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Alles Liebe zum Valentinstag!

Yabla published a lesson on Valentine's Day in Germany a few years ago, but we thought it would be timely to address the topic again as we have a lot of newer videos that mention the holiday. Valentine's Day in Germany is not as popular as it is in some countries, but it's getting celebrated more every year.


Heute ist Valentinstag, deswegen treffen sich heute bestimmt besonders viele Leute hier.

Today is Valentine's Day, so there are bound to be a lot of people here today.

Captions 7-8, Valentinstag: in Karlsruhe

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The first part is literally true, since this lesson was sent out on Valentine's Day!


Valentinstag find ich ganz gut. Mit wem willst du denn Valentinstag feiern?

I think Valentine's Day is pretty good. Who do you want to celebrate Valentine's Day with?

Captions 31-32, Nicos Weg: Feste und Feiertage

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This can, of course, be the question if you're single. Maybe it's a good time to be brave and give somebody you like a nice platonic-ish Valentine's card–but only if it's in the appropriate circumstances, like maybe not in the workplace.


Die Floristen wappnen sich für den Valentinstag.

The florists are gearing up for Valentine's Day.

Caption 3, Rhein-Main-TV: Vorbereitungen für Valentinstag laufen

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Your local florist, like many small businesses, has probably suffered a lot during the pandemic. This is a great time to give them some support if you can afford it–even if the flowers are for yourself!


Valentinstag ist ein Hochbetriebstag,  an dem]einfach ganz viele Menschen kommen, die für ihre Liebste oder ihren Liebsten Blumen kaufen.

Valentine's Day is a peak day when a lot of people simply come who are buying flowers for their sweethearts.

Captions 6-9, Rhein-Main-TV: Vorbereitungen für Valentinstag laufen

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Of course, you want to be very sure before you buy somebody flowers, but as we mentioned above, in the worst case scenario, buy some for yourself. And no, it's not "sad," it's self-affirming!


In Deutschland gilt der Valentinstag erst seit den 1950er Jahren als Tag der Freundschaft.

In Germany, Valentine's Day has been observed as a day of friendship only since the 1950s.

Caption 14, Valentinstag: in Karlsruhe

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But Valentine's Day is, in fact, becoming so popular in Germany that...

...laut einer Umfrage des Verbraucherforums Mydealz erwarten rund 60% der Deutschen auf jeden Fall ein Geschenk von ihrem Partner oder von ihrer Partnerin.

...according to a survey by the consumer forum Mydealz, around 60% of Germans definitely expect a gift from their partner.

Captions 40-42, Rhein-Main-TV: Vorbereitungen für Valentinstag laufen

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Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and watch the full videos above to see the context in which these expressions about Valentine's day have been used.

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Valentine's Day in Germany

Although Valentine's Day doesn't take over Germany in February like it does the United States, it has a growing presence. In the video Valentinstag: in Karlsruhe, Diane interviews locals to find out what they think of Valentine's Day and what their plans are. Below, you can find some vocabulary about love and relationships to listen for while watching. For more practice, check out this free Valentine's course from Yabla German and smarterGerman!


Wir sind hier am romantischen Karlsruher Schloss

We are here at the romantic Karlsruhe Palace

und hier gibt es auch ein paar Liebespärchen.

and there are also a few couples here.

Captions 47-48, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

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Und wurden Sie heute Morgen mit einem romantischen Frühstück überrascht

And were you surprised this morning with a romantic breakfast

oder einem Blumenstrauß?

or a bouquet of flowers?

Captions 58-59, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

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Die Karlsruher Pyramide befindet sich mitten im Stadtzentrum von Karlsruhe

The Karlsruhe Pyramid is located in the middle of the city center of Karlsruhe

und ist ein beliebter Treffpunkt für Verabredungen.

and is a favorite meeting place for dates.

Captions 5-6, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

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Und haben Sie da schon was geplant für Ihre Lieben?

And have you already planned something for your loved ones?

Caption 36, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

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Achtung! Eine Verabredung is not always a date, and verabredet sein doesn't always mean you have a date. It may just mean you have an appointment. Similarly, it is possible to say Ihr Lieben without it indicating romantic love. 


Besonders Diamanten sind ein Symbol für ewige Liebe.

In particular, diamonds are a symbol of eternal love.

Caption 12, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

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Ich bin dafür, dass man, äh...

I am of the opinion that you, uh...

wenn man jemanden richtig gern und lieb hat,

if you really are really fond of someone and love them,

dass man ihm jeden Tag das ein kleines bisschen zeigt...

then you show them that a little bit every day...

Captions 41-43, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

 Play Caption


Further Learning
In addition to Diane's interviews, learn about what Valentine's Day is like in Germany from the point of view of a florist and check out the free Valentine's course from Yabla German and smarterGerman mentioned above!


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Caption 12, 43, 42, 41, 36, 6, 5, 59, 58, 48, 47

Von großer Bedeutung

If you take a German class, you likely know the verb bedeuten from the question Was bedeutet X? This can be translated as "What does X mean?" The noun die Bedeutung, often translated as "the meaning," is used in two different contexts that you will come across on Yabla German.


Die Bedeutung often can be translated as "the meaning," as in "the definition."


Versteht ihr die Bedeutung?

Do you understand the meaning?

Caption 74, Deutschkurs in Tübingen - Weil oder obwohl?

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Die richtige Bedeutung werde ich euch natürlich im Anschluss verraten.

I will, of course, reveal the correct meaning to you afterwards.

Caption 16, Eva erklärt - Sprichwörter

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However, it also just as often can be translated as "the meaning," as in "the importance" or "the significance."


Von internationaler Bedeutung war und ist das Wiener Musikleben.

Viennese musical life was and is of international importance.

Caption 15, Reisebericht - Wien

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Die Biodiversität ist etwas, was in ihrer [sic, seiner] Bedeutung unglaublich unterschätzt wird.

Biodiversity is something which is being unbelievably underestimated in its importance.

Caption 14, Angela Merkel - beim Nachhaltigkeitsrat

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Hat der Tag eine besondere Bedeutung für Sie?

Does the day have a special meaning for you?

Caption 40, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

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Further Learning
Look at other examples of die Bedeutung used on Yabla German. Identify the context in which they are being used  and notice how the word is structurally integrated into each sentence. 

Football and Flowers

Gertrude Stein may have felt that a "rose is a rose is a rose is a rose," but William Shakespeare wrote that "the summer's flower is to the summer sweet," especially after a "barren winter, with his wrathful nipping cold." You probably already know that flowers are Blumen, but do you know the names of some of the common varieties? Let's start with some parts of the flower:


Die Bienen und Hummeln

The bees and the bumblebees

ohne Gegenwind von Blüte zu Blüte fliegen konnten.

could fly from blossom to blossom without a headwind.

Caption 9, Piggeldy und Frederick - Vergessen

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Irgendwas zum Fressen gibt's eigentlich immer,

There's always something to eat,

Knospen, Blätter oder Früchte von Platanen.

buds, leaves, or fruit from the plane trees.

Captions 25-26, Freilebende Papageien - Überwintern in Wiesbaden

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And on to some specific flower varieties:


Ein achtundzwanzig Meter großer Baum

A twenty-eight meter tall tree

und sechzehn riesige beleuchtete Lilien.

and sixteen gigantic illuminated lilies.

Captions 1-2, Der Sternschnuppenmarkt - in Wiesbaden

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Weil heute Valentinstag ist,

Because today is Valentine's Day,

gibt es besonders viele rote Rosen.

there are especially many red roses.

Caption 9, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

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Die Hagebuttenrosen blühten so rosa wie schon lange nicht mehr.

The rose hips were blooming pinker than they had in a long time.

Caption 26, Piggeldy und Frederick - Das Fernweh

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Those whose seasonal interests extend beyond the horticultural may enjoy watching some videos on another favorite summer pastime: soccer (aka football). Check out this Yabla video at the top of this article and search for more soccer videos on German Yabla.


Further Learning:

Take a look at this excellent list of German flower names. See which ones are easy to remember for their similarities to English, and make up a set of flash cards for the ones you find difficult. Hibiscus is clearly der Hibiskus, but who could've guessed that baby's breath is das Schleierkraut? Then go through the Yabla videos above and explore the context in which these flowery sentences were used!


Ich Liebe Dich (In Other Words)

Perhaps you are interested in German because you fell in love, or maybe there is that "special someone" in German class you have a bit of a crush on. We all know the basic Ich liebe dich — the Beatles even did a version of “She Loves You” in German ("Sie liebt dich") — but how about some other ways to express your attraction for somebody?


It might not be a great idea to say you love somebody too soon, so to play it safe, let’s just say you like him or her, in which case the verb mögen is perfect:


Oh nein, niemand mag mich!

Oh no, no one likes me!

Caption 43, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Das hässliche Entlein

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Another way of expressing that you like someone is to say you “have them gladly” (gern haben) or care for them (lieb haben):


Wenn man jemanden richtig gern und lieb hat...

If you really are really fond of someone and love them...

Caption 42, Valentinstag - in Karlsruhe

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Another possibility is du gefällst mir, or if you want to make it even stronger, du gefällst mir sehr. Then the next step is falling in love, sich verlieben:


Der Prinz hatte sich verliebt.

The prince had fallen in love.

Caption 9, Märchenstunde - Das Aschenputtel

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When you are ready to make the leap, however, there is always the classic standby:


John, ich liebe dich. -Adrianne, ich liebe dich!

John, I love you. -Adrianne, I love you!

Captions 13-14, Alexander Hauff - Showreel

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Followed ideally by the grand finale:


Ich möchte dich heiraten.

I want to marry you.

Caption 86, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Der Froschkönig

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Further Learning:

How do I love thee? Rather than getting into counting the ways and all the mathematics involved, why not try getting a taste of German love poems from the 16th to the 20th centuries, including an exclusive set from German women poets? Make a vocabulary list of words you are unfamiliar with, and then search on Yabla to find the ways the words are used in other contexts.
