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Pages: 92 of 98 
─ Videos: 1372-1386 of 1463 Totaling 83 hours 58 minutes

Unterwegs mit Sarah - auf dem Karlsruher Weihnachtsmarkt - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Sarah shows us around Karlsruhe's "Christkindlesmarkt" Christmas Market, which has three areas. She stops at various stands to buy a gingerbread heart, a mulled wine, and some alcohol-free children's punch.

Unterwegs mit Sarah - auf dem Karlsruher Weihnachtsmarkt - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Sarah continues exploring the Christmas market in Karlsruhe. She visits the talking "fairy tale boxes," the ice skating rink, and a stand where they make crêpes with Nutella!

Verkehrsmittel - in Berlin

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Learn about various means of public transportation in Berlin. Gute Fahrt und viel Spaß beim Deutschlernen!

Viva con Agua - Spendenlauf für sauberes Trinkwasser

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German North German

Viva con Agua is a Hamburg-based charity that helps people around the world have access to clean drinking water. Here, a group of local kids partake in a sponsored run – RUN4WASH – in order to raise money to help others.

Wahl-ABC - Erststimme, Zweitstimme, Fünf-Prozent-Hürde View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


A primary vote, a secondary, vote, and the five-percent hurdle: The German election is much more than two Xs on a ballot. In this video on the ABCs of Bundestag elections, you’ll learn all about these terms and the election process overall. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

WDR - Sendung mit der Maus - Die Geschichte von Sankt Martin View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

This is the story of St. Martin of Tours, a man who gave his time, energy, and belongings to the poor and needy. In Germany, St. Martin’s Day is celebrated in mid-November with a feast, bonfires, and processions of children carrying lanterns through the streets.

WDR Lokalzeit - Entropia

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

Eighteen-year-old Piet Mundry made the feature film Entropia together with amateur actors, and directed it himself. The plot: Charles returns to his childhood home town and encounters old friends and enemies who will change his future. With entropy as an alibi for his revenge, Charles begins to create chaos in Lüdinghausen.

Weihnachten in Deutschland - Weihnachtstraditionen View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

How do people celebrate Christmas in Germany? Paula and Alina compare their family traditions.

Weihnachten in Deutschland - Weihnachts ABC View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany High German

It's time to play the Christmas ABCs! Paula and Alina take turns guessing Christmas-related words and share what they particularly like about this time of year.

Weihnachtsfilm - Ein Sack voll Geld - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany Upper Saxon

It's just before Christmas, a busy time of year for delivery man Wolfgang Paschke.

Weihnachtsfilm - Ein Sack voll Geld - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Germany Upper Saxon

Wolfgang Paschke stops by the house to say hi to his wife and finds his son in the middle of a snowball fight. Unfortunately, he has to go back out again.

Weihnachtsfilm - Ein Sack voll Geld - Part 3 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Germany Upper Saxon

Paschke has some trouble at the bank and we get the impression that he is experiencing some financial problems.

Weihnachtsinterviews - Diane in Karlsruhe View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany South German

Diane interviews passersby at the Christmas market in Karlsruhe to learn about their Christmas traditions.

Weihnachtsinterviews - Paula in Karlsruhe View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German Palatine German

Paula interviews people at Karlsruhe's Christmas market. She wants to know what presents they have bought and how they like the market.

Weihnachtslieder - Stille Nacht mit Gabriela, Mira und Ralph View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


“Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht” (known as “Silent Night” in English) is one of the best-known Christmas carols on the planet, and the definitive Christmas song in the German-speaking world. It was first performed on December 24, 1818 in a Roman Catholic church in Oberndorf, a village near Salzburg, with a melody by Franz Xaver Gruber and lyrics by Joseph Mohr. Since then, the original German text has been adapted into 320 languages and dialects worldwide.

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