Since a car accident killed his father and left him in a wheelchair, Mark has given up on other people. Living in a home for young men with disabilities, he encounters Lisa, a therapist who refuses to let him give up and decides to help him pursue his life dream: to climb to the top of the Gran Paradiso in the Italian Alps.
Germany High German
Martin, Lisa and the boys are now on the bus headed for the mountains. Mark makes himself unpopular again, and then it turns out that they have a stowaway on board...
The bus finally reaches the hut which is to be their base camp. Mark reluctantly allows himself to be helped off the bus by one of the convicts, and Lisa discovers that Rosi is anything but well-equipped for the trek up the mountain.
Germany High German
Having been upset by Wolf again, Mark is on the verge of turning back. But Lisa talks to him, and her words seem to have an effect.
Germany High German
The summit is within reach, but there are still another two nights to go. The group will also have to negotiate a crevasse...
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