To draw attention to the difficult situation facing artists during the corona pandemic, the three musicians of the Crackerjacks gave a special concert above the town of Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony — in a hot-air balloon, at an altitude of roughly three hundred meters! Giant loudspeakers were hung from the basket, filling the skies with the acoustic cover band’s uplifting music. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]
Germany High German
It sounds like science fiction: Researchers at the University of Augsburg are developing an app that can recognize a coronavirus infection whenever a potential carrier speaks into the phone. So far, the app has a hit rate of over 80 percent. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]
Germany Bavarian
Brilliant — or tacky? A confectionery shop in Lower Franconia is tapping into the spirit of the times by offering a chocolate Saint Nicholas wearing a face mask. Proprietor Herbert Häcker has received orders from all over Germany for the novelty candy, and even had to bring on another employee to keep up with the demand. But on social media, not everyone is amused… Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]
Germany High German
The battle against coronavirus continues: Adults are now being vaccinated quickly in Germany, but vaccines are still being approved for teenagers and children. What are some of the key differences between adults and young people when it comes to corona and vaccines, and how are they being addressed?
copyright: dpa
Germany South German
This small school in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg is quite unique in terms of the independence it grants its students... take a look!
Germany South German
Tina interviews Sven Siegrist, a professional photographer. Sven and his wife mainly do wedding photography, covering the preparations, the ceremony itself, a photo shoot with the couple, and the festivities.
Germany High German
The animated series Little Nick is based on a children's book written by René Goscinny, the author of the Asterix comics. In the first part, Nick and his friends are in the schoolyard and find themselves in one of those situations most of us will know all too well.
Germany High German
The next day at recess, the boys share their ideas for the teacher's gift: From a fur coat to a pony, they come up with all sorts of things! Everyone puts in as much money as they can, and then it's off to shop.
Germany High German
The boys fight over who gets to hand over the figurines to the teacher. One of the figurines ends up broken, but the other survives thanks to Chlodwig's athleticism and bravery. In the end, however, everything turns out differently than planned!
Germany High German
Nick was looking forward to enjoying his day off school, but it turns out his mother has other plans for him.
Germany High German
A long afternoon lies ahead for Nick and Adalbert, and they really don't have much in common. Will they find something fun to do? Adalbert already has an idea, which at first seems rather daunting...
Germany High German
Adalbert's mother thought it was a good idea to give the children a chemistry set – that is, something educational — to play with. But her plan backfires when Nick and Adalbert end up causing quite a bit of trouble!
Learn the extremities of the upper body in German with Loredana.
Germany High German
We are constantly exposed to substances that are harmful to our bodies, such as toxins in food, alcohol, exhaust fumes, and cosmetics. On top of that, there are medicines and other chemicals. How does the body deal with these?
Germany High German
Vogtsbauernhof Black Forest Open Air Museum in Gutach provides an opportunity to experience how people through the ages lived and worked in the Black Forest. With six fully furnished farmsteads, a day laborer's house and numerous outbuildings, the museum invites you on a journey through the rich cultural history of the region.
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