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The Holidays in 2020

In a Yabla interview filmed at a Christmas market a few years back, one couple describes their ideal Christmas:


Gemütlich, mit gutem Essen, Spielen,

Comfortably, with good food, games...

unsere Kinder sind groß,

Our children are grown up,

die brauchen keine Riesenpakete mehr.

they don't need huge presents anymore.

Captions 16-17, Weihnachtsinterviews - Diane in Karlsruhe

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It's true that Christmas this year in Germany took a bit of getting used to. Due to the continuing social-distancing regulations prohibiting parties and big gatherings, people stayed indoors with their focus firmly set on increased Gemütlichkeit. The word gemütlich means "comfortable" or "cozy" as an adjective and "comfortably" as an adverb.


Ganz zum Schluss werde ich noch den Kerzenständer aufstellen,

At the very end, I'll also set up the candle holders

damit wir es gemütlich haben.

so that it's cozy for us.

Captions 13-14, Tisch decken - mit Eva

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Wie verbringen Sie Silvester? -Ganz gemütlich zu Hause.

How will you spend New Year's Eve? -Very comfortably at home.

Caption 7, Silvester - Vorsätze für das neue Jahr - Linkenheim

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The current restrictions in Germany will continue through New Year's, but many people are making the most of it and simply appreciating getting to spend time at home (zu Hause) with those closest to them.


Wir haben beide gedacht, dass wir zu Hause bleiben müssen.

We both thought that we would have to stay at home.

Caption 14, Konjugation - Das Verb „denken“

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Es war sehr, sehr spannend,

It was very, very exciting

aber jetzt möchte ich lieber zu Hause bleiben, hier bei euch.

but now I'd rather stay at home, here with you.

Captions 100-101, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Der kleine Däumling

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Since restaurants and bars will be closed on New Year's Eve, the festivities will be limited and more focused on coziness and quality time than seeing lots of people. To avoid feeling too cooped up, however, it's important to get outside a bit as well. A nice stroll or hike in the few hours of daylight is always a good idea: 


Natürlich kann man auch einfach nur spazieren gehen.

Of course, one can also simply just go for a walk.

Caption 10, Berlin - Eva im Viktoriapark

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Further Learning
If you're spending extra time at home this week, use it as an opportunity to keep up your language skills with Yabla German! Take a look at our latest videos or catch up on recent lessons here

Wir wünschen Euch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!


In a German Restaurant

Some of the most practical German words that you can use immediately upon arrival in a German-speaking country (don't forget that German is spoken in Austria and Switzerland too!) are related to ordering food. When you first enter a restaurant, the waitstaff may invite you to take a seat: 


Nehmen Sie bitte Platz.

Please have a seat.

Caption 35, Das Lügenbüro - Die Bewerbung

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You may then be offered a menu: 


Die Speisekarte, bitte schön. -Danke schön.

Here's the menu. -Thank you.

Caption 7, Abendessen - mit Marko

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Note that another word for menu is das Menü, and sometimes Speisekarte is shortened simply to die Karte. When you are ready to order, you may inform the waitstaff:


Wir würden gerne bestellen, bitte.

We would like to order, please.

Caption 47, Melanie und Thomas - im Restaurant

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Those of you with dietary restrictions may wish to discuss some menu items: 


Kichererbsenbuletten sind das, ist auch vegetarisch, rein vegan ist das... ohne tierische Produkte.

Those are chick pea burgers, it's also vegetarian, it's purely vegan... without animal products.

Captions 26-28, Jonathan Johnson - Nahöstliches Essen in Berlin

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Then there are several ways you can express your order to the waitstaff: 


Ich hätte gerne eine Berliner Kartoffelsuppe.

would like a Berlin potato soup.

Caption 21, Abendessen - mit Marko

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Dann nehmen wir doch die Apfelküchle mit Vanilleeis.

Then we'll take the apple pies with vanilla ice cream after all.

Caption 43, Melanie und Thomas - im Restaurant

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Before you begin eating: 


Zu Beginn der Mahlzeit sagen wir „guten Appetit“.

At the beginning of the meal we say "Enjoy your meal."

Caption 19, Tisch decken - mit Eva

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And when you are ready to pay, you can simply say bezahlen, bitte or die Rechnung, bitte. If you wish to pay with a credit card, you may ask: 


Kann ich auch mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?

Can I also pay with a credit card?

Caption 7, Diane - auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt

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If you need a receipt for tax or expense account purposes, after you pay you can ask for eine Quittung, bitte. As for tipping in Germany, you may want to read this Yabla lesson!


Further Learning
There are a lot of Yabla German videos related to food. Here are a few for you to start with!

Abendessen: mit Marko

Apfelpfannkuchen: mit Alina und Sabine

Grillzeit: Grill anzünden und los geht's

Jonathan Johnson: Nahöstliches Essen in Berlin

Käsespätzle: mit Eva

Kochhaus Berlin: Rucola-Salat-Rezept

Melanie und Thomas: im Restaurant

Tisch decken: mit Eva

Weihnachtsessen: mit Eva

Using wohl

This week, we'll take a look at the word wohl and its different usages in German. 


The word wohl by itself is used to create a tone of assumption or affirmation in a sentence, meaning "indeed," "likely," "probably," or "apparently." Understanding the exact level of certainty or affirmation involved will require looking at the verb tenses and other context clues in the sentence. 


Und das wird wohl auch erst mal so bleiben.

And it will first also likely stay like that.

Caption 19, Andreas Bourani - Startet durch

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Am Ende hat es dann doch wohl gepasst.

In the end it did indeed, fit well.

Caption 65, Clueso - ist endlich erwachsen

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Relatedly, the phrase jawohl means "yes, indeed":


Ich finde, hier ist es besser. Jawohl!

I think it's better here. Indeed!


At the same time, the word wohl also refers to well-being. We often see the verb sich wohlfühlen, which means to feel "well," "happy," or "comfortable." 


Die Rote Meerbarbe ... fühlt sich seitdem in der Nordsee wohl.

The red mullet ... since then, has felt just fine in the North Sea.

Captions 22-23, Abenteuer Nordsee - Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen

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Alle fühlen sich hier wohl, ist aber nicht ganz meine Musik.

Everyone's feeling comfortable here, but it's not really my type of music.

Caption 38, Deutsche Sporthilfe - Ball des Sports

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As you may have guessed, this meaning of wohl relates to the phrase zum Wohl, which is often used in toasts. 


Wenn wir anstoßen, sagen wir „zum Wohl“ oder einfach nur „prost“.

When we clink glasses, we say "to health!" or simply just "cheers!"

Caption 18, Tisch decken - mit Eva

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Further Learning
Look for more examples with the word wohl on Yabla German and see if you can integrate it into a sentence the next time you converse or write sentences in German. What do you think the words das Wohlfühlhotel, der Wohlfühleffekt, die Wohlfühloase, der Wohlfühlort or der Wohlfühlanzug might mean?



Zu Beginn der Mahlzeit sagen wir „guten Appetit“.

At the beginning of the meal we say "Enjoy your meal."

Caption 19, Tisch decken - mit Eva

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Die Mahlzeit is the German word for "meal." This week, we'll look at the details of the verbs and nouns used to indicate different meals, and a few relevant phrases. 


You likely already know the nouns das Frühstück, das Mittagessen, and das Abendessen. Remember that frühstucken as a verb is not separable, whereas the verbs mittagessen and abendessen are. 


Jetzt frühstücken wir erst mal.

Now, we'll eat breakfast first.


Und dann essen wir zusammen Mittag.

And then we'll eat lunch together.

Caption 21, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Relativsätze mit Präpositionen

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Another important word to know is das Abendbrot, which is used quite often instead of das Abendessen, particularly when describing a light or cold supper:


Nach einer entspannten Fahrt steht das Abendessen an.

After a relaxing ride, dinner is next on the agenda.

Caption 26, Vollmondfahrt - Rhätische Bahn

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Er machte ein heißes Feuer im Ofen für den guten Fisch zum Abendbrot.

He made a hot fire in the oven for the good fish for dinner.

Caption 36, Janoschs Traumstunde - Post für den Tiger

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The phrase essen gehen is similar to ins Restaurant gehen


Wird dann auch gemeinsam gekocht oder gehen Sie essen?

Do you then also cook together or go out to eat?

Caption 39, Weihnachtsinterviews - Diane in Karlsruhe

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If you are lucky enough to hear the phrase Ich lade dich ein, be happy. It is not just an invitation to go out to eat together, it means that someone wants to pay for your meal!


Ich hab' ihr ja schon hundertmal gesagt,

I told her already a hundred times

sie soll ihn endlich mal zum Eisessen einladen.

she should just invite him to eat an ice cream.

Caption 53, Die Pfefferkörner - Eigentor

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Further Learning
Scroll down on these webpages to take a look at these thorough lists of the conjugations of the verbs frühstückenmittagessen, and abendessen from Duden.