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Expressing Opinions

You may have noticed that the German verb finden doesn't only mean "to find" as in "to locate" or "to retrieve," but also has another meaning: 


Und ich finde wirklich, dass sie in dieser Zeit am besten schmecken.

And I really think that they taste best during this time.

Captions 19-20, Deutsch mit Eylin: Gemüse aus Deutschland

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Die meisten Menschen finden Warzenschweine hässlich.

Most people find warthogs ugly.

Caption 28, Deutsch mit Eylin: Adjektive und ihre Gegenteile

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The verbs denken ("to think") and glauben ("to believe") can also be used to express opinions. Then there is the question of the verb meinen. This verb can either be translated as "to mean" in the sense of referring to something, but also in the sense of having an opinion.


Du meinst, die machen Überstunden? -Illegale Überstunden.

You mean that they are working overtime? -Illegal overtime.

Caption 21, Großstadtrevier: Von Monstern und Mördern

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Eins meinte, Stroh wäre das richtige.

One thought that straw would be the right thing.

Caption 26, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Die drei kleinen Schweinchen

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One word for "the opinion" in German is die Meinung. For expressing your opinion with this noun, there are two different constructions to know about: 


Was den Nahen-Ost-Friedensprozess anbelangt, so, bin ich der Meinung, dass die Kerry-Initiative eine gute Grundlage ist, um Friedensgespräche wieder in Gang zu bringen.

With regard to the Middle East peace process, well, I am of the opinion that the Kerry initiative is a good basis to restart the peace talks.

Captions 59-61, Angela Merkel: Gemeinsame Pressekonferenz mit Barack Obama

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Mancher Finanzminister der Länder ist der Meinung, das tun wir heute schon.

Some state finance ministers are of the opinion that we are already doing that today.

Captions 15-16, Angela Merkel: beim Nachhaltigkeitsrat

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Es hat aber meiner Meinung nach natürlich auch sogar einen Forschungscharakter.

But in my opinion it also of course has a research character.

Caption 39, Für Tierfreunde: Przewalski-Wildpferde

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Ihrer Meinung nach ist der Beluga-Wal der wahre Gewinner.

In their opinion, the beluga whale is the real winner.

Caption 57, Die Top Ten: Die 12 freundlichsten Meerestiere der Welt

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Another noun that can be used similarly is die Ansicht, which can also mean "the perspective" or "the point of view." Here are a few more examples:


Und ich bin der Ansicht, dass das die neuen Volkslieder der neuen Generation sind.

And I am of the opinion that these are the new folk songs of the new generation.

Captions 12-13, Heino Neue Volkslieder

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Das Geld ist meiner Ansicht nach nicht verloren.

In my opinion, the money isn't lost yet.

Caption 29, Finanzkrise Die Lehman-Pleite

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Further Learning
Using the verbs and phrases above, build some sentences that express your opinions about food, politics, languages, movies... whatever you want! And, as always, you can find further examples on Yabla German

Overslept — Or Forgotten? The Verb Verschlafen

Most of you hopefully know the German verb schlafen (to sleep), but are you familiar with the verb verschlafen? It's probably one of the most common reasons for people arriving to work late:


Ich bin zu spät gekommen, weil ich verschlafen habe.
I arrived too late because I overslept.



Wo steckt eigentlich Nicki? -Verschlafen?

Where is Nicki hiding, actually? -Overslept?

Caption 41, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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Verschlafen is also common as an adjective and adverb and has a slightly different meaning:


Das Kleinste ist erst Ende März geboren und noch sehr verschlafen.

The smallest was only born at the end of March and is still very sleepy.

Caption 30, Rhein-Main-TV - Tierbabys im Opel-Zoo

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Aber noch blinzelt die Leitkuh etwas verschlafen in die Morgensonne.

But the lead cow still blinks a bit sleepily in the morning sun.

Caption 19, Die letzten Paradiese - Die Schönheit der Alpen 1

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But the most unexpected meaning of verschlafen is in its slang use with a direct object: 


Ich bin ganz ehrlich, ich hab ihn verschlafen, weil ich einkaufen war.

I'll be totally honest: I missed it because I was shopping.

Caption 18, Die Pfefferkörner - Alles auf Anfang

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This could be alternately translated as "overlooked" or "forgot." So if you ever hear somebody say that they "overslept" something, you'll know that they are using a slang idiom that means that they overlooked it — nothing really to do with sleep!


Further Learning
See if you can guess—if you don't already know—the meanings of ausschlafen, durchschlafen, einschlafen, entschlafen, weiterschlafen, and überschlafen. Then go find some examples of these words used in a real-world context on Yabla German. All this talk about sleep is making me sleepy, so with that I wish you all a good night, ich gehe jetzt schlafen!

The Verb Setzen

While studying German, you have probably confronted both sitzen and setzen. Generally, the verb sitzen is quite straightforward in simply meaning "to sit," or more specifically "to be sitting." The reflexive verb sich setzen is also translated as "to sit" but refers to the action of sitting down (there is also the verb sich hinsetzen which can be more or less a synonym). 


Wir sitzen hier am Strand in der Nähe von Todos Santos und sind am Meer.

We are sitting here on the beach near Todos Santos and are by the sea.

Caption 3, Anna - Am Strand in Mexiko

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Wo setzen wir uns denn hin? -Setzen wir uns da drüben hin. -OK.

Where should we seat ourselves then? -Let's sit over there. -OK.

Caption 1, Fernsehmoderatorin - Sonya Kraus

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To remember the distinction, it is perhaps helpful to consider that setzen as a non-reflexive verbs means "to put," "to place," or "to set." 


Die helfen mir, noch leichter Ziele zu setzen.

They help me to set goals even more easily.

Caption 15, Gamification - Wie Spielen den Alltag interessanter macht - Part 2

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Setzen is also the root of a multitude of verbs. Take a look at the following examples with einsetzen ("to use," "to implement"), absetzen (which is used in many contexts, from "to deduct" something for your taxes to "to remove" a pair of glasses), and besetzen ("to occupy").


Früher hat man mehr als zwei-, dreitausend Liter eingesetzt für einen Wohnungsbrand.

In the past they used more than two or three thousand liters for an apartment fire.

Caption 88, Feuerwehr Heidelberg - Löschfahrzeug - Part 1

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Den Helm hatte er abgesetzt, weil's so heiß war.

He'd taken off the helmet because it was so hot.

Caption 53, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern - Part 9

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Man sollte keine Plätze besetzen mit Taschen oder mit Jacken, damit andere Gäste sich hinsetzen können.

You shouldn't occupy seats with bags or with jackets so that other guests can sit down.

Captions 33-34, Unterwegs mit Cettina - Bahn fahren

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Further Learning
Here is a list of verbs with setzen as their root for your perusal. Look for examples of some of these verbs, such as aufsetzen, durchsetzen, or umsetzen, on Yabla German. Try to searching for their participles as well!

Expressing the Conditional in German

In both English and German, there are tenses and there are moods. We use the indicative mood to state facts, the imperative mood to give commands, and the subjunctive mood to reflect wishes or actions in unreal situations ("I wish I were taller" or "I would travel around the world."). Take a look at this past newsletter for information on the formation of the subjunctive (Konjunktiv) in German. The subjunctive is a key part of conditional sentences that describe levels of possibility, from events that are very likely to missed opportunities in the past. 


Type 1 conditional sentences refer to cause-and-effect links, and events that are quite certain under particular circumstances. Because German sentences often use the present tense to imply the future, the basic structure is wenn or falls (see this newsletter) followed by the present tense, like in English, but then it can be followed by either the present tense or future constructed with werden. 


Wenn es so weitergehtwerden bis 2050 drei Viertel aller Alpengletscher verschwunden sein... mit gewaltigen Folgen.

If it continues this way, by 2050, three quarters of all the alpine glaciers will have disappeared ... with enormous consequences.

Captions 33-34, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten - Part 7

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Type 2 conditional sentences refer to events that are less possible or likely, often hypothetical. Its structure in German is Wenn + Konjunktiv II + Konjunktiv II. 


Wenn immer Sommer wärewürde ich jeden Tag grillen.

If it were always summer, I would grill every day.

Caption 29, Konjugation - Das Verb „grillen“

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Wenn ich viel Geld hätte, würde ich nie wieder arbeiten gehen.

If had a lot of money, I would never go to work again.

Caption 23, Konjugation - Das Verb „gehen“

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Ich denke, wenn ich weniger arbeiten würdekönnte ich mich mehr konzentrieren.

I think that if I worked less I could concentrate better.

Captions 34-35, Berufsleben - Probleme mit Mitarbeitern

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Type 3 conditional sentences are used to talk about possibilities or events that never came to be. Here is where the structure gets a bit complicated. In its full form, the construction is Wenn + participle + Konjunktiv II + Konjunktiv II + participle.


Wenn wir eine Chance gehabt hätten, dann wären wir vorher gegangen, ja.

If we had had a chance, then we would've left before, yes.

Caption 34, Die Klasse - Berlin '61

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Ja, wenn Jannik fit gewesen wäre, dann wäre er nie runtergekracht.

Yes, if Jannik had been healthy, then he wouldn't have ever gone crashing down.

Caption 59, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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It is worth mentioning that you may often see "mixed types" of the conditional, in which a missed opportunity in the past (expressed using the participle) is portrayed as still affecting the present. Take a look at the following sentence: 


Also, wenn wir den Vertrag letzte Woche unterzeichnet hättenwären wir in der Lage, mit unserer ursprünglichen Vereinbarung fortzufahren? 

So, if we had signed the contract last week, we would be in a position to proceed with our original agreement?

Captions 36-37, Berufsleben - Probleme mit Mitarbeitern

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Further Learning
For more information on the different types of conditional sentences, take a look at this helpful website. Whenever you see key words like hättewäre, or würde on Yabla German, note the subjunctive mood and try to identify which type of conditional sentence it might be related to.

Handeln and um etwas handeln

The basic definition of the noun das Handeln is "the action." As a verb, handeln can mean "to act" or "to take action," but also "to trade," "to deal in," or "to bargain."


Wenn sich die eigenen Kinder einen Hund als Haustier wünschen, sollten Eltern nicht gleich voreilig handeln.

If their own children wish to have a dog as a pet, parents shouldn't just act hastily.

Captions 12-13, Haustiere als Geschenk? - Vier Pfoten unterm Weihnachtsbaum

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Und letztendlich hab' ich dann eben versucht, in Währungen zu handeln und in Rohstoffen und so weiter.

And in the end I just tried to deal in currencies and in commodities and so on.

Captions 10-11, Rhein-Main-TV aktuell - Börsen-Gewinnspiel

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However, you may have also seen the construction sich um etwas handeln, which can be translated as  "to be a case of," "to be a matter of," "to be about," "to be dealing with," or "to have to do with." Pay attention to how the order of the words in the phrase is altered to fit into the sentence constructions. 


Es handelt sich also um akut verfügbare Maßnahmen

So it is a matter of provisions made immediately available.

Caption 21, Angela Merkel - beim Nachhaltigkeitsrat

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Ich habe gedacht, es kann sich nur um doppelt vergebene Nachnamen handeln.

I thought it could only have to do with duplicately given last names.

Caption 19, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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Aber prüfe genau, ob es sich auch wirklich um eine Prinzessin handelt!

But check carefully whether you're really dealing with a princess!

Caption 24, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse

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Ja, der Frühling. Der kommt bestimmt bald. Kann sich ja nur noch um Monate handeln.

Yes, spring. Surely it will come soon. It can only be a matter of months now.

Caption 26, Umfragen - Zootiere im Winter

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Further Learning
Look up related words such as die Handlung, die Verhandlung, and verhandeln using  your favorite dictionary and search for examples on Yabla German

Die Sorte, der Typ, and die Art

When we are trying to make a specification, we rely on phrases like "sort of," "type of," and "variety of." You may think these words each correspond with the most similar word in the title above, but things are not that simple. This is German, after all!


Die Art can be most generically employed as a translation for "the type of" or "the sort of," and also "the way of." 


Spätzle sind eine Art bayrische Nudeln.

Spaetzle are a type of Bavarian noodle.

Caption 2, Bayrische Spätzle - mit Christiane

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Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Wind:

There are various types of wind:

den säuselnden Hauch,

the murmuring breath,

die leichte, die frische und die steife Brise...

the light, the fresh and the stiff breeze...

Captions 10-12, Piggeldy und Frederick - Der Wind

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Die Art also can refer to someone's personality, as in their way of being or way of behaving, and it also can refer to a species of animal. 


Es ist überhaupt nicht ihre Art, einfach so wegzulaufen.

It's not her nature to simply run away like that.

Caption 33, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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Einige Tierarten aber

Some animal species, however,

machten sich die gewaltige Umgestaltung der Küste zunutze.

have made use of the enormous transformation of the coast.

Caption 5, Abenteuer Nordsee - Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen

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Die Sorte is quite similar to die Art, but will more likely be employed for things that are in some way man-made. For example, if you are talking about a variety or flavor of food, often one that is specified by a name, you generally will use die Sorte rather than die Art. 


Die Sorte „Jamaika Blue Mountain“,

The variety "Jamaica Blue Mountain,"

quasi der Champagner unter den Kaffees,

quasi the champagne of coffees,

kostet sogar über zwanzigmal so viel

even costs over twenty times as much

wie ein Kaffee aus dem Supermarktregal.

as a coffee from the supermarket shelf.

Captions 14-17, Kaffee - Noch von Hand gemacht

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Die Eissorten werden jedes Jahr exotischer.

The ice-cream flavors get more exotic every year.

Caption 2, Eis - Eiskalte Leidenschaft

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Der Typ is a bit trickier, as it is not universally used to mean "type" like in English. In fact, it is most often used as a slang expression to simply mean "the guy." But it can also mean "type of guy." Like in English, you can say Er/Sie ist nicht mein Typ, which means that the person doesn't interest you romantically. 


Ich bin ein sehr nachdenklicher Typ und Mensch.

I am a very thoughtful guy and human being.

Caption 16, Andreas Bourani - Startet durch

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Er war schon immer so ein Typ, dem alles so zufliegt.

He was always the kind of guy who always gets everything.

Captions 22-23, Joris - Er

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Further Learning
Keep an eye out for examples with these words used on Yabla German, and always look at the noun in the sentence. You will notice patterns which can help you choose the right option later on.


Bear Trainers on Their Legs

If the headline above sounds pretty odd, it's because it's a literal word-for-word translation of a slang expression and an idiom taken from this week's exciting installment of Großstadtrevier. This series has consistently merited a difficulty rating of 4, due in part to its heavy usage of idioms and slang. Let's take a look at some examples from this week's release. 



Das macht nix [Umgangssprache, nichts].

That doesn't matter.

Caption 5, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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The usual expression das macht nichts is spoken here with the slang word nix used instead of nichts, a form you would usually only see in spoken and very casual written German.

Jannik Sternberg hat dieses Zeug die ganze Zeit geschluckt [umgangssprachlich].

Jannik Sternberg was swallowing [slang, taking] this stuff the whole time.

Caption 9, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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 The verb schlucken, in its standard definition, means "to swallow." Here, however, it is a slang usage referring to the consumption of medications. A corresponding English slang translation would be "to down," as in "downing drinks."

Die sind auf dieser Baustelle bis zum Anschlag mit Wachmachern [umgangssprachlich] vollgepumpt.

They were pumped full of "awake-makers“ [slang, stimulants] to the limit at this construction site.

Caption 11, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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The slang noun der Wachmacher refers to a stimulant medication, which we translated literally as an "awake-maker." A literary English slang translation might be "pep pills."


Ich bin kein guter Bärenführer [umgangssprachlich].

I'm not a good bear trainer [slang, job trainer].

Caption 45, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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Ich bin seit über vierundzwanzig Stunden auf den Beinen und überhaupt nich' müde.

I have been on my legs [idiom, busy working] for twenty-four hours and I'm not at all tired.

Caption 3, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern

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The noun der Bärenführer standardly means "the bear trainer," but in slang usage connotes a job trainer. To be auf den Beinen, literally "on your legs," means to be busy and active. An good English literary translation could be "on your feet." A proper translation for this week's odd headline could be "Job Trainers on their Feet" or "Busy, Active Job Trainers."



Further Learning
Watch some past episodes of Großstadtrevier and review your understanding of some of the many idiomatic and slang expressions to be found in this interesting crime drama.

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