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Fahrradfahren aufm Fahrradweg

This week's topic could be sung to the tune of the Kraftwerk song "Autobahn," but never mind cars—let's talk about bicycles! Spring is in the air and it's time to get that bike out and ready for the road. Here are some bicycle-related topics to help get you motivated.


First a bit about bicycle history: 


Das Tretkurbelveloziped war auf der Pariser Weltausstellung 1867 ein Publikumsmagnet und Verkaufserfolg.

The foot pedal velocipede at the Paris World's Fair in 1867 was a crowd magnet and commercial success.

Captions 12-13, 200. Geburtstag: Die Geschichte des Fahrrads in 2 Minuten

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Es folgte Ende der 187oer-Jahre das Sicherheitsniederrad mit gleich großen Rädern, Kettenantrieb, Übersetzung aufs Hinterrad und luftbefüllten Reifen.

At the end of the 1870s followed the safety bicycle, with equally large wheels, chain drive, transfer to the back wheel and tires filled with air.

Captions 17-20, 200. Geburtstag: Die Geschichte des Fahrrads in 2 Minuten

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Heutzutage ist die neueste Innovation das E-Bike.

Today, the newest innovation is the E-Bike.

Caption 30, 200. Geburtstag: Die Geschichte des Fahrrads in 2 Minuten

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And now some more about bicycle maintenance and repair: 


Frühlingszeit ist Fahrradzeit, also raus mit dem Drahtesel und ab auf die Piste.

Springtime is bike time, so get out your "wire donkey" and hit the road.

Captions 1-2, Fahrrad: Frühjahrs-Check

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The slang word der Drahtesel is a term of endearment for your beloved bike.


Ganz, ganz wichtig ist im Frühjahrscheck sowohl als auch im Wintercheck, dass man halt sich die kompletten Sicherheitsmerkmale von einem Rad noch mal anguckt.

Very, very important, with the springtime check, as well as with the winter check, is that you just look again at the complete safety features of the bike.

Captions 7-8, Fahrrad: Frühjahrs-Check

 Play Caption


Wie sehen die Bremsbeläge aus?

How do the brake pads look?

Caption 10, Fahrrad: Frühjahrs-Check

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Zu einem kompletten Frühlingscheck gehört auch die Kontrolle der Speichen.

A complete springtime check also includes checking the spokes.

Caption 16, Fahrrad: Frühjahrs-Check

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Beleuchtung, ein ganz wichtiges Thema, ja? Dass halt alle Lampen wirklich so funktionieren...

Lighting, a very important topic, right? That all the lights just really function the way they should function....

Captions 20-21, Fahrrad Frühjahrs-Check

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Further Learning
Learn the bicycle terms above (OK, you can probably skip the velocipede one!) and see if you can guess the meaning of the following parts of a bicycle before looking in a dictionary: 


Die Bremse, der Bremshebel, die Felge, die Gabel, das Kabel, die Kette, der Lenker, die Luftpumpe, die Nabe, der Rahmen, der Sattel


Now go to German Yabla and watch the two videos above, then see if you can find some more videos that mention das Fahrrad. Happy bicycling from us at Yabla!

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Caption 21, 20, 16, 10, 8, 7, 2, 1

Some German Slang Expressions

Many Germans use slang in their everyday speech. Some slang may be rude or inappropriate, so it's best to avoid that. But there are lots of other kinds of slang expressions that are considered "normal" and perfectly polite in everyday speech. 



Diese Frau ist einfach ein Dauerbrenner [umgangssprachlich].

This woman is simply a long burning oven [slang, perennially popular].

Caption 1, Angelique Kerber - Fotoshooting mit Porsche

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Calling somebody a "long burning oven" in English sounds a bit odd, to say the least, and possibly even insulting, but the slang German expression merely means that somebody is perennially popular


Sophie, bist du immer noch sauer [umgangssprachlich]?

Sophie, are you still sour [slang: angry]?

Caption 6, Die Pfefferkörner - Gerüchteküche

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Of course, the person doesn't really want to know if Sophie is literally sour, but if she is still angry!


Weil du natürlich ihr Bärenführer [umgangssprachlich] wirst.

Because you will, of course, become her bear trainer [slang, job trainer].

Caption 20, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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Nor does der Bärenführer have anything to do with real bears, what it means is a job trainer for new employees. 


Frühlingszeit ist Fahrradzeit, also raus mit dem Drahtesel [Umgangssprache].

Springtime is bike time, so get out the "wire donkey" [your trusty bike].

Caption 1, Fahrrad - Frühjahrs-Check

 Play Caption


Naturally there are no donkeys, mules, burros or other pack animals involved, der Drahtesel is a slang word for bicycle



Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and search for "slang" to find examples of slang German words used in videos. Then test the knowledge of other students in your German class by using the newly-learned German slang word in an appropriate context. For those who don't understand, it could sound pretty funny: imagine telling the class you rode your "wire donkey" to school that day! 

Compounds of Spring

It may not be exactly warm out yet in old Berlin, but Frühling is definitely in the air. The sun has been out more than usual and we're starting to see some buds on the bushes and trees! Let's take a look at some compound nouns that can be formed from the German word for "spring."



Vielmehr sollten die Tiere jetzt darauf achten,

Instead, the animals now ought to take heed

dass ihnen die Frühlingsgefühle nicht durchgehen.

that these spring feelings don't get the best of them.

Captions 43-44, Rheinmain im Blick - Frühling im Zoo

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Erst ab Mai bekommen sie hier oben Frühlingsgefühle.

Not until May do they get spring fever up here.

Caption 46, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten

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Das Frühlingsgefühl is a compound noun made by joining der Frühling with das Gefühl. In the first example, it is translated directly as "spring feeling," and in the second case more literarily as "spring fever."


Compounds can also be made from der Frühling relating to specific times of day: 


Es ist ein wunderschöner Frühlingsmorgen heute.

It is a wonderfully beautiful spring morning today.

Caption 2, Berlin - Eva im Viktoriapark

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Leopardeneis und Vanilleeis,

Leopard ice cream and vanilla ice cream,

ein Traum für einen sonnigen Frühlingsnachmittag.

a dream for a sunny spring afternoon.

Caption 46, Eis - Eiskalte Leidenschaft

 Play Caption


Or about time in a more general sense: 


Frühlingszeit ist Fahrradzeit.

Springtime is bike time.

Caption 1, Fahrrad - Frühjahrs-Check

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Die Frankfurter haben nach dem sonnigen Wochenende

The residents of Frankfurt have, after the sunny weekend,

auch heute die ersten Frühlingstage am Mainufer genossen.

enjoyed the first days of spring on the shore of the Main [River] today too.

Captions 4-5, Rheinmain im Blick - Der Frühling ist da

 Play Caption



Further Learning
Watch the above videos on Yabla German to help get you into the mood for spring and improve your German too! Then check out this list of compound words that can be made from der Frühling. Don't forget to get outside and soak up a little bit of sunshine! 

Springtime Activities in Germany

All Mel Brooks jokes aside, Germany is a cold, gray place in winter, and the first hints of spring draw everyone out into the sunshine like hibernating bears emerging from their winter caves. Springtime is truly appreciated in Northern Europe, not like your year-round boring Southern California sunshine, and with this special time of year come special springtime activities, as well.


How better to get about than on a bicycle?


Frühlingszeit ist Fahrradzeit,

Springtime is bike time,

also raus mit dem Drahtesel [Umgangssprache]

so get out the "wire donkey" [your trusty bike]

und ab auf die Piste.

and hit the road.

Captions 1-2, Fahrrad - Frühjahrs-Check

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And as you pass by Viktoriapark in Berlin's Kreuzberg district,


Man kann sich dort sonnen, Frisbee spielen oder ein Picknick machen.

You can sun yourself, play frisbee, or have a picnic.

Caption 9, Berlin - Eva im Viktoriapark

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After all that sunshine, what better way to cool off than with some exotically flavored ice cream?


Leopardeneis und Vanilleeis,

Leopard ice cream and vanilla ice cream,

ein Traum für einen sonnigen Frühlingsnachmittag.

a dream for a sunny spring afternoon.

Caption 46, Eis - Eiskalte Leidenschaft

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This is the time to really enjoy life, after all!


Das ist der Frühling...

This is spring...

alle freuen sich: die Tiere, die Pflanzen, die Menschen.

everyone rejoices: the animals, the plants, the people.

Captions 10-11, Jahreszeiten - Der Frühling

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Further Learning:

Gardening is also a very popular spring and summer activity. Go to this extensive garden glossary and then go outside and see if you can put some of your new vocabulary to practical use in nature! After getting some fresh air, see if you can find some of the newly-learned springtime terms in context in a video on German Yabla!
