The story of this animated series is set over 1,000 years in the future, where humans have colonized outer space. The planet Omega, a human colony, is the seat of an interstellar confederation.
Germany High German
During its journey, a spaceship discovers the planet Lagos in the Pegasus system. But before it enters the realm of Pegasus, it breaks down. A coincidence?
Germany High German
Fortunately, it was possible to prevent the spacecraft from entering the gravitational field of the planet Lago, and the crew even managed to take some pictures showing some interesting details!
Germany High German
Pierrot and Dickie share the command on this expedition and finally land on the planet Lago, where they are immediately spotted by the inhabitants...
Germany High German
Pierrot, Dickie, and Metro become acquainted with the inhabitants of the planetoid Lagos, although the "big lizards" are initially not entirely at ease with these two-legged visitors...
Germany High German
Pierrot talks to the head of the reptilian species and learns some interesting details about their way of life. The little robot shows enthusiasm for their team sport, and the crew discusses whether the species would be suitable candidates to join their confederation.
Germany High German
Our delicious-looking humans have been on this planet for a dangerously long time, and for some of the dinosaurs, the temptation is just too great. Will Pierrot and his friends manage to get to safety in time?
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