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Wann, wenn, ob, and falls

In a previous newsletter, we outlined the difference between wann, wenn, and als. This week, we'll take a look at wann and wenn in the context of the words listed above, which tend to be a bit confusing for beginners. 


Wann is a question word, like was or wie. It is concerned with at what point in time something will happen, but not if it will happen. 


Wann werden Sie diesen Flughafen eröffnen können?

When will you be able to open this airport?

Caption 28, Berlins regierender Bürgermeister - Pläne für 2014

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Genau, ja, wir schauen grad, wann der perfekte Zeitpunkt ist.

Exactly, yes, we are looking right now when the perfect time would be.

Caption 40, Wincent Weiss & Benni Freibott - Musik sein

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The word wenn can be confusing, because it can be translated as “if,” but also as “when” or “whenever.” 


Wenn man die Augen schließt und an Berlin denkt, was sieht man da?

If you close your eyes and think about Berlin, what do you see there?

Caption 1, Berlin - Hotel Adlon feiert 15 Jahre Neueröffnung

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Wenn schon so starker Schneefall ist, dann muss man die Zeit eigentlich optimal nutzen.

When there is such heavy snowfall, then you actually have to use your time optimally.

Caption 30, 48 h in Innsbruck - Sehenswürdigkeiten & Tipps

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The word ob means "whether," but is also translated as "if." It is generally used in sentences that involve two options or a question that could be answered with "no" just as easily as "yes."


Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob das Eurem Vater gefällt.

But I'm not sure if your father will like that.

Caption 12, Das Märchen von der Prinzessin - die unbedingt in einem Märchen vorkommen wollte

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Ich möchte schauen, ob ihr die Regeln verstanden habt.

I want to see whether you have understood the rules.

Caption 63, Deutschkurs in Tübingen - Trennbare Verben und Wortstellung

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Falls also means "if," but, unlike wenn, can only be used with the conditional type I and not conditional type II or III. It is also often translated as "in case." 


Ähm, falls Ihre Schwester trockene Haut hat, wär' des [das] ganz toll. -OK, super.

Um, if your sister has dry skin, that would be totally great. -OK, super.

Captions 35-36, Rhein-Main-TV - Eva Padberg beim Weihnachtseinkauf

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Natürlich auch einen warmen Pulli, falls es kalt wird.

Of course, also a warm pullover, in case it gets cold.

Caption 9, Christiane - fährt in den Urlaub

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Further Learning
To review the types of conditional sentences in English (mentioned above), take a look at this website. A newsletter on creating conditional sentences in German is forthcoming, so it's a good way to prepare! When you watch videos on Yabla German, note how wenn, ob, and falls are translated. Consider whether the word used could be swapped out for one of the others, and why or why not. 

Expressions with Weg and Weise

This week we'll look at the German translations for English expressions using the word "way." 


Both "on my way" (also with "your" or any other possessive adjective) and "on the way" are translated as auf dem Weg in German.


Ich bin auf dem Weg und jetzt geh' ich unter das Tor.

I'm on the way and now I'll go under the gate.

Caption 34, Diane erklärt - Präpositionen

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This can also be used figuratively as well, as it is in English: 


Dann gibt es nur noch eine kleine Hürde auf dem Weg zu Ihrem Traumjob.

Then there is still only one small hurdle on the way to your dream job.

Caption 16, Bundestagswahl – Stellenanzeige - Bundeskanzler gesucht

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The same goes for something standing or being "in the way":


Und dem soll auch vorerst nichts im Wege stehen.

And for now nothing should stand in the way of that.

Caption 15, Rhein-Main-TV aktuell - Der Frühling ist da

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Dann kann der aufsteigenden Künstlerin ja nichts mehr im Wege stehen.

Then, indeed, nothing can stand in the way any longer of this rising artist.

Caption 33, Singer-Songwriterin Elif - Eine Achterbahn der Gefühle

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The expression unterwegs means "on the way," "traveling" / "in transit" or "on the go."


„Wann sehen wir endlich die Faulheit?“, fragte Piggeldy unterwegs.

"When will we finally see the laziness?" Piggeldy asked on the way.

Caption 7, Piggeldy und Frederick - Faulheit

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Sie waren den ganzen Tag unterwegs gewesen und es wurde dunkel...

They had been travelling the whole day, and it grew dark...

Caption 36, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten

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Eva Padberg ist als Model viel unterwegs.

Eva Padberg is, as a model, on the go a lot.

Caption 1, Rhein-Main-TV - Eva Padberg beim Weihnachtseinkauf

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When we talk about a way of doing something or the way something happened, we use the words die Art, die Weise, or the expression die Art und Weise.


Doch im dritten Viertel wendete sich das Blatt in kaum vorstellbarer Weise.

Indeed, in the third quarter the page [the tables] turned in an almost unimaginable way.

Caption 23, Deutsche Bank Skyliners - Basketball-Bundesliga

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Und das tun die Tiere im Frankfurter Zoo auf ganz unterschiedliche Art und Weise.

And the animals at the Frankfurt Zoo do this in very different ways.

Caption 15, Umfragen - Zootiere im Winter

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There are a couple of different ways to express "either way," such as in beiden Fällen or so oder so. 


So oder so, wir werden dann auf alle Fälle mit Ihnen Kontakt aufnehmen.

Either way, we will in any event get in touch with you.

Caption 68, Berufsleben - das Vorstellungsgespräch

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Further Learning
Try integrating these phrases in your daily language practice. If you need more examples, do a search on Yabla German.

Der Weihnachtsmarkt

Although Christmas decorations started appearing in the shops at the end of October, the holiday season in Germany really begins with the first Sunday of Advent. A clear sign of this is the opening of a Christmas market in most towns and cities. This is referred to as either der Weihnachtsmarkt, der Adventsmarkt, or der Christkindlesmarkt.



Hallo, ich bin auf dem Karlsruher Weihnachtsmarkt.

Hello, I am at the Karlsruhe Christmas Market.

Caption 1, Diane - auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt

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Der Advent, das ist die Zeit vor Weihnachten.

Advent, that is the time before Christmas.

Caption 3, Weihnachtsmärkte - mit Eva

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In the evenings, people gather on the town square or in an enclosed market hall to do Christmas shopping, listen to music, and eat and drink a number of winter specialties. These include savory dishes, but also many types of sweets, such as almonds roasted with sugar, which are served in a small paper bag.


... eine Tüte gebrannte Mandeln.

... a bag of almonds roasted with sugar.

Caption 48, Rhein-Main-TV - Eva Padberg beim Weihnachtseinkauf

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Selber gebackene Plätzchen. -Oh, lecker.

Home baked cookies. -Oh, delicious.

Caption 16, Unterwegs mit Cettina - auf dem Bruchsaler Weihnachtsmarkt

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A typical Weihnachtsmarkt has small wooden cabins or tables with heaters, stands selling assorted gifts and sweets, and rides for children. And of course, we should not forget the centerpiece: a large Christmas tree, known as der Tannenbaum or der Weihnachtsbaum.


Hier kann man schöne Weihnachtsgeschenke kaufen.

You can buy beautiful Christmas presents here.

Caption 14, Diane - auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt

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Einen Tannenbaum im Wasser zu schmücken...

To decorate a Christmas tree in the water...

Caption 7, Weihnachten geht baden - Tannenbaum unter Wasser

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Further Learning
Watch the Yabla German videos that have featured a Weihnachtsmarkt and take note of vocabulary related to things to eat and do there. This article on Wikipedia has an interesting overview of the history of the traditional Christmas market in Germany, as well as the tradition as it exists in other countries.