Yabla German
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Deutsch mit Eylin
Beginner - 122
Intermediate - 13
Advanced - 0
57 minutes
13 Videos
Deutschkurs in Tübingen
Beginner - 36
Intermediate - 20
Advanced - 0
1 hour 30 minutes
20 Videos
Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren
Beginner - 5
Intermediate - 22
Advanced - 0
1 hour 27 minutes
19 Videos
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 10
Advanced - 2
46 minutes
10 Videos
Beginner - 1
Intermediate - 9
Advanced - 0
40 minutes
9 Videos
Beginner - 3
Intermediate - 9
Advanced - 0
19 minutes
9 Videos
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 9
Advanced - 4
20 minutes
8 Videos
Beginner - 3
Intermediate - 4
Advanced - 1
10 minutes
4 Videos
Beginner - 8
Intermediate - 1
Advanced - 0
4 minutes
1 Videos
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 11
Advanced - 9
33 minutes
11 Videos
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 5
Advanced - 5
22 minutes
5 Videos
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 8
Advanced - 5
21 minutes
8 Videos
Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte
Beginner - 24
Intermediate - 9
Advanced - 0
38 minutes
9 Videos
Die letzten Paradiese
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 18
Advanced - 15
1 hour 19 minutes
18 Videos
Abenteuer Nordsee
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 9
Advanced - 1
40 minutes
9 Videos
Für Tierfreunde
Beginner - 2
Intermediate - 6
Advanced - 3
20 minutes
6 Videos
Unterwegs mit Cettina
Beginner - 2
Intermediate - 1
Advanced - 6
5 minutes
1 Videos
Jenny zeigt uns
Beginner - 4
Intermediate - 1
Advanced - 0
3 minutes
1 Videos
Rheinmain im Blick
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 22
Advanced - 7
57 minutes
22 Videos
Rheinmain Szene
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 13
Advanced - 6
46 minutes
13 Videos
Die Wohngemeinschaft
Beginner - 2
Intermediate - 6
Advanced - 1
19 minutes
6 Videos
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Beginner - 15
Intermediate - 3
Advanced - 0
13 minutes
3 Videos
Angela Merkel
Beginner - 2
Intermediate - 4
Advanced - 2
10 minutes
4 Videos
Deutsche Bands
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 11
Advanced - 1
35 minutes
11 Videos
Culcha Candela
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 8
Advanced - 1
24 minutes
8 Videos
Die Insel Fehmarn
Beginner - 2
Intermediate - 6
Advanced - 3
18 minutes
6 Videos
Cassandra Steen
Beginner - 0
Intermediate - 6
Advanced - 1
17 minutes
6 Videos
Pages: 7 of 52 
─ Videos: 100-114 of 773 Totaling 39 hours 55 minutes

Wahl-ABC - Erststimme, Zweitstimme, Fünf-Prozent-Hürde View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


A primary vote, a secondary, vote, and the five-percent hurdle: The German election is much more than two Xs on a ballot. In this video on the ABCs of Bundestag elections, you’ll learn all about these terms and the election process overall. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Yabla-Anleitung - Andere Lehrer und Schüler hinzufügen View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

How do you, as a teacher, add other teachers and students to your Yabla account? This video tutorial makes it easy!

500 000 Legosteine - Lübecker Museum zeigt Hansegeschichte

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

At European Hansemuseum in Lübeck, a special exhibition — built entirely out of Lego bricks! — depicts the history of the Hanseatic League. “Hanseatic League: Brick-Rich” will also be traveling to Emden, Braunschweig, and the Netherlands.

Die Corona-Krise - Zusammen bewegen gegen Corona View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

In this German PSA, Javelin throw world champions Johannes Vetter and Christina Obergföll recall the Corona winter of 2020. They longed to be training outdoors while the government was ordering everyone to stay home. After some lazy months of lockdown, they eventually found a way to keep fit.

Werbung - Lande nicht im Knast View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

This absurdist commercial for Lidl Connect gives you plenty of opportunities to practice the German conditional with the structure “Wenn…, dann…!”

Die letzten Paradiese - Schätze der Natur: Südtirol - Part 10 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

The Almabtrieb is complete – and now it’s time to celebrate! The alpine season comes to an end, and with it this series about the natural paradise of South Tyrol, which bids us farewell with a breathtaking sunset.

Rhein-Main-TV - Tipps zur Läusebekämpfung View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

Since they are often in close contact at school, young children in particular are susceptible to catching head lice. Luckily, parasitologist Heinz Mehlhorn knows how to get rid of the annoying (though ultimately harmless) little bloodsucking parasites.

Die letzten Paradiese - Schätze der Natur: Südtirol - Part 9 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

Late autumn is a busy time in the mountains — and a time of change. The grazing cattle must be driven back to the valley. But if there is a violent and unexpected onset of winter, it can be life-threatening for humans and animals alike...

Für Tierfreunde - Wohin mit Tieren wenn Besitzer sterben View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

Pets often provide great comfort to aging humans. But what happens to these faithful companions when their owners suddenly pass away? Dogs, cats, and other furry animals have good chances of being rehomed; the story is different for the snakes and lizards at the reptile sanctuary in Munich. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Slackline - Profi-Slackliner Lukas Irmler

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany Bavarian High German

Professional slackliner Lukas Irmler has performed incredible feats all over the world. Last summer, the extreme athlete stretched his synthetic fiber rope in the South Tyrolean Dolomites, encountering a greater challenge than expected.

Die letzten Paradiese - Schätze der Natur: Südtirol - Part 8 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

Tourists love romantic mountain worlds, such as those that can be found at Rieserferner-Ahrn Nature Park — but for the alpine dairymen who cultivate the pastures, life in the mountains is hard work.

Die letzten Paradiese - Schätze der Natur: Südtirol - Part 7 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

The Dolomites are a magnificent mountain range in northeastern Italy. They hold a wealth of treasures: the remains of 120,000-year-old cave bears, cairns initiated by shepherds from the Bronze Age, and local lore featuring marmots.

Die letzten Paradiese - Schätze der Natur: Südtirol - Part 6 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

In this segment, we visit the Völser Weiher lake, a popular retreat for humans and animals alike. Daredevil types are more attracted to the high mountains, where tens of thousands of them climb among the abundant flora and fauna.

Die letzten Paradiese - Schätze der Natur: Südtirol - Part 5 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

The Ladins live in traditional settlements in South Tyrol. While their unique religious customs are still practiced throughout the region, mass tourism and intensive agriculture have changed the surrounding landscape.

Die letzten Paradiese - Schätze der Natur: Südtirol - Part 4 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German

From the Texel Group to the Scandinavia-like areas with the magnificent Spronser Lakes, we continue to the Riesenferner-Ahrn Nature Park. Here, too, ice and snow have helped shape the landscape, sometimes creating mysterious sculptures.

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