In previous lessons, we've examined adjectives ending with -bar and adjectives with un- and -los. This week, we'l look at the ending -sam. The nice thing about adjectives, as you may remember, is that the related adverb is often the exact same word rather than having a different suffix.
The word sparsam is a positive adjective related to trying to save money, and could also be translated as "frugal" or "thrifty." The word geizig is less flattering, and essentially means "stingy."
Das ist sehr sparsam!
This is very economical!
Caption 38, Der Trabi: Das Kultauto aus dem Osten
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While interviewing individuals who are against vaccination, comedian Lutz van der Horst heard the following statement:
Es gibt keine einzige wissenschaftliche Studie, die das wirklich klar belegt, dass Impfen wirksam und vernünftig ist.
There is not a single scientific study that really clearly proves that vaccination is effective and sensible.
Captions 19-20, heute-show: Lutz van der Horst trifft auf Impfverweigerer
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Here are a few more common adjectives ending with -sam. The first two may be known to you through the related verbs raten ("to advise”) and unterhalten ("to entertain").
... ist es auf jeden Fall ratsam, sich so gut wie möglich zu benehmen.
... it is definitely advisable to behave as well as possible.
Captions 55-56, Deutsch mit Eylin: Tischsitten
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So unterhaltsam kann Lernen sein!
Learning can be so entertaining!
Caption 5, Theaterstück über gesunde Ernährung: Henrietta in Fructonia
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„Aber ich war so grausam und gemein zu dir“, weinte die Prinzessin.
"But I was so dreadful and mean to you," cried the Princess.
Caption 84, Märchen - Sagenhaft: König Drosselbart
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Und nun wurde auch ein Schwein auf sie aufmerksam.
And then a pig became aware of them.
Caption 58, Märchenstunde: Der Lebkuchenmann
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Immer wenn du weg bist, bin ich so einsam.
Whenever you're away, I am so lonely.
Caption 7, Janoschs Traumstunde: Post für den Tiger
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Warum die Atmosphäre zwischen uns beiden so seltsam in letzter Zeit ist, kann ich mir auch nicht erklären.
I can't figure out either why the atmosphere between us has been so strange lately.
Caption 48, Die Wohngemeinschaft: Probleme
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Many of these words become nouns with the addition of -keit. Have a look:
Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit.
Thanks for your attention.
Caption 28, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Brandenburg
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Langfristige Studien zur Wirksamkeit des Superabsorbers gibt es bisher keine.
There haven't been any long-term studies of the super absorber's effectiveness yet.
Caption 37, Wunderkräfte aus der Windel: Wasserspeicher für Blumenerde
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Aber Flora und Fauna können sich in dieser Einsamkeit noch ungestört entfalten.
But in this solitude, flora and fauna can develop without being disturbed.
Caption 7, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 2
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Further Learning
Make flashcards in order to memorize the adjectives above. You will find other adjectives with -sam on Yabla German, of course.
You're probably familiar with the saying "But there's a catch..." According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, it means that there is a "concealed difficulty or complication" in a situation. There is a similar saying in German, but instead of the noun for "catch," it uses the German word for the noun "hook": der Haken.
First, let's take a look at the pronunciation. You want to really open your mouth wide with an "ah" sound when pronouncing this word:
Im Wort „Haken“ ist das „A“ lang.
In the word “hook,” the “A” is long.
Caption 32, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Alphabet
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Now let's take a look at how der Haken is used idiomatically in the form einen Haken haben:
Dieses Kompliment seiner Frau ist schön, hat allerdings auch einen Haken.
This compliment by his wife is nice, however, it also has a catch.
Caption 19, Theater: Mörderische Phantasien
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Die Sache hat einen Haken.
In this matter, there's a catch.
Caption 24, Küss mich, Frosch: Die Zeiten haben sich geändert
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You can also use the form ein Haken an etwas sein:
Ein Haken an der Sache ist der Preis: In der Hauptsaison zahlt eine vierköpfige Familie für die Lodgesuite am Gardasee pro Woche 1.400 Euro.
One catch with the whole thing is the price: During the peak season, a family of four pays 1,400 euros per week for the lodge suite on Lake Garda.
Captions 36-38, Glamping: Camping mit Stil
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Of course, ein Haken is also used in the literal sense to mean "a hook":
Unten am Fluss hängte er zuerst einen Wurm an den Haken und dann die Angel ins Wasser.
Down by the river, he first hung a worm on the hook and then cast the line into the water.
Captions 14-15, Janoschs Traumstunde: Post für den Tiger
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Ein solcher Fall ereignete sich, als sich ein Delfin in den Gewässern von Kona, Hawaii, einem Taucher näherte, weil ein Haken an seiner Flosse hing.
One such case occurred when a dolphin approached a diver in the waters of Kona, Hawaii, because a hook was attached to its fin.
Captions 14-16, Die 12 freundlichsten Meerestiere der Welt
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Der Delfin positionierte sich so vor dem Taucher, dass dieser den Haken entfernen konnte.
The dolphin positioned itself in front of the diver so that he could remove the hook.
Captions 17-18, Die 12 freundlichsten Meerestiere der Welt
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You'll note that "hook" is related to fishing. One easy way to remember this idiom is that "catch" is related to catching fish, which can be done with a hook. And that, dear Yabla readers, is der Haken!
Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and see the above examples in context. You can also make up some sentences of the saying using the forms einen Haken haben and ein Haken an etwas sein and have your teacher check them.
Above you can see two adverbs, a conjunction, and a noun that are close to identical. Can you differentiate between them?
The best translation of the adverb eh is "anyway," but—Achtung!—it can't be used in every situation like its English counterpart. Have a look at this lesson to review the different contexts in which eh and similar words like sowieso and trotzdem are used.
Ich find's eh schade, dass man ihn kaum noch bei uns im Zweiten sieht.
I think it's a shame anyway that you hardly ever see him with us on Zweiten ["Second," a TV channel].
Caption 9, Lerchenberg: Ein Fall für Zwei
Play Caption
Der war eh potthässlich.
It was really ugly anyway.
Caption 71, Lerchenberg: Du bist, was du isst
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The conjunction ehe means "before." To see it compared to other words with the same meaning, have a look at this lesson. Here are more examples:
„Wir müssen uns ganz schnell davonschleichen“, sagte Frederick leise, „ehe er uns bemerkt.“
"We have to sneak away very quickly," said Frederick quietly, "before he notices us."
Captions 33-34, Piggeldy und Frederick: Der Elefant
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Und ehe die beiden sich's versahen, befanden sie sich auf dem Wagen.
And before they both knew it, they found themselves on the truck.
Caption 25, Piggeldy und Frederick Reise nach Schweinebrück
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Next we come to the adverb eher, which has two main meanings. First of all, it can be a synonym for früher ("earlier"):
Könntest du mir morgen den Brief etwas eher schicken?
Could you send the letter to me a bit earlier tomorrow?
Caption 36, Janoschs Traumstunde: Post für den Tiger
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However, eher can also refer to likelihood or preference. The best way to get a sense of this is to look at the diverse translations for eher related to this context:
Die Luftballons sind eher was für die Kleinen.
The balloons are more something for the little ones.
Caption 19, Das Fest: Open-Air in Karlsruhe
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Also ich bin dann eher lieber Nachtmensch.
So then I'm more of a night person.
Caption 13, Angelique Kerber Generali fragt Angelique Kerber: Ist Angie Frühaufsteherin?
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Ich würde dann eher nicht so einen kräftigen Lack nehmen.
I would then rather not select such a bright polish.
Caption 21, Das Beauty-Einmaleins: Fingernägel
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Die großen traditionellen Weihnachtsmärkte findet man eher im Süden Deutschlands.
One is more likely to find the large traditional Christmas markets in the south of Germany.
Caption 6, Weihnachtsmärkte: mit Eva
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Like all German nouns, die Ehe ("the marriage") is capitalized, which makes it easily distinguishable from ehe.
Dabei hat die Kanzlerin doch vorher gegen die Ehe für alle gestimmt.
Yet the chancellor previously voted against marriage for all.
Caption 9, heute-show: Die männliche Merkel hat Erinnerungslücken
Play Caption
Further Learning
You will find many examples of eh and eher on Yabla German, which can help you understand how to integrate these words into your own spoken German.
In German, there are many different salutations and closings for letters and emails. Which one you choose will depend on your relationship with the person you are writing and whether they identify as male or female.
Friends who write each other emails may simply write Hallo Gitta, or Hallo Micha, or Hallo zusammen, (if addressing a group). For this salutation, the comma comes after the name and not after Hallo as it would in longer sentences.
However, unless you are on very casual terms with someone, you will need to use the other salutations and make sure you use the appropriate declension. If you have never met a person and know that the circumstances are formal, you will want to use Sehr geehrter or Sehr geehrte which literally translates as "Very honored..." If you don't know exactly who will receive your letter, Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, is the German version of "Dear sir or madam."
Gut. Also... „Sehr geehrte Frau Larsen, vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung“.
Good. So... "Dear Ms. Larsen, Many thanks for your response."
Captions 17-18, Das Lügenbüro - Die Bewerbung - Part 1
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„Sehr geehrter Herr Frederick“, sagte er, „lassen Sie das sofort nach, sonst hau ich Ihnen eins auf die empfindliche Nase“.
"Very honorable Mister Frederick," he said, "stop that immediately, otherwise, I'll sock you one on [your] sensitive nose."
Captions 32-33, Piggeldy und Frederick - Der Brief
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Lieber or Liebe which translates simply as "Dear" is more flexible. It may be followed by a first name (Lieber Hans,) or a formal term of address (Liebe Frau Hoffmann,), and is used for different types of friends and acquaintances.
„Lieber Tiger, teile dir mit, dass es mir gut geht“.
"Dear Tiger, I'll share with you that I'm doing well."
Caption 17, Janoschs Traumstunde - Post für den Tiger
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One important thing to remember is that the first word after the comma is usually not capitalized like it would be in English.
When concluding your letter or email, there are a number of options. The typical closing for formal letters is Mit freundlichen Grüßen, which the Schlager star Heino recently used as an album title when he covered other musicians' songs.
Er covert auf seinem Album „Mit freundlichen Grüßen“ Rock- und Popsongs.
He is covering rock and pop songs on his album "With Friendly Greetings."
Captions 5-6, Heino - Neue Volkslieder
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Other closings for formal acquaintances include Herzliche Grüße, ("Heartfelt greetings") and Viele Grüße, ("Many greetings"). Between friends or informal acquaintances, Liebe Grüße, or simply Lieben Gruß, or Grüße, are more common options.
„Liebe Grüße, Elisabeth“. -Elisabeth?
"Kind Regards, Elisabeth." -Elisabeth?
Caption 46, Die Pfefferkörner - Gerüchteküche - Part 3
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Further Learning
For more vocabulary related to letter-writing, go to Yabla German and watch the full episode of Piggeldy and Frederick in which the brothers tackle the topic. More salutations and closings can be seen on this informative website. For a more detailed account of how to use punctuation with the word Hallo, you can look at this Duden article.