Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Germany North German
The young suspect is spotted riding a woman's bike around town, so the patrol team sets out in pursuit, as do the homicide investigators. It's clear that the two teams really don't get along.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
Arne Elsholtz, the German voice of Tom Hanks and other Hollywood stars, is a guest at the Carpe Diem studios in Appenweier.
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
Alina and Paula have arranged to meet this evening, and now they are making plans together. Watch this video and listen to the expressions they use.
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
In the first part of this mini-series, Eylin explains what conjunctions are and presents four of them in sentence examples.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany North German
After a photo of Elias is released, Dirk has to try to find him however possible. Meanwhile, Nina and Paul try to take care of the financial issues they are each having.
Difficulty: Intermediate
In the second part of this mini-series, Nico, another physiotherapist, talks about what makes this practice so special and why they get so many good reviews. Paula also wants to know how Nick came to choose this particular profession. It's an interesting story!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German North German
With the help of surveillance camera footage, the officers from the 14th precinct discover that someone rode the victim's bicycle and then got on a train. Of course, this is Elias, the young man Dirk is trying to protect.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
We are constantly exposed to substances that are harmful to our bodies, such as toxins in food, alcohol, exhaust fumes, and cosmetics. On top of that, there are medicines and other chemicals. How does the body deal with these?
Difficulty: Newbie
Germany High German
In this video, you'll learn important words and phrases for arranging to meet someone, as well as for canceling an arrangement.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
This video gives you some insight into the services offered by one of Karlsruhe's physiotherapy practices. We explore the facilities with Paula and Dirk and get to know the staff.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German North German
Dirk Matthies is still puzzled as to where Elias got his cell phone number. The detectives from the homicide squad come to his office to ask about it and their conversation is not exactly amiable.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Germany High German
The dispute over the use of glyphosate continues: According to the WHO, it is probably carcinogenic, but German farmers will be allowed to continue to spray it onto their fields.
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
How do you approach strangers you want to get to know and introduce yourself? Eylin shows you what you can say in professional situations or at a party.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
Mirko, an acquaintance of Daniel's, turns up at the police station with a question concerning a "friend of his" who has lost a gun... At the crime scene, two detectives make it clear to the other officers that they will now be taking over the investigation.
Difficulty: Newbie
Germany High German
In this video, you will learn some important basic questions and answers. Have fun practicing them!
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