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Sending and Mailing

When it comes to sending an SMS, mailing a package, or even sending a person to do something, there are so many verbs that come up. Schicken, verschicken, senden, versenden... What is the difference? And what about abschicken


The differences can be subtle. While senden can be quite informal, versenden implies a more organized sending process or action, and is often used in a business context. But both still simply mean "to send." 


Frau Hoffmann, es war Ihre Verantwortung, diese Information zu versenden.

Ms. Hoffmann, it was your responsibility to send this information.

Caption 40, Berufsleben: Probleme mit Mitarbeitern

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It is also possible to use senden for something immaterial:


Darum sende ich euch Liebe und Respekt.

So I send you love and respect.

Caption 48, Golo: Smile

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Die Herbstfeuer senden ihre Rauchsignale in den Himmel

The autumn fires send their smoke signals into the sky

Caption 34, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 2

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Furthermore, the verb senden can also mean "to broadcast":


Wir senden vegan und glutenfrei.

We broadcast in a vegan and gluten-free way.

Caption 60, extra 3: Nachhaltig oder Greenwashing?

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Out of schicken, verschicken, and abschicken, schicken is the most general verb and can be used in most contexts. 


Kein Thema. Dann schicken Sie bitte ein Foto, einen Lebenslauf, ein kurzes Anschreiben an diese Adresse.

No problem. Then please send a photo, a CV, a short cover letter to this address.

Caption 54, Mein Weg nach Deutschland: Auf Arbeitssuche

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Sie schicken eine Streife? Vielen Dank.

You're sending a patrol car? Thank you very much.

Caption 18, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang

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Like versendenverschicken once again often implies a more organized or continuous effort, whereas abschicken emphasizes the act of dispatching and is often used for a singular action.


Haben Sie die Bewerbung denn auch abgeschickt?

Did you also send off the application?

Caption 6, Nicos Weg: Jobsuche

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Further Learning
You'll find many more examples of these verbs used in context on Yabla German.