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But Apart from That...

The way to say "apart from" something, an expression that is helpful when you want to make a specific point about a topic in a conversation, is the phrase abgesehen von (etwas).


The problem for English speakers with learning this is that the phrase is based upon a verb, absehen, which is confusing when used in the "apart from" context, since it is usually translated as "to foresee" or sometimes as "to predict": 


Ja, man konnte es absehen.

Yes, you could foresee it.

Caption 57, Rhein-Main-TV - Interview mit Edmund Stössel

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Even the adverbial form, absehbar, is usually translated as "foreseeable" or sometimes "predictable":


...dass es sich in absehbarer Zeit ins Gegenteil verkehrt.

...that in the foreseeable future, it will move in the opposite direction.

Caption 26, Olympiade in Deutschland - Nicht um jeden Preis

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Deswegen war absehbar: Das wird nicht auf ewig so sein, diese Doppelbelastung.

Therefore, it was foreseeable that it wouldn't last forever, this double load.

Caption 54, Rhein-Main-TV - Interview mit Edmund Stössel

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The phrase abgesehen von (etwas), however, does not mean that something can be foreseen, but rather: 


Abgesehen von neugierigen Bootstouristen sind sie dort relativ ungestört.

Apart from the curious tourists on boats, they are relatively undisturbed there.

Caption 12, Abenteuer Nordsee - Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen

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Schlüters Entscheidungsunfähigkeit passt perfekt zur Merkel,

Schlüter's inability to make decisions fits perfectly with Merkel,

von kleineren Problemen abgesehen.

apart from a few small problems.

Captions 14-15, Der Merkelpilot - der kleine Mann, der es macht

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Aber abgesehen von kleinen Anlaufschwierigkeiten schienen die Tiere schon sehr zufrieden.

But apart from minor initial difficulties, the animals seemed to be quite content.

Caption 16, Für Tierfreunde - Przewalski-Wildpferde

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If the subject of your point has already been mentioned, you can also say abgesehen davon:


Abgesehen davon ist Vielfalt bei der Ernährung immer eine gute Sache.

Apart from this, variety in [one's] diet is always a good thing.

Caption 46, Kochhaus Berlin - Kochen mit Kindern

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Mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass wir natürlich kleine Schülerzahlen haben.

Quite apart from that, the fact that we have, of course, a small number of students.

Caption 65, Strothoff International School - Interview mit dem Rektor

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Mal abgesehen davon, dass wir dann gar nicht da wären,

Apart from that, we then wouldn't be here at all

wäre es dunkel auf der Erde... dunkel und kalt.

if it were dark on Earth... dark and cold.

Captions 2-3, Unser Universum - Die Sonne

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Further Learning
Apart from abgesehen von, can you think of any other ways to express "besides" or "other than?" Hint: search on Yabla German for similar expressions that use the prepositions außer, sonst, neben, außerdem, and the expression darüber hinaus

Listen up!

Have you noticed that there is not only the verb hören in German, but also anhören and zuhören? Unfortunately, the difference between these three can’t exactly be equated with the difference between “to listen” and “to hear” in English. Let’s try to get to the bottom of how each one is used.  

Hören without any prefixes can actually be translated as both “to hear” and “to listen,” depending on the context.



Hört ihr es? Mein Wasser fängt gerade an zu kochen.

Do you hear it? My water is just starting to boil.

Caption 35, Cannelloni - mit Jenny - Part 1

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Das haben wohl schon so einige Kinder von ihren Eltern zu hören bekommen.

Quite a few children have gotten to hear that from their parents.

Caption 2, Kochhaus Berlin - Kochen mit Kindern

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OK, ich höre. Wer beginnt?

OK, I am listening. Who will begin?

Caption 26, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Der Relativsatz - Part 16

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Zuhören is used to describe listening intently or paying attention. 


Du musst genau zuhören, was gesprochen wird,

You have to listen carefully to what is said,

Caption 39, German Intro - Cettina

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„Und nun hör zu:" "Der Sommer ist warm und kurz."

"And now listen up. "Summer is warm and short."

Captions 29-30, Piggeldy und Frederick - Sommer

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Sich etwas anhören describes listening to something specific that requires some time, for example, a song or an album. This is a bit confusing as hören is also used to talk about listening to music. If you understand the difference between sehen and sich etwas ansehen, this may help you with the distinction between hören and sich etwas anhören. Perhaps it is not unlike "to have a good look" or "to have a listen."


Wir möchten uns ein bisschen von seiner Lebensgeschichte anhören.

We would like to hear a bit about his life story.

Caption 4, Dieter Kränzlein - Bildhauer - Part 1

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Und was erwartet uns, wenn wir uns das Album anhören?

And what awaits us [can we expect] when we listen to the album?

Caption 13, Sons of Sounds - Open-Air in Karlsruhe

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At the same time, sich anhören is also used to talk about something (for example, an idea or suggestion) that “sounds good” or “sounds bad.” Take a look at the structures below: 


OK, das hört sich gut an. Ich komme gerne mit.

OK, that sounds good. I'll gladly come along.

Caption 44, Diane erklärt - Fragewörter

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Im Präteritum würde sich das so anhören.

In the preterite [narrative past in German], it would sound like this.

Caption 31, Konjugation - Das Verb „mögen“

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Now for a false friend alert: The verb überhören does not mean "to overhear" in the English sense. It actually means to ignore or miss something one has heard. 



Further Learning
Search Yabla German for more examples of these verbs to develop your understanding of how they are used. Next week, we’ll look at a few words that contain the word hören, but have little to do with listening or hearing.  

At the Table

This week, for our beginners, we'll go over the elements of a place setting at the table. First, let's review the different utensils (das Besteck):


Ich brauche zum Essen noch eine Gabel.

In order to eat I need a fork.

Eine Gabel... und ein Messer.

A fork... and a knife.

Caption 21, Zu Besuch bei Jenny - In der Wohnung

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Nein, einen großen Löffel brauche ich nicht,

No, I don't need large spoon,

denn ich esse keine Suppe und auch keine Soße.

since I'm not eating any soup or any sauce either.

Caption 23, Zu Besuch bei Jenny - In der Wohnung

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Generally, all of these can be described as groß or klein. Just make sure you have the correct declension. The same is the case for der Teller – we can say ein großer Teller or ein kleiner Teller. 


... und dann hat man nicht nur was Buntes auf dem Teller,

... and then you not only have something colorful on the plate,

sondern es schmeckt hoffentlich auch den kleinen Feinschmeckern.

but, hopefully, it'll even taste good to the little gourmets.

Captions 47-48, Kochhaus Berlin - Kochen mit Kindern

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Here you can see the way different types of bowls are described. Generally, eine Schüssel will be a larger bowl, even a serving or mixing bowl, while eine Schale is smaller and intended for an individual. If it's very small, you can also say ein Schälchen.


Wir schütten den Teig in eine Schüssel oder in einen Suppenteller.

We'll pour the batter into a bowl or into a soup plate.

Caption 27, Apfelpfannkuchen - mit Alina und Sabine

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Dann gibt dir jemand 'ein Schälchen Vanille-Pudding,

Then someone gives you a small bowl of vanilla pudding,

dann freust du dich da drüber...

then you are happy about it...

Captions 22-23, Helge Schneider - Auf der Bühne geht's mir gut

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You probably already know the difference between eine Tasse and ein Glas, but this list wouldn't be complete without it. Both examples below remind us that when translating "a cup of" or "a glass of," the "of" is dropped in the German version:


Kommt mal mit. Wir machen jetzt mal eine Tasse Kaffee für mich.

Come along. We'll make a cup of coffee for me.

Caption 16, Jenny beim Frühstück - Teil 1

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Willst du erst mal ein Glas Wasser trinken? -Ja, gerne. Danke schön.

Do you first want to drink a glass of water? -Yes, gladly. Thank you.

Caption 11, Fine - sucht eine Wohnung

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Further Learning
Review the gender for each of these words and look for how declensions are created in typical sentences on Yabla German. For more vocabulary, you can also take a look at this list

Common German Mistakes: Wie or Als?

German speakers sometimes make the mistake of using wie (as, like, how) instead of als (than), an error that is a bit puzzling for native English speakers. It is hard for us to imagine saying, for example: "I am taller as you" instead of "I am taller than you," but in German this is a fairly common error. The following Yabla English translations reflect the corrections to als:


Also wir geben hier mehr her

So we deliver more here

wie [sic, als] die Lufthansa da in der... in der Businessclass.

than Lufthansa there in the… in the business class.

Captions 45-46, Fluglinien - Niki Air

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... wie [sic, als] wenn man einfach sagt:

... than if you simply say to them:

„Kuck mal, ich hab' dir 'nen ganz gesunden Salat gemacht“.

"Look, I have made ​​you a very healthy salad".

Captions 32-33, Kochhaus Berlin - Kochen mit Kindern

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The German als should be used like the English "than" when showing contrast, as a function word to indicate an inequality between two things:


Ich sage immer, eher mehr Selbstvertrauen als Talent.

I always say, rather more confidence than talent.

Caption 22, Cassandra Steen - Interview

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Wobei man hier eher vom Fallen als vom Fliegen sprechen muss.

Although in this case it would be more accurate to speak of falling rather than of flying.

Caption 5, Abenteuer und Sport - Fallschirmspringen

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Whereas wie is used to relate things that are similar in some way, or to give an example:


Wir haben ein Programm

We have a program

mit Ikonen der Musikgeschichte wie Foreigner oder den Simple Minds

with icons of music history like Foreigner or the Simple Minds

Captions 7-8, Das Tollwood-Festival - BAP und Clueso in der Musik-Arena

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Da sind die besten Firmen der Welt dabei wie Siemens und andere.

The best companies in the world are there, like Siemens and others.

Caption 40, Berlins regierender Bürgermeister - Pläne für 2014

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Further Learning:

Search on Yabla German for the words als and wie to find more of the ways these expressions are used in context.
