Difficulty: Intermediate
2raumwohnung is a German pop band founded in 2000 in Berlin. This is the official video for their song “36 Grad” [36 Degrees]. Enjoy listening!
Difficulty: Intermediate
With their song “Warum sind wir so laut?” [Why Are We So Loud?], German band Montag contemplates on the noise people produce.
Difficulty: Intermediate
With their song “Good Appetite” [Bon Appetit], German rappers Rapucation ask everyone to think about their consumer behavior and its consequences, as well as considering the interests of the children. The song was written on behalf of the German Council for Sustainable Development.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Join goldfish Friedolin on his journey to the ocean. Sung by German artist Pänke.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Listen to Culcha Candela’s summer song “Solar Energy” and don’t despair: There will be another summer.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany Hessian
Rheinmain Szene reporter Thomas Raudnitzky met “Mr. Blue” and “Mr. Red” from Laserkraft 3D in a club in Heidelberg. You are listening to the club hit “Nein, Mann” [No, Man] – with a small a cappella sample as an added bonus.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The official video for the song “Haus am See” [House on the Lake] from the German reggae and hip hop artist Peter Fox.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Luxuslärm can rock the crowd live too, here with their song “Signs” [“Zeichen”].
Difficulty: Intermediate
Cassandra Steen and Adel Tawil are well established in the German music scene and stand for deep lyrics. The Song “Stadt” [City] is a joined project between both musicians.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Sportfreunde Stiller thrill Munich with an unplugged version of their song “Ein Kompliment” [A Compliment].
Difficulty: Intermediate
The Berlin musician Frank Zander is known for his raspy voice and his black humor. Better watch out because: “Hier kommt Kurt” [Here Comes Kurt].
Difficulty: Intermediate
This is the official video for the song “Sommer im Kiez” [Summer in the Hood] by the Hip Hop and Reggae band Culcha Candela from Berlin.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The song “Lass mich nie mehr los” [Don’t Ever Let Me Go Again] by the German indie rock band Sportfreunde Stiller.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Young singer-songwriter Eva Croissant plays the melancholy song “Schäm dich was” (“Shame on You”).
Difficulty: Intermediate
After Lena Meyer-Landrut’s Grand Prix victory with “Satellite”, Uwu Lena changed this song ever so slightly. The result is the World Cup song ”(Ger)many oh (Ger)many.”
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