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lernen vs. studieren

In learning the German language, there are two verbs that are needed by every beginner and sound extremely similar to English: lernen and studieren. However, as is often the case, the usage of these verbs is not identical to how "to learn" and "to study" are used in English.


The verb lernen means to acquire new information just like it does in English. 


Wir haben eigentlich viel gelernt von unserem Papa.

We actually learned a lot from our dad.

Caption 92, 3nach9 Ehrlich Brothers: Show-Magier

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Ja, ich habe auch selbst viel Neues darüber gelernt.

Yes, I have learned a lot of new things about it myself.

Caption 8, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Mecklenburg Vorpommern

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However, the verb lernen also refers to studying for a class or preparing for an exam. When you do your German homework, you don't say Ich studiere Deutsch, but instead Ich lerne Deutsch


Zwinge dich nicht dazu, stundenlang am Schreibtisch zu sitzen und zu lernen.

Don't force yourself to sit at a desk and study for hours.

Captions 58-59, Deutsch für Anfänger: Sprachlerntipps

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Ich habe gerade für die nächste Geschichtsarbeit gelernt.

I was just studying for the next history paper.

Caption 62, Der kleine Nick: Nachmittag bei Adalbert

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So, when is studieren used? You will generally hear it when the act of studying at an institution, like a college or university, is being discussed. If you talk about your major, where you went to school, or when you were enrolled, you will use studieren


Was studierst du hier an der Universität in Karlsruhe? Ich studiere Geoökologie.

What do you study here at the university in Karlsruhe? I study geoecology.

Captions 8-9, Geoökologie Cettina interviewt Sarah

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Nein, ich habe schon in Spanien zwei Semester Jura studiert.

No,  I already studied law in Spain for two semesters.

Caption 7, Nicos Weg: Am Bankautomaten

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Further Learning
You can find more examples of the difference between how these two verbs are used on Yabla German. But also try writing your own sentences: Where have you studied? What subjects have you studied? What did you learn? What are you studying for right now? 


You're probably already familiar with using natürlich as an adverb to say "of course." It's also occasionally translated as "naturally" or "obviously," depending upon the context.


The adverb selbstverständlich is also often translated as "of course," especially at the beginning of sentences:


Selbstverständlich, aber nicht so gewaltig.

Of course, but not too terribly much.

Caption 12, Silvester Vorsätze für das neue Jahr: Linkenheim

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Selbstverständlich, however, has more finely nuanced usages than natürlich. Let's take a look at a variety of translation possibilities available in this useful adverb. Something that is selbstverständlich is also "a matter of course":


Für viele von Ihnen ist das Mitmachen ganz selbstverständlich und wichtig.

For many of you, taking part is very much a matter of course and important.

Caption 31, Angela Merkel: Neujahrsansprache

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And may be "taken for granted":


Uns allen fehlen die Begegnungen, die sonst selbstverständlich sind.

We are all missing the interactions that are otherwise taken for granted.

Caption 10, Coronavirus: Fernsehansprache von Angela Merkel

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Selbstverständlich may also "go without saying":


Nun ja, sehen Sie, das ist doch ganz selbstverständlich.

Well, you see, that goes without saying.

Caption 66, Der kleine Nick: Nachmittag bei Adalbert

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Or simply "be a given":


Hier in Deutschland zum Beispiel ist es vielleicht schon selbstverständlich.

Here in Germany, for example, it may already be a given.

Caption 62, Rat für nachhaltige Entwicklung Mode gegen Armut

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And sometimes, it's "anything but self-evident":

Diese Bilder sind alles andere als selbstverständlich.

These pictures are anything but self-evident.

Caption 1, Abenteuer Nordsee: Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen

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Note that the noun version of selbstverständlich, das Selbstverständnis, has a somewhat different meaning: "self-image":


Im Selbstverständnis der Strothoff International School Rhein-Main wird viel Wert auf eine enge Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung und den respektvollen Umgang miteinander gelegt.

In its self-image, the Strothoff International School Rhein-Main highly values a close teacher-student relationship and a reciprocal respect.

Captions 50-51, Strothoff International School Imagefilm

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Further Learning
Do a search for selbstverständlich on Yabla German to see the adverb used in a variety of different contexts. Its usages are not always so selbstverständlich!