettenberg Musik, Motoren Modetrends
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Peppa springt auch gerne durch den Matsch.
Peppa also likes to jump through the mud.
Caption 54, Peppa Wutz: Einkaufen und mehr
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Further Learning
Have a look at our "Musicians" category on Yabla German, or check out the websites of music festivals in Germany.
The English preposition "for" and the German accusative preposition für are not only similarly spelled, but are often interchangeable too — the problem arises in cases where they are not. Let's first take a look at some examples where "for" can be directly translated as für. If something is intended for someone:
Was kann ich für dich tun?
What can I do for you?
Caption 2, Berlin - Judith und die „Brezel Bar“
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When indicating quantity or money:
Für Geld machen Sie alles?
For money you'll do anything?
Caption 62, Klebt, schmeckt, macht dick - Die Süßigkeitenmesse
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For stating a length or period of time:
Stattdessen wird sie in einen tiefen Schlaf fallen für viele Jahre.
Instead, she will fall into a deep sleep for many years.
Caption 30, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Dornröschen
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Some English expressions with "for" also use für when translated to German: für nichts or für umsonst (for nothing); für immer (for always or forever); für nächstes Mal (for next time).
On the other hand, the English "for" may also be translated as aus, seit, or zu, with expressions like "for some reason" (aus irgendeinem Grund), "for a long time" (seit langem), and "for sale" (zum Verkauf):
Aber aus irgendeinem Grund wollte Pandora im Haus bleiben.
But for some reason Pandora wanted to stay in the house.
Captions 33-34, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Büchse der Pandora
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Er ist Ungar und spielt schon seit langem mit uns zusammen.
He is Hungarian and plays with us for a long time already.
Captions 24-25, Deutsche Bands - Cabanossi
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Fast jedes Ei, das zum Verkauf in Supermärkten gedacht ist...
Almost every egg that is intended for sale in supermarkets...
Caption 9, Bioeier - Wie funktioniert der Erzeugercode?
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It's important to remember that prepositions are not always directly translatable; just because "for" is translated as zu in one case does not mean that zu is always translated into English as "for."
Further Learning:
Imagine a typical use of the word "for" in an English sentence, then translate it into German and search Yabla German for a similar expression to see how it is translated there. Did you get it right?