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─ Videos: 101-115 of 159 Totaling 6 hours 24 minutes

Erkältung - Was hilft wirklich?

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Two businessmen shake hands, have a meeting, and both fall ill the next day. What did they do wrong? According to this report, they should have kissed each other on the cheek instead of shaking hands! A doctor in Berlin also tells us about the effectiveness of herbal teas... Gesundheit! (video copyright dpa)

Ein Team - Zollhunde und ihre Herrchen

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The next time you are waiting for your baggage at Frankfurt Airport and feel something sniffing the back of your leg, remember to be polite: it may be an official from the German Customs — in the form of a highly trained dog! A dog trainer from the German Customs explains what qualities they look for in their future canine employees. (video copyright dpa)

Ein Baum - Tausend Jahre Geschichte

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The "Femeiche" oak tree in North Rhine-Westphalia may well be the oldest living tree in Germany, dating from the first millenium AD. (video copyright dpa)

Bioeier - Wie funktioniert der Erzeugercode?

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


After the scandal about horse meat in European restaurants, there was a new scandal about dioxin-contaminated eggs. This video shows you how the labeling on EU-produced eggs works. Or is supposed to work, presuming the codes haven't been forged. I wish that I could wish you a guten Appetit!

Sabine Braunert - Deutsche Glühweinkönigin

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Promoting mulled wine this winter, Sabine Braunert has been named the German Mulled Wine Queen. From November 27th, she will be raising the glass of mulled wine in her new official capacity. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Tierakademie Scheuerhof - Tiertrainer im Hühner-Seminar

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The German insult "stupid hen" is apparently doing an injustice to chickens, since poultry are teaching animal trainers at the Scheuerhof Animal Academy!

Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Internationale Automobilausstellung - IAA in Frankfurt öffnet die Pforten

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


It is not known for nothing as the most important automotive exhibition in the world: the International Automobile Exhibition is underway yet again in Frankfurt and includes a record number new models from the manufacturers.

Katherine Heigl - Sie liebt deutsches Essen

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Not too long ago, American actress and film producer Katherine Heigl, best known for her work in Grey's Anatomy, visited Esslingen, the birthplace of her grandfather. Now she is back visiting Germany, where she particulary prizes the food: bratwurst, sauerkraut, and above all, spaetzle. Guten Appetit! Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Geologische Sensation - Älteste Saurierspuren in Deutschland

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Imagine discovering an old animal footprint in a rock, and then finding out it is 316 million years old! An amateur geologist in North-Rhine Wesphalia was out walking with his kids and discovered exactly that: the footprint of a pre-dinosaur, which when it lived was about the size of a pig. This sensational discovery will be exhibited soon in Bochum’s German Mining Museum. (Video copyright dpa)

Kult in Deutschland - Gartenzwerge

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Kitsch or cult? Since the major role of a garden gnome in the (ironically French) film Amélie, and the trial of artist Ottmar Hörl for his garden gnome giving a Nazi salute, gnomes have been a constant presence in the media. Protest gnomes giving the middle finger or baring their behind have led to court trials, and judging from a few of these dirty little gnomes in the video, you can see why! Viel Spaß!

Rollendes Vergnügen - Segway-Touren

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany Hessian High German

In many cities around the world there are groups of tourists running around on these strange, silent two-wheeled things that look more like pogo sticks than a means of transportation. Welcome to the Segway, a two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered electric vehicle. This video report from the Darmstadt-South-Hesse Magazine gives us a Segway driving lesson and takes us on a Segway tour of some of the beautiful tourist attractions in Darmstadt. Gute Reise!

Riesen der Meere - Ausstellung in Münster

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Do you consider yourself big-hearted? Well, the Westphalian Museum of Natural History in Münster has a working replica of a sperm whale heart that is the size of a compact car! For more about the fascinating whale exhibition at the museum, watch this news report. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Bespielbare Stadt - Griesheim

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In a refreshing change from the decades-old trend of building out suburban strip malls while the inner city decays, the city of Griesheim in Hesse has found a brilliant means of improving the streets for its residents old and young: Lots of play areas for the kids and seating areas for the adults. Winning prizes throughout Europe for urban innovation, see this video to find out how Griesheim became the most playable and sittable city in Europe!

Schulhunde - Lehrer auf vier Pfoten

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The "Sternsinger School":www.kgs-longericher-hauptstr.de/ in Cologne is "going to the dogs," and what could be better than that? See how the Border Collie Felix and the Toy Poodle Mo help kids to develop social and verbal skills. Even taking the dogs for a brief walk helps the kids to focus better on their work, a lesson in the value of taking a break now and then. Enjoy!

Schadstoffarme Straßen - Neue Gehwegplatten für reinere Luft

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


We know that cities use machines to clean the streets, but did you know that specially-designed sidewalks can clean the air we breathe? Learn about the new way that the city of Frankfurt is working to improve the environment in this fascinating report from Rhein-Main TV. Umweltverschmutzung? Nein danke!

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