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Pages: 109 of 219 
─ Videos: 1627-1641 of 3285 Totaling 187 hours 22 minutes

Michelle - Paris View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Take a look and listen to this charming, romantic song called "Paris" from the German singer Michelle.

Stardesigner Harald Glööckler - Jetzt auch noch "Bling-Bling"-Motorräder

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany High German South German

There's very little that star designer Harald Glööckler hasn't designed. After fashion, pralines, rugs, houses, and dog accessories, now there is a Harley Davidson motorcycle covered in bling. (video copyright dpa)

Helene Fischer - Bandritual View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Schlager star Helene Fisher has a little ritual that she performs before going on stage with her band. Watch this video to find out some of the performance secrets of this incredible singer! (video copyright dpa)

Märchen - Sagenhaft - Der kleine Däumling View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


See the tale of the Little Thumbling (sometimes called "Tom Thumb"), who wants to see the world, but discovers he doesn't like all that he finds. Based on the fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault.

Reposito-Wissensquiz - Wie lange hat ein Kunde Anspruch auf Gewährleistung?

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


How long is the warranty on consumer goods according to EU law? Fourteen days, six months or two years? What would you guess? Watch this video from software company Reposito to find out how many people get the answer wrong!

Flipperautomaten - Kunstwerke für flinke Kugeln

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


They seem already to have fallen out of time, but even if computer and video games have taken the place of pinball machines in many places, they still have many fans. Take a visit to the Pinball Museum in Neuwied! (video copyright dpa)

Thomas D - Ärgernisse View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Thomas D talks about some of his pet peeves, which include being addressed with the formal Sie and so-called vegetarians who eat fish. Guten Appetit!

Märchen - Sagenhaft - Das Trojanische Pferd View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The xenophobic sayings "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" as well as "Never look a gift horse in the mouth" have their origins in the Homeric tale of the Trojan Horse and the fall of the city of Troy. This story should read well in German, as the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the true location of ancient Troy!

Kreuzfahrtschiff - An Bord der Europa 2

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


If you would like the casual luxury of dining at a designer sushi restaurant while at sea, the Hapag-Lloyd luxury cruise ship Europa 2 is for you! You can leave your tuxedo or evening dress at home, but at 450 euros per day minimum, don't forget your wallet! (video copyright dpa)

Monsters of Liedermaching - Atomfreies Kraftwerk View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The German band Monsters of Liedermaching sing the song "Nuclear-free Power Plant" — a serious topic performed with perfect charm!

Stefan Raab - Wir kommen, um ihn zu holen

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The many talented German TV personality and musician Stefan Raab performs a World Cup fight song. In Germany this is a genre of music all its own. Here he and his band fire it up with "Wir kommen, um ihn zu holen" ["We're Coming to Get it"]. Learn a few new colorful idioms relating to the subject of... what else? - winning, of course! Viel Spaß beim Mitfiebern!

Märchen - Sagenhaft - Der Zauberlehrling View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Bastian Pastewka narrates the tale of the magician's apprentice, based on a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. See for yourself if there is a lesson to be learned in this classic story!

Rheinmain im Blick - In Gedenken an Anne Frank View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


What questions would you have for Holocaust victim Anne Frank if you could interview her today? What kind of artwork would you make to memorialize her life? These are the kinds of questions that pupils are asking at the Anne Frank Educational Institute in Frankfurt, and inside its roving exhibit on nationwide tour.

Mister Santos - Das dicke, dicke Ding

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


German pop singer Mister Santos performs his World Cup anthem "Das dicke, dicke Ding" [The Big Fat Thing"]. He's firing up the German fan faithful and, above all, die Jungs themselves — their own national team in Brazil. In some places of the world, winning the ultimate prize is described as "bringing home the bacon or the bling," in Germany they "must have stars" and "go get big fat things."Viel Spaß beim Mitfiebern!

Helge Schneider - Käsebrot View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Helge strikes again, this time with his mad jazz piano playing and an ode to that culinary magnificence that is the cheese sandwich!

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