Difficulty: Beginner
Germany Hessian
RheinMain TV asks: What do zoo animals actually do in the wintertime? Do they venture outside or remain huddled together indoors?
Difficulty: Newbie
Jenny from Yabla invites you today to take a look at her apartment building and to listen to her explanations.
Difficulty: Beginner
Jenny explains the definite articles “der, die, das” to you using a few examples.
Difficulty: Beginner
Jenny guides us through her kitchen and shows us everything you can do there. She even puts the microwave to work, warming herself up a bite to eat.
Difficulty: Newbie
Jenny from Yabla shows you the different rooms in her apartment.
Difficulty: Beginner
In part two on German grammar Jenny introduces you to the indefinite articles “a” [ein, masculine/neuter] and “a” [eine, feminine].
Difficulty: Beginner
The plural article in the nominative case is so much easier than the singular articles! It doesn’t matter if it’s masculine, feminine or neuter, it’s always “die”.
Difficulty: Beginner
Here you can watch the official video for the song “1000 Kilometers to the Sea” [1000 km bis zum Meer] by German pop-rock band Luxuslärm.
Difficulty: Beginner
For a relaxed holiday with surfing classes and music by the campfire, pay a visit to the Charchulla twins on the island of Fehmarn.
Difficulty: Beginner
German band Sportfreunde Stiller cover Udo Jürgens’ hit song “Ich war noch niemals in New York” (“I’ve Never Been to New York”).
Difficulty: Beginner
In this first part of this unit on conjunctions, you will find out which words belong to this group. Also, with the help of the conjunction “weil" '['because'], you will learn how to correctly use them. Listen in, learn and "viel Vergnügnung beim Deutschlernen!"
Difficulty: Beginner
In this second part of the teaching unit on conjunctions, you will hear more examples using the conjunction “weil” ['because'] in the present and present perfect tenses. Take what you learn here and try to formulate some of your own sentences! "Viel Glück beim Lernen!"
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany Hessian
What really makes the people of Wiesbaden laugh? We received the most varied answers to this question.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this last part of the series on conjunctions, language students in Tübingen have to create sentences using the conjunction “weil” ['because'] in the peresent perfect and with modal verbs. "Viel Spaß beim Deutschlernen!"
Difficulty: Beginner
The official video for the emotional song “Unsterblich” [Immortal] by the German pop rock band Luxuslärm.
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