Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
After a performance in Karlsruhe, the Monsters of Liedermaching (“Songmaking”) bid farewell to their audience – but the fans don’t want to let them leave the stage!
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
In this video, you’ll learn how to conjugate the modal verb "sollen" (“should”) in different tenses and modes.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
With the Yabla grade book, teachers can keep track of students' progress. In this video, Sabine explains the comprehensive functions of this feature.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
Many cities have a litter problem – food waste, cigarette butts, and bottles scattered around the parks and pathways. But humans are not always the culprits!
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
And now Eylin introduces the other German "R": namely, the one produced in the throat. Here, she presents some tips for mastering this tricky sound. Enjoy!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
Humans and animals often form their own special kinds of bonds. Here, you’ll learn about people who developed friendships with a crow, a shark, a goose, and more!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
As a teacher, how do you create assignments for your students in Yabla? The extensive options are explained step-by-step in this video.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
Sascha is doing well in his new role as a celebrity chef – until the kids in the choir discover there’s nothing in the gift boxes they were given and begin to make a racket.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
In “Kamikaze,” rock band Die Toten Hosen sing about a relationship that’s so intense, it may self-destruct.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Germany High German
Today’s Tagesschau looks at Germany’s recent harvest, which was once again poor, and what kinds of coronavirus safety measures the government is considering implementing on trains and domestic flights.
Difficulty: Intermediate
A primary vote, a secondary, vote, and the five-percent hurdle: The German election is much more than two Xs on a ballot. In this video on the ABCs of Bundestag elections, you’ll learn all about these terms and the election process overall. Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
Round out your knowledge of Germany’s federal states (Bundesländer) with this video on Lower Saxony. Find out where it is, how it got its name, and what kinds of natural wonders can be found there.
Difficulty: Beginner
Germany High German
The letter "R" is pronounced differently in German than it is in English and other languages, and also depending on where it appears in a German word. In the first part of the series, Eylin shows us how this works and gives plenty of examples.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
How do you, as a teacher, add other teachers and students to your Yabla account? This video tutorial makes it easy!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Germany High German
Sascha Hehn gets some cooking lessons — and the new episode taping seems to be going well!
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