Difficulty: Beginner
Germany North German
The black mustache, it’s quirky; the bangs & blond wig are quirky too, like their humor & their electro-punk vibe. Caracho heizt die Tanzfläche auf [heats up the dance floor]! Take a listen to "Ich bin weg!" [I’m out o’ here!]. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören!
Difficulty: Beginner
Saint Christopher – the patron saint of travelers – is on a mission advocating more respect on our busy streets. In this episode he has an gentle admonition for cyclists.
Difficulty: Beginner
Diane and Franca introduce the verb German "mögen" [to like] in a full range of tenses, the passive voice and the conditional. Viel Spaß beim Deutschlernen!
Difficulty: Beginner
Jan Wittmer is a singer/songwriter from Karlsruhe with a soulful voice and authentic German lyrics. His songs touch upon life and love, as well as, the invasion of privacy in the work place and energy conservation. Here he performs "Ich laufe" ["I'm Running"] by Tim Bendzko. "Viel Spaß beim Zuhören!"
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany South German
Alex is planning a trip from Switzerland to the well-known tourist destination "Europa-Park": www.europapark.com. Located in Baden close to the French border, it is Germany's largest amusement park. Listen in on his conversation with his travel agent and learn several useful German expressions. Enjoy!
Difficulty: Beginner
In this episode, our futuristic time traveler, Donna, learns that her time machine has inadvertently been put out with the trash. Now she's in a fix! How is she ever going to get back home? Enjoy!
Difficulty: Beginner
In this video Diane and Franca show us how the verb "can" ("to be able to") is used with different personal pronouns. By following their dialogue, you also will be able to understand how to use this important German verb in a whole range of tenses.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this third and final video clip on the conjunction “dass” [‘that’], the German instructor gives her students guidance with numerous examples.
Difficulty: Beginner
The verb "become" is presented in different tenses.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this second video clip on the conjunction "dass" ["that"], the German instructor once again offers helpful guidance as her students continue practicing and drilling. Remember: "Übung macht den Meister!"
Difficulty: Beginner
Since the death of her mother, this fawn is living under the roof of a hunting family. For eight months Anita Ackermann has raised this young fawn named Mia with the help of her family and dogs.
Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]
Difficulty: Beginner
In this Yabla Video you get a lot of information about being ill. Eva describes different kinds of illnesses and their possible treatment.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this video the verb "say" is conjugated in five different tenses.
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany South German
In this episode Donna, a time traveler from the future, lands on Jenny's lap to discuss cash versus credit card payment options.
Difficulty: Beginner
"Atemlos" (Breathless) from the band Luxuslärm reveals linguistic as well as musical power regarding the profound context.
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