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Von großer Bedeutung

If you take a German class, you likely know the verb bedeuten from the question Was bedeutet X? This can be translated as "What does X mean?" The noun die Bedeutung, often translated as "the meaning," is used in two different contexts that you will come across on Yabla German.


Die Bedeutung often can be translated as "the meaning," as in "the definition."


Versteht ihr die Bedeutung?

Do you understand the meaning?

Caption 74, Deutschkurs in Tübingen - Weil oder obwohl?

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Die richtige Bedeutung werde ich euch natürlich im Anschluss verraten.

I will, of course, reveal the correct meaning to you afterwards.

Caption 16, Eva erklärt - Sprichwörter

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However, it also just as often can be translated as "the meaning," as in "the importance" or "the significance."


Von internationaler Bedeutung war und ist das Wiener Musikleben.

Viennese musical life was and is of international importance.

Caption 15, Reisebericht - Wien

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Die Biodiversität ist etwas, was in ihrer [sic, seiner] Bedeutung unglaublich unterschätzt wird.

Biodiversity is something which is being unbelievably underestimated in its importance.

Caption 14, Angela Merkel - beim Nachhaltigkeitsrat

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Hat der Tag eine besondere Bedeutung für Sie?

Does the day have a special meaning for you?

Caption 40, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

 Play Caption



Further Learning
Look at other examples of die Bedeutung used on Yabla German. Identify the context in which they are being used  and notice how the word is structurally integrated into each sentence. 

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