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─ Videos: 16-30 of 123 Totaling 6 hours 17 minutes

Trial-Meisterschaft - in Bensheim - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany Hessian

Little kids on big motorbikes, part 2! Check out the tricky obstacle course at AC Bensheim.

Trial-Meisterschaft - in Bensheim - Part 3 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany Hessian

Litte kids on big motorbikes, part 3: The organizer of the event at the ADAC training ground in Bensheim talks about his job, and a volunteer discusses how she helps out.

Trendsport “Bouldern” - Abhängen auf vier Metern

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Climbing up a vertical — no, it is more than vertical — wall with your bare hands and no ropes may seem like madness to some, but actually, in the environment of the bouldering halls, it is relatively safe and very good for personal fitness. (video copyright dpa)

Traumberuf - Windsurfer

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Fuerteventura – currently the windsurfing Mecca of Europe. While some relax on the beach, the world's best surfers and kite-boarders battle wind and waves. Enjoy the sights and sounds of the sun and surf and interviews with pro surfers Tonky Frans and Sarah-Quita Offringa. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

TEDx - Lebenslange Fitness - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Sandra Reichmann explains her background and her particular passion for exercise.

TEDx - Lebenslange Fitness - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany South German

With help from a volunteer from the audience, Sandra begins to demonstrate how exercises can be particularly tailored to different age groups.

TEDx - Lebenslange Fitness - Part 3 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany South German

One of the most significant problems of old age is the risk of falling. However, there are exercises that can be done to strengthen the muscles that may help prevent it.

Tarzan im Rollstuhl - Waldseilpark für Menschen mit Handicap

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


A rope course in the Franconian forest has recently become wheelchair accessible. With the right trainers and equipment, they offer a specialized program that is both challenging and rewarding. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Tanzen - Auf acht Rollen

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


In the mid-1970s disco ruled and roller skates were so big they made science fiction movies about them, in fact the movie Rollerball is still a huge cult film. Well now roller skates are back in a big way. Forget inline skates: if you think it is “easier” because you have four wheels, well think again! This video gets into a roller skating class in Berlin whose teacher is trying to change put Berlin clubs on wheels! Viel Spaß! Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

SUP - Stand Up Paddling - 5 typische SUP-Anfängerfehler

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Stand-up paddling (SUP) has become very popular and seems quite easy, but there are actually a lot of mistakes that beginners tend to make—and some of them can be quite dangerous. In this video, you can learn all about the rookie mistakes you should avoid when heading out on the water.

Spiegel-TV-Magazin - Skaterin Lilly Stoephasius: Mit dem Skateboard nach Tokio View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Germany Berlinian

Berlin-based skateboarder Lilly Stoephasius is only 12 years old, but she’s already won a European skating championship in the “Park” discipline – and hopes to attend the Olympic games in Tokyo. Here, she and her dad discuss her everyday skating life and her longer-term goals.

Skikurs in fünf Minuten - So klappen die ersten Kurven auf der Piste

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Germany Bavarian

Ever dreamed of skiing in the Alps? Ski instructor Andreas Hagel talks about the class he leads for beginners.

Skifahren lernen - Erste Vorübungen im flachen Gelände View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Skiing is very popular in German-speaking countries. With this video, you can learn basic skiing exercises and how to talk about equipment and technique in German.

Skifahren lernen - Schneepflug zum Bremsen und Pflugbogen View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Here are some tips on how to gracefully go around curves and also how to brake when skiing.

Skateboard - Deutschlands beste Skaterin

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany Berlinian High German

When Lilly Stoephasius rips through Berlin's skate halls, others stare in awe: The 12 year old is the best female skater in Germany.

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