The verb kennenlernen ("to get to know," "to make the acquaintance of," "to meet") is without a doubt an important one, but it's a bit tricky. For our beginners and anyone who needs a review, let's look at various conjugations of this separable verb as we look at some sentences from Yabla German.
First of all, here it is again in the infinitive. Note that kennenlernen is one word:
Der Vermieter möchte uns kennenlernen.
The landlord would like to meet us.
Caption 42, Mein Weg nach DeutschlandL Auf Wohnungssuche
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In this next example, kennenlernen is used in the present tense, and more specifically in the third person singular. You'll note that lernen gets conjugated, whereas kennen remains in the infinitive but moves to the end of the sentence:
Man lernt mehr Leute kennen.
One gets to know more people.
Caption 37, Anna Am Strand: in Mexiko
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The same thing, which is normal for separable verbs, happens in the simple past tense:
Und so lernte die Prinzessin ihren Ehemann kennen.
And this is how the Princess met her husband.
Caption 35, Märchen - Sagenhaft: König Drosselbart
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In the following phrases, which you will most certainly need to know, kennenlernen is integrated into a subordinate clause with zu:
Schön, dich kennenzulernen. -Schön, dich kennenzulernen.
Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you.
Caption 10, Paula & Heide: aus Berlin
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Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen. -Hallo.
Pleased to meet you. -Hello.
Caption 16, Nicos Weg: Feste und Feiertage
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Nun, ich freue mich, Sie dann kennenzulernen.
So, I am looking forward to meeting you then.
Caption 49, Berufsleben: das Vorstellungsgespräch
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In the present perfect, which is often used to talk about the past in German, we see the participle of the verb:
Ich habe diesen netten Kerl kennengelernt.
I met this nice guy.
Caption 35, Die Wohngemeinschaft: Die Verabredung
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And this example also refers to what has already happened:
Aber ich find's nett, Sie kennengelernt zu haben.
But I think it's nice to have met you.
Caption 36, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang
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Further Learning
There's no shortage of examples on Yabla German, so have a look and practice telling people it was nice to meet them, or talking about when you first met various people you know.
To conclude our series of lessons on jobs and professional fields, today we'll look at three additional job categories: education, business/sales, and crafts/trades.
While der Erzieher / die Erzieherin refers to educators working with any age level, it is der Lehrer / die Lehrerin that you will find in compound nouns like die Klavierlehrerin, der Yogalehrer, etc. The English word "trainer" is borrowed in German, and means both coach and trainer.
Hört auf das, was eure Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zum Coronavirus sagen.
Listen to what your teachers say about the coronavirus.
Caption 26, Bundesamt für Gesundheit: Coronavirus und Schulen
Play Caption
Es gibt begleitende Aktionen rund um das Theaterstück sowie Unterrichtsmaterial und Workshops für Lehrer und Erzieher.
There are accompanying activities having to do with the play, as well as educational materials and workshops for teachers and educators.
Captions 28-29, Theaterstück über gesunde Ernährung: Henrietta in Fructonia
Play Caption
Mit spezieller Ausrüstung, einer Begleitperson und einem ausgebildeten Trainer können sich die Rollifahrer à la Tarzan von Baum zu Baum schwingen.
With special equipment, a companion, and a skilled trainer, the wheelchair users can swing from tree to tree à la Tarzan.
Captions 4-5, Tarzan im Rollstuhl: Waldseilpark für Menschen mit Handicap
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In business and sales, there are many different jobs and titles, from employee (der Mitarbeiter / die Mitarbeiterin) to CEO (der Geschäftsführer / die Geschäftsführerin), consultant (der Unternehmensberater / die Unternehmensberaterin) to accountant (der Buchhalter / die Buchhalterin).
Und das ist der Makler.
And this is the real estate agent.
Caption 33, Mein Weg nach Deutschland: Auf Wohnungssuche
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Der Kaufmann hatte kein Glück in der Stadt
The Merchant had no luck in town
Caption 17, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Die Schöne und das Biest
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Ich sehe, Sie haben in Izmir als Verkäuferin gearbeitet.
I see you worked in Izmir as a saleswoman.
Caption 39, Mein Weg nach Deutschland Auf Arbeitssuche
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Ein Mann im Rollstuhl hat sich auf eine Stelle als Buchhalter beworben.
A man in a wheelchair has applied for a job as an accountant.
Caption 43, Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Einbürgerungstest
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An important remaining category is people who work in various crafts and trades.
Der dritte Bruder war ein geschickter Tischler.
The third brother was a skilled carpenter.
Caption 17, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Die drei Brüder
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Lackierer, Maurer, Klempner, Berufskraftfahrer.
Painters, bricklayers, plumbers, professional drivers.
Caption 19, Nicos Weg: Jobs und Gender
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Further Learning
In the video quoted above, Lisa and Sebastian talk about what jobs are more often done by men or women. Do you agree? Watch it on Yabla German.
This week, we'll look at German nouns related to meetings, appointments, and gatherings, and their particular nuances.
Ja, entschuldige noch mal, dass es gestern mit dem Treffen nicht geklappt hat.
Yes, sorry again that it didn't work out with the meeting yesterday.
Caption 14, Das Lügenbüro: Die Bewerbung
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The noun das Treffen may be the most commonly used word for a meeting or a gathering. However, there are circumstances in which die Besprechung (which can also mean "the talk" or "the discussion") or die Sitzung (which is more like "the session") might be more accurate. The noun die Versammlung generally refers to a larger assembly or gathering.
Mein Mann ist noch in einer Besprechung. -Ah ja.
My husband is still in a meeting. -Ah, yes.
Caption 8, Mein Weg nach Deutschland: Auf Wohnungssuche
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Die Sitzung ist hiermit geschlossen.
The session is now closed.
Caption 72, Yabla Gerichtshof: Das verzogene Hündchen
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Diese Versammlung der Kardinäle beginnt normalerweise fünfzehn bis zwanzig Tage nach dem Tod
This assembly of cardinals normally begins fifteen to twenty days after the death,
Captions 6-7, Papst Benedikt Suche nach einem neuen Kirchoberhaupt
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The noun der Termin generally is translated as "the appointment," but can also refer to a deadline (der Abgabetermin). It generally emphasizes a specific date and time. When it comes to a doctor's appointment (also der Arzttermin), you always use der Termin, and not das Treffen.
Und dann könnten wir gleich einen Termin für ein Vorstellungsgespräch machen.
And then we can make an appointment for an interview right away.
Caption 28, Berufsleben: das Vorstellungsgespräch
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Nina hat morgen um acht einen Termin beim Arzt.
Nina has a doctor's appointment tomorrow at eight.
Caption 15, Nicos Weg: Emmas Tag
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The noun die Verabredung is a bit tricky in German, and doesn't have a precise translation in English — you might find it translated as "date," "appointment," "engagement," or "agreement." It is essentially an agreed-upon meeting between individuals (often just two people), and it can even be a date, but not necessarily.
Es kann zum Beispiel bedeuten, dass jemand eine Verabredung nicht eingehalten hat.
It can mean, for example, that someone has not kept an appointment.
Caption 47, Eva erklärt: Sprichwörter
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It is perhaps because of this ambiguity that some Germans will even use the English word and say das Date to specify that there's romance involved. As you can see, it is capitalized in German.
Wir warten. Du hast noch ein Date.
We'll wait. You still have a date.
Caption 56, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt
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Further Learning
You can find all of these words in many examples on Yabla German, which will help you get a sense of which contexts they are each used in. For der Termin and das Treffen, make sure that you memorize the gender of each word!