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Pages: 173 of 219 
─ Videos: 2590-2604 of 3279 Totaling 187 hours 4 minutes

Ivana erzählt Witze - Fritzle und die Oma

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany South German

"Ornery Fritzle" appears in many typical German jokes. Today Ivana's going to tell you the one where he goes shopping with his grandma. Viel Spaß!

Papst Benedikt - Suche nach einem neuen Kirchoberhaupt View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Following the sudden resignation of Benedict XVI, the search for a new pope is dominating the conversation in the corridors of the Vatican. Precisely how a new pope is selected is explained in this informative video.
"Copyright DPA"

Märchenstunde - Die Sterntaler View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany South German

The Star Thalers, one of the Grimm brothers' fairytales, tells the story of an orphan girl, who, despite her abject poverty, one by one, unselfishly gives away her very last possessions. Viel Spaß!

Deutschkurs in Tübingen - Was braucht der Mensch? - Wiederholung View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Once more the topic being considered is: "What do human beings need?" But now Barbara's students have to to give their responses without using their textbooks. This is a great clip for reviewing adjective endings! Viel Spaß!

Sabine erzählt Witze - Die Pinguine View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Germany South German

Today Sabine's got a cute animal joke to tell you. It's the one about the penguin who gets pulled over by the police. Viel Spaß!

Michelle - Große Liebe View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


When pop singer Michelle represented Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest 2001, she became well known across genres. Enjoy her romantic and self-assertive song “Große Liebe” [Great Love]!

Hamburger Hafenrundfahrt - Schrill unterwegs mit Olivia Jones

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Viewer Discretion Advised

One of the most colorful personalities along Hamburg's "sinful mile," red-light district diva Olivia Jones proudly shows us "her" beloved city! Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Papst Benedikt - Erster Rücktritt eines Papstes in der Neuzeit View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


At his last public appearance, pope Benedict XVI was received and celebrated by around 150,000 faithful at St. Peter's Square in Rome.
Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Yello-Biographie - Ein Leben für die Avantgarde

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Dieter Meier and Boris Blank have achieved world fame with their band Yello. Today the sound wizards from Switzerland belong to the classics in electro-pop. It is high time we review their successful career. «dpa video» met with Dieter Meier.
Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Filmwettbewerb "filmreif" - Mama mach die Augen auf - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In a film competition for youth in 2011, the winning movie Mom, Open Your Eyes poses a serious question: "What if the new boyfriend is touching the daughter inappropriately and the mother doesn't want to hear about it?"

Für Tierfreunde - Falknerei Feldberg View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Germany Hessian

Are you an animal lover? Do you enjoy being outside, breathing fresh air and, in particular, seeing magnificent birds of prey… like falcons, owls and buzzards? If so, then you’re bound to enjoy this clip von der Falknerei Feldberg!

Scorpions - Abschied vom Abschied

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


It’s a farewell to farewells! The legendary heavy metal rock band The Scorpions have decided on a softer version of retirement. They’re slowing down in an age-appropriate manner, but not retiring completely, because nothing is sweeter than success!

Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

Matthias Reim - Verdammt, ich lieb dich

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Experience the German crooner Matthias Reim in concert as he performs his hit record from 1990, the love song Verdammt, ich lieb dich [Damn it, I love you]!

Rheinmain im Blick - Kick für Kids View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


At the Frankfurt benefit event Kick for Kids, celebrities of all types played soccer against Formula One racing drivers. The proceeds will benefit children in need. A video by RheinMain TV.

Felix Baumgartner - Überschallsprung

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


No human being has ever raced towards the Earth in free fall so fast and from so high up! The Austrian extreme sportsman Felix Baumgartner is being celebrated worldwide after his supersonic jump.
Copyright: Deutsche Presse Agentur [The German Press Agency]

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