The advertising agency Kleiber & Partner hopes to develop a ground-breaking, edgy new ad campaign and revolutionize the German advertising industry. Their product? Canned fruit. For fans of The Office, this satirical film holds up a mirror to the vanity of the advertising industry.
Germany High German
The satirical mockumentary "Twinfruit: The Can Must Become Human" tells the story of a fictional advertising campaign for canned fruit. In Part I, we get to know Gunnar Kleiber, owner of the advertising agency Kleiber & Partner, as well as the firm’s new Creative Director, Lutz Wolf.
The creative team brainstorms for the canned-fruit advertising campaign — but they all realize that Lutz is the one who’s going to help them level up.
Germany High German
The Kleiber und Partner team is not making much progress with the new campaign… and the deadline is approaching!
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